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588 lines (452 loc) · 28.4 KB

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588 lines (452 loc) · 28.4 KB



 Current v1.1.2   Install on Chrome · Opera · Edge · Brave · Firefox · Safari   Discuss on Smogon

Showdex is a browser extension for Pokémon Showdown that brings the Damage Calculator you know & love right into your battle! Automatically syncs all Pokémon & field conditions as you play, so you can spend less time shitting brix & more time hitting kicks.

Fully supported on Chrome (+ any native Chromium browser, like Opera, Edge & Brave) & Firefox.

  ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ  Safari  ...?

Unfortunately, we don't ever plan on officially supporting Safari since Apple requires us to shell out $100/year for the Apple Developer Program just to distribute a singular free extension on the App Store.

Thanks Tim!

Not all hope is lost, fortunately! Enhanced Tooltips for Showdown (Source on GitHub), currently available on the App Store, bundles Showdex along with the Enhanced Tooltips & Randbats Tooltip extensions. Note that the bundled Showdex is not officially supported, so questions regarding Showdex running on Safari should be directed towards the maintainer of the aforementioned App Store app, Christian Brüggemann (Smogon · GitHub).

Would you like to know more?


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Developer Zone

You are about to get in the zone, the developer zone.
If you do not wish to get in the zone, the developer zone, please visit the Smogon Forums post instead.

Developer SparkNotes™

This section is a work-in-progress.

This extension is written in TypeScript, which is essentially JavaScript on crack, using:

 How It's Made™ 

More information coming soon!



  • node v18.0.0+
  • yarn (Classic) v1.22.0+
  • bash (Windows WSL, macOS, or Linux)

①  Setup

If your browser is already configured for extension development, you can skip this part.

You'll need to apply some slight tweaks to your browser in order to directly install extensions from your local disk.

 Google Chrome
  1. Navigate to the Chrome extensions page (chrome://extensions).
  2. Enable Developer mode in the top-right corner.
  3. Verify that the Load unpacked option is available.
 Mozilla Firefox
  1. Navigate to the Advanced Preferences page (about:config).
  2. Search for the preference xpinstall.signatures.required.
  3. Set the preference's value to false (typically true by default).
  4. Navigate to the Debugging page (about:debugging).
  5. Select This Firefox on the left-hand panel.
  6. Verify that the Temporary Extensions section and the Load Temporary Add-on... option are available.
 Mozilla Firefox for Android

More information coming soon!
Though instructions aren't currently provided, this project supports developing on Firefox for Android Nightly.

For now, see these instructions from Mozilla for setting up your Android device and Firefox for Android Nightly installation for extension development.

②  Installation

These instructions are for building the extension from source.

  1. cd into your favorite directory.
  2. git clone [email protected]:doshidak/showdex.git
  3. cd showdex
  4. yarn
 Post-Installation Scripts 

Each time you run yarn (including yarn add & yarn remove), the postinstall script will automatically run afterwards, which itself runs the following:

This project is configured for ES Modules (as opposed to ye olde CommonJS), while also making use of cz-customizable, which requires cz-customizable-ghooks, which requires ghooks.

Node v18 doesn't allow you to run extensionless files (such as .git/hooks/commit-msg), which ghooks poops out, so patch-ghooks adds .js at the end of each pooped out file (e.g., .git/hooks/commit-msg.js).

Otherwise, Node will complain about running an extensionless file and critically fail when you attempt to make a git commit.

  • yarn patch-package

This runs patch-package, which reads from the patches directory and applies the diff to the corresponding package in your node_modules.

Patch for @smogon/calc incorporates all the changes up to the 77334fa commit, which adds support for Gen 9 & implements some Gen 9-specific mechanics, such as Supreme Overlord. These changes are unpublished on npm as Gen 9 support in @smogon/calc is considered experimental (at the time of writing on 2023/01/06). Not all Gen 9 mechanics are supported however, such as Rage Fist, Glaive Rush & Electromorphosis, so the Calcdex will handle these mechanics until native support for them are added. Additionally, the patch adds support for independently toggling the Protosynthesis & Quark Drive abilities without the need for the Booster Energy item or updating field conditions, which can affect damage calculations (e.g., Knock Off, Acrobatics, Fire/Water-type moves from the Sun).

Patch for react-select wraps the scrollIntoView() call in the componentDidUpdate() of the Select component in a setTimeout() so that the internal menuListRef is available when the menu first opens.

scrollIntoView() is responsible for auto-scrolling the MenuList to the focused option that is overflowed (i.e., out of view). It's also responsible for auto-scrolling to the selected option when the MenuList first opens. When used in conjunction with simplebar (via Scrollable), the scrollRef of Scrollable may not be available as soon as it mounts, so the setTimeout() gives the menuListRef time to set (by placing the scrollIntoView() call at the top of the call stack).

Patch for simplebar adds typings for the untyped scrollableNode and contentNode options, which is actually used inside SimpleBar class, but not typed.

These two options are required if the internal <div>s are provided outside of SimpleBar (by default, it will create its own <div>s inside the provided container element). For use with React, we must provide these internal <div>s ourselves, as React doesn't like it when a vanilla JS library adds and removes DOM elements that React isn't aware of.

③  Development

yarn dev is an alias of yarn dev:chrome.

  1. cd showdex
  2. yarn dev:chrome or yarn dev:firefox

Although this project makes use of TypeScript & ESLint, they are only used suggestively. In other words, your code will still compile even if you have errors!

Built contents will be dumped into a build directory in the project root (will be created if it doesn't exist).

 Google Chrome
  1. Navigate to chrome://extensions.
  2. Select Load unpacked.
  3. Point to the chrome sub-directory in build.
  4. Verify the extension appears in the list.
  5. Navigate to Pokémon Showdown.
  6. Play or spectate a battle.

 Mozilla Firefox
  1. Navigate to about:debugging.
  2. Select Load Temporary Add-on.
  3. Point to the showdex-...-dev.firefox.xpi in build.
  4. Verify the extension appears under Temporary Extensions.
  5. Navigate to Pokémon Showdown.
  6. Play or spectate a battle.

 Mozilla Firefox for Android

More information coming soon!
Though instructions aren't currently provided, this project supports developing on Firefox for Android Nightly.

For now, see these instructions from Mozilla for running the extension on your Android's Firefox for Android Nightly installation.

 "Hot" Reloading 

Hot-reloading is a bit of a mess right now since it requires you to reload the extension and refresh Pokémon Showdown. Will figure out a better system in the future.

While yarn dev:chrome or yarn dev:firefox is running, Webpack will trigger a re-compilation of the bundle when files are changed in the src directory.

  • For Chrome, you'll need to select the reload icon button in the Chrome extensions page (chrome://extensions). Once reloaded, refresh Pokémon Showdown to see your changes.
  • For Firefox, you'll need to Reload the extension in the Debugging page (about:debugging). Once reloaded, refresh Pokémon Showdown to see your changes.

 Environment Variables 

More information coming soon!

uhhhhhh for now, check the .env

④  Building

yarn build is an alias of yarn build:chrome && yarn build:firefox.

  1. cd showdex
  2. yarn build:chrome or yarn build:firefox

As mentioned in the Development section, TypeScript & ESLint are configured to be suggestive, so your code will still compile even if you have errors!

Built contents will be dumped into a dist directory in the project root (will be created if it doesn't exist).

There will be an un-zipped directory named after the BUILD_TARGET env (e.g., chrome, firefox) containing all the bundled files, as well as:

  • For Chrome, a packaged extension under in dist, and
  • For Firefox, a packaged extension under showdex-...firefox.xpi in dist.
 What's the HTML file? 

Builds for each target come with their very own bundle size pie chart, showing you exactly which modules in the bundle are too thicc. Particularly useful for finding modules to chunk, especially since AMO enforces a 5 MB size limit per file.

  • Bundle size analysis is written to showdex-...[BUILD_TARGET].html in dist.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* :・゚✧  Issues & PRs (Pull Requests) are very welcome!  ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)


Found a bug? · Got a cool idea? · Have suggestions? · Hate these questions & demand answers?

Contributor Covenant

Thanks for your help in making Showdex better for everyone!

I'm not a stickler for how these should be formatted; just make sure you provide enough info for me to work off of. If you're having trouble running Showdex, please make sure you first try turning off your other extensions before opening an issue. This will help me narrow down the problem (e.g., your ad-blocker could potentially block Showdex from downloading sets!).

If possible, including the following would be immensely helpful!

  • OS (e.g., Windows, macOS, Android, etc.)
  • Browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
  • Showdex Version (e.g., v1.1.2)
  • Format, if applicable (e.g., Gen 9 National Dex AG)

If you would like to be credited for your contribution, please also include your username on Smogon Forums. Otherwise, your GitHub username will be used, unless you don't want to be credited.

 Create a GitHub Issue 

No GitHub? No problem!

We're also listening for feedback & bug reports on our Showdex thread on Smogon Forums.

 Post on Smogon Forums 

Not on Smogon Forums? Still, no problem!

Feel free to contact me directly via email.

 Slide Into My Inbox 


Fixed a bug? · Added something cool?

Commitizen friendly

Not a stickler with these either, but at the very least, please:

  • Fork this repo & commit changes to your fork,
  • Style your code according to the ESLint rules,
  • Create a PR from your fork to this repo, and
  • Provide a brief description of your changes in your PR.

Although this project makes use of Commitizen, you don't need to format your commit messages this way. Use whatever you're comfortable with!

Additionally, I don't make use of any fancy automations like CI (Continuous Integration), so each PR will be manually reviewed. Your patience is greatly appreciated!

 Fork Me on GitHub 


big thank to:


big ・゚✧  sparkly thank  ✧゚・ to these fine individuals for their generous support!

 ・゚✧  Angie L.  ✧゚・   ・゚✧  Max B.  ✧゚・   ・゚✧  Michael L.  ✧゚・   ・゚✧  Jonathan M.  ✧゚・ 
 ・゚✧  Leman T.  ✧゚・   ・゚✧  Sunny B.  ✧゚・   ・゚✧  Connor M.  ✧゚・   ・゚✧  Nate M.  ✧゚・ 

  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


another big thank to these fine people for helping with development!

SpiffyTheSpaceman malaow3 · GitHub

...and finally, big thank to these fine people who helped improve Showdex!

85percent A_Wild_Noob_Appeared! aim AndViet
Baloor cbruegg · GitHub ChrisPBacon Clastia
coral fan DarkPhoenix911 dex Ducky
Fitah_ Furret4ssb IHatePasswords Iodyne
ketchuppainting Kibo Kirigon kirito_1707
lighthouse64 MachJacob Maxouille · GitHub mdragon13
Mia · GitHub mpique mnittsch Nails
orangelego21 paolode99 Runoisch ry4242
Sabelette Shiox Shock3600 · GitHub sh0shin
Singiamtel · GitHub TheDebatingOne ThrohKing TJ
TrainerX493 zooki2006 zuils · GitHub

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