@@ -52,25 +99,6 @@
@@ -92,19 +120,3 @@
diff --git a/viewmodel-demo.js b/viewmodel-demo.js
index f5a0389..134ca9e 100644
--- a/viewmodel-demo.js
+++ b/viewmodel-demo.js
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ JSON.flatten = function(data) {
return result;
function createTemplateObjFromSchema(schema, pick){
var ss;
@@ -79,17 +78,13 @@ var hero = new SimpleSchema({
var billboard = new SimpleSchema({
title: { type: String, label:"Title"},
background: { type: String, label:"Background"},
- items: {type:[Object],label:"Items Group"},
- 'items.$.name': {type:String,label:"Item name"},
- 'items.$.number': {type:Number,label:"Items number"},
- items2: {type:[String],label:"Items Group"},
- 'items2.$': {type:String,label:"Item String"},
TestSchema = new SimpleSchema({
title: {type: String, label:"Title", defaultValue:"defaulting"},
+ url:{type: String, label:"url", defaultValue:"undefined"},
body: {type: String, label:"Body", defaultValue:"defaulting"},
- 'test.test2': {type: String, label:"test2", defaultValue:"defaulting"},
+ active: {type: Boolean, label:"Active"},
layout: {type:[Object],label:"layout"},
'layout.$.item':{type:String, label: "Comp Name",defaultValue:"hello", allowedValues: ["hero","billboard"]},
'layout.$.hero':{type:hero, label: "Hero"},
@@ -102,42 +97,30 @@ if (Meteor.isClient) {
console.log("log: ", argument);
- // localColl = new Mongo.Collection(null);
- // localColl.insert({item:"hero", hero:{title:"hello moon", alignment: "left"}});
- // localColl.insert({item:"billboard", billboard:{title:"What's your favorite bar?", background:"Twix"}});
- // localColl.insert({item:"hero", hero:{title:"hello sun", alignment: "top"}});
Pages = new Mongo.Collection(null);
- _id:"khds89g8",
title: "hello james",
body: "body text here",
test2: "yo yo"
- layout:[
- {_id:"gfds8089", item:"hero", hero:{title:"hello moon", alignment: "left"}},
- {_id:"jhds8908", item:"billboard", billboard:{title:"What's your favorite bar?", background:"Twix"}},
- {_id:"h8g9f090", item:"hero", hero:{title:"hello sun", alignment: "top"}}
- ]
+ // layout:[
+ // {_id:"gfds8089", item:"hero", hero:{title:"hello moon", alignment: "left"}},
+ // {_id:"jhds8908", item:"billboard", billboard:{title:"What's your favorite bar?", background:"Twix"}},
+ // {_id:"h8g9f090", item:"hero", hero:{title:"hello sun", alignment: "top"}}
+ // ]
- var pagesShare;
- pagesShare = JSON.flatten(Pages.findOne({}));
- pagesShare.staticFormData = Pages.findOne({});
- pagesShare.collection = Pages;
- pagesShare.schema = TestSchema;
- pages: pagesShare,
+ pages: {
+ formData: Pages.findOne({}),
+ collection: Pages,
+ schema: TestSchema
+ },
- val(field){
- console.log(field, this);
- return this[field]();
- },
- ssLabel: function(){
- var field = this.templateInstance.data.field;
- return field, this.schema()._schema[field].label;
+ ssLabel: function(field){
+ return this.schema()._schema[field].label;
ssDefaultValue: function(liveValue){
@@ -146,83 +129,68 @@ if (Meteor.isClient) {
var field = this.templateInstance.data.field;
return this.schema()._schema[field].defaultValue || "";
- },
- updateStaticFormData(data){
- var self = this;
- clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = setTimeout(function () {
- console.log(self);
- // self.load(self.staticFormData(JSON.unflatten(data)) );
- }, 400);
- var timer;
- Template.demoVM.viewmodel({
- tester(val, val2){
- console.log(val,val2);
- // var d = Pages.findOne({});
- // Pages.update({_id:"khds89g8"}, d);
- // var flat = {};
- // flat[val] = "hello world";
- //
- // var d = this.staticFormData.value;
- // d.layout.push({test:"hello"});
- // this.staticFormData(d);
- // console.log(this.staticFormData.value);
- //
- // this.staticFormData(Pages.findOne());
- // console.log(Pages.findOne({}));
- // var test = _.extendOwn(d,newData);
- // console.log(this.staticFormData());
- },
+ Template.myForm.viewmodel({
onCreated: function() {
- this.load({share:['pages', 'utils']});
+ this.load({share:[this.templateInstance.data.shared, 'utils']});
+ var localColl = new Mongo.Collection(null);
+ var data = this.collection().findOne();
+ localColl.insert(data);
+ this.collection(localColl);
+ this.formData(data);
- console.log(this.data().staticFormData);
+ console.log(this.data().formData);
+ }
+ });
+ Template.dynamicCompsForm.viewmodel({
+ onCreated: function() {
+ this.load({share:[this.templateInstance.data.shared, 'utils']});
- layout(){
- return Pages.findOne().layout;
- },
- add(){
- Pages.update({_id:"khds89g8"}, this.staticFormData.value); // update current values
- Pages.update({_id:"khds89g8"},{$push:{layout:{item:"hero"}}});
- this.staticFormData(Pages.findOne());
- console.log(this.staticFormData.value);
+ add(comp, schemaName){
+ // var objTml = createTemplateObjFromSchema(this.schema(), 'layout.$.hero').layout[0][comp];
+ this.collection().update({_id: this.formData()._id},this.formData.value); // update current values
+ this.collection().update({_id: this.formData()._id},{$push:{layout:{_id: Math.random(),item:comp,[comp]:{}}}});
+ this.formData(this.collection().findOne());
+ console.log(this.formData.value);
- delete(id){
- Pages.update({_id:"khds89g8"},this.staticFormData.value); // update current values
- Pages.update({_id:"khds89g8"},{$push:{layout:{test:"test"}}});
- var test = Pages.findOne();
- this.staticFormData(test);
- console.log(this.staticFormData.value);
+ delete(val){
+ this.collection().update({_id: this.formData()._id},this.formData.value); // update current values
+ this.collection().update({_id: this.formData()._id}, {$pull: {
+ 'layout': {'_id': val}
+ }});
+ this.formData(this.collection().findOne());
+ console.log(this.formData.value);
+ Template.hero.viewmodel({
+ onCreated() {
+ this.load({share:['pages', 'utils']});
+ },
+ });
+ Template.billboard.viewmodel({
+ onCreated() {
+ this.load({share:['pages', 'utils']});
+ },
+ });
- Template.basicForm.viewmodel({
+ Template.textInput.viewmodel({
onCreated: function() {
this.load({share:[this.templateInstance.data.shared, 'utils']});
- },
- submit(){
- console.log(this.data(),this.formData().findOne({}));
- event.preventDefault();
- Template.textInput.viewmodel({
+ Template.checkInput.viewmodel({
onCreated: function() {
this.load({share:[this.templateInstance.data.shared, 'utils']});
- },
- // onRendered(){
- // console.log(this);
- // }
+ }
@@ -231,6 +199,17 @@ if (Meteor.isClient) {
+ Template.basicForm.viewmodel({
+ onCreated: function() {
+ this.load({share:[this.templateInstance.data.shared, 'utils']});
+ },
+ submit(){
+ console.log(this.data(),this.formData().findOne({}));
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
//TODO on create of this template create a localCollection and add only the needed field into it
// this.formData().find({},{fields:{layout:1}})