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Server Guide: <svg class="icon-2Ph-Lv" aria-label="Server Guide" aria-hidden="false" role="img" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7 15H9V8H12.5L15 5.5L12.5 3H9V1H7V3H1L3.5 5.5L1 8H7V15Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M5 14C5 12.8954 5.89543 12 7 12H9C10.1046 12 11 12.8954 11 14V15H5V14Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>
Browse Channels: <svg class="icon-2Ph-Lv" aria-label="Browse Channels" aria-hidden="false" role="img" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M5.00328 17.5C4.69218 17.5 4.4566 17.2189 4.51097 16.9126L4.99838 14.1667H2.26014C1.94953 14.1667 1.71409 13.8864 1.76763 13.5805L1.8843 12.9138C1.92617 12.6746 2.13392 12.5 2.37681 12.5H5.29005L6.17338 7.5H3.43514C3.12453 7.5 2.88909 7.21977 2.94263 6.91381L3.0593 6.24714C3.10117 6.00789 3.30892 5.83333 3.55181 5.83333H6.46505L6.98347 2.91262C7.02584 2.67391 7.23335 2.5 7.47578 2.5H8.12681C8.43792 2.5 8.67349 2.78107 8.61912 3.08738L8.13171 5.83333H13.1317L13.6501 2.91262C13.6925 2.67391 13.9 2.5 14.1424 2.5H14.7935C15.1046 2.5 15.3402 2.78107 15.2858 3.08738L14.7984 5.83333H17.5366C17.8472 5.83333 18.0827 6.11356 18.0291 6.41952L17.9125 7.08619C17.8706 7.32544 17.6628 7.5 17.4199 7.5H14.5067L14.2417 9H12.5754L12.8404 7.5H7.84041L6.95708 12.5H8.99835V14.1667H6.66505L6.14662 17.0874C6.10425 17.3261 5.89675 17.5 5.65431 17.5H5.00328Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.4 14C10.4 12.0118 12.0118 10.4 14 10.4C15.9883 10.4 17.6 12.0118 17.6 14C17.6 14.7775 17.3536 15.4975 16.9345 16.0859L18.9243 18.0758C19.1586 18.3101 19.1586 18.69 18.9243 18.9243C18.69 19.1586 18.3101 19.1586 18.0758 18.9243L16.0859 16.9345C15.4975 17.3536 14.7775 17.6 14 17.6C12.0118 17.6 10.4 15.9883 10.4 14ZM14 11.6C12.6745 11.6 11.6 12.6745 11.6 14C11.6 15.3255 12.6745 16.4 14 16.4C15.3255 16.4 16.4 15.3255 16.4 14C16.4 12.6745 15.3255 11.6 14 11.6Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>
Customize Community: <svg aria-label="Customise Community" aria-hidden="false" role="img" class="icon-2Ph-Lv" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M21.487 5.126L12.487 0.126C12.184 -0.042 11.818 -0.042 11.515 0.126L2.51498 5.126C2.19798 5.302 2.00098 5.636 2.00098 5.999C2.00098 6.693 2.11498 22.999 12.001 22.999C21.887 22.999 22.001 6.693 22.001 5.999C22.001 5.636 21.804 5.302 21.487 5.126ZM12.001 5.999C13.382 5.999 14.501 7.118 14.501 8.499C14.501 9.88 13.382 10.999 12.001 10.999C10.62 10.999 9.50098 9.88 9.50098 8.499C9.50098 7.118 10.62 5.999 12.001 5.999ZM8.25098 16C8.25098 13.699 9.69998 12.25 12.001 12.25C14.302 12.25 15.751 13.699 15.751 16H8.25098Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>
Members: <svg class="icon-2W8DHg" aria-hidden="true" role="img" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14 8.00598C14 10.211 12.206 12.006 10 12.006C7.795 12.006 6 10.211 6 8.00598C6 5.80098 7.794 4.00598 10 4.00598C12.206 4.00598 14 5.80098 14 8.00598ZM2 19.006C2 15.473 5.29 13.006 10 13.006C14.711 13.006 18 15.473 18 19.006V20.006H2V19.006Z"></path><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14 8.00598C14 10.211 12.206 12.006 10 12.006C7.795 12.006 6 10.211 6 8.00598C6 5.80098 7.794 4.00598 10 4.00598C12.206 4.00598 14 5.80098 14 8.00598ZM2 19.006C2 15.473 5.29 13.006 10 13.006C14.711 13.006 18 15.473 18 19.006V20.006H2V19.006Z"></path><path fill="currentColor" d="M20.0001 20.006H22.0001V19.006C22.0001 16.4433 20.2697 14.4415 17.5213 13.5352C19.0621 14.9127 20.0001 16.8059 20.0001 19.006V20.006Z"></path><path fill="currentColor" d="M14.8834 11.9077C16.6657 11.5044 18.0001 9.9077 18.0001 8.00598C18.0001 5.96916 16.4693 4.28218 14.4971 4.0367C15.4322 5.09511 16.0001 6.48524 16.0001 8.00598C16.0001 9.44888 15.4889 10.7742 14.6378 11.8102C14.7203 11.8418 14.8022 11.8743 14.8834 11.9077Z"></path></svg>