The objective of this assignment is to use low-level primitive parallelism constructs, first on a shared memory architecture then on a distributed memory architecture, and analyse how parallel problems scale on such an architectures using C, pthreads and MPI on Balena, a mid-sized cluster with 2720 cpu cores.
The background is a method called relaxation technique, a solution to differential equations, which is achieved by having a square array of values and repeatedly replacing a value with the average of its four neighbours, excepting boundaries values which remain fixed. This process is repeated until all values settle down to within a given precision.
- Compile using the makefile:
, orgcc main.c array_helpers.c print_helpers.c -o shared_relaxation -pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion
- Run:
./shared_relaxation <number_of_threads>
- Compile using the makefile:
or:mpicc -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion main.c -o distributed_relaxation -lm
- Run:
mpirun -np <num_processes> ./distributed_relaxation -d <dimension> -p <precision> -debug <debug mode>
- -np corresponds to the number of processes;
- -d corresponds to the dimensions of the square array;
- -p corresponds to the precision of the relaxation;
- -debug corresponds to the debug mode (0: only essential information, 1: row allocation logs, 2: process IDs logs, 3: initial and nal arrays, 4: iteration debugging data).
- SSH into Balena:
ssh [user_name]
into the project directory and submit the SLURM job scriptjob.slurm
to the queue:sbatch jobscript.slurm
- Monitor the job in the queue:
squeue -u [user_name]
- View the results in the
file using thecat *.out
./submit_multiple_batch 1
cat *.out
- Use following regex to retrieve time by using this regex
and pasting the output in regex101
from BUCS to Balena:
cp $BUCSHOME/dos/year\ 4/Relaxation-Technique-Parallel-Computing/src/<file> /home/o/aj645/scratch/cw2-distributed-architecture/
from Balena to BUCS:
cp /home/o/aj645/scratch/cw2-distributed-architecture/<file> $BUCSHOME/dos/year\ 4/Relaxation-Technique-Parallel-Computing
- You can read the shared architecture implementation using pthreads report here.
- You can read the distributed architecture implementation using MPI report here.
- see LICENSE file.
- email: [email protected]
- website:
- twitter: @Adamouization