- Added support for hosts to delete chat messages for in meeting or Webinar chats.
- Added support for Chrome Origin Trials within the WebSDK.
- Removed more option button that contain non verbal feedback.
- Added support dialog informing customers to update WebSDK version
- Fixed init parameters that were not working.
- Fixed issue where users can escalate their own privilege.
- Fixed audio issue after users are admitted from the waiting room.
- Added support for Gallery View.
- Added support for meeting hosts to send messages to participants in a Waiting Room.
- Added support for pausing recordings.
- Enhanced display message for blocking participants from certain regions to join meetings.
- Enhanced messaging to update WebSDK version.
- Enhanced JSmedia file for Gallery View support, fixing audio issues, and errors within the browsers console.
- Fixed invite email length to open email client.
- Fixed Share privileges in Breakout Rooms to match the main Meeting session.
- Fixed Chat privileges in Breakout Room to match the main meeting session.
- Fixed grammatical errors for polling results.
- Fixed German translation errors.
- Fixed UI issue where Q&A comments covering participants name.
- Fixed Attendee cannot join in to BreakOut Room when "Enable Waiting Room" is enabled
- Fixed Attendee Leaves meeting show 'trying to reconect'
- Fixed Joined audio user can't show wating room when be put on hold
- Fixed Android Chrome Audio don't work
- Fixed Audio stops working when High-Fidelity/Stereo Mode is Enabled
- Fixed Start Video Black Screen in Mac When Only One attendee
- Fixed "The host mute/unmuted you" when call me success/hangeup
- Fixed definition of ZooMtg.i18n wrong
- Fixed co-host call rename/muteAll/expel/record/lockMeeting/putOnHold API no privilege
- polling switcher split meeting and webinar
- remove default load language resource cause 404
- Add setSupportLanguage api
- support for Breakout Rooms.
- support for Polling.
- support for Live Transcription.
- support for the host to use the Host key to claim the meeting as a host when meeting no host
- support reclaim host for joined use (role=1)
- support to assign new hosts before leaving the meeting.
- support for authentication names for starting and joining meetings from China.
- new AES-GCM encryption and decryption audio support.
- support for logging out integrating within Zoom for authentication meeting.
- init API add Enable/Disable Breakout Rooms and Polling option
- Redesigned the Report a user in-meeting form.
- Remove Jquery. all $.i18n -> ZoomMtg.i18n
- Provided es5 support within the npm version.
- Fixed bug that displays black screen when host starts screen sharing.
- Fixed UI issues where the Join Computer Audio button does not display properly within the small window.
- Fixed UI issue where Active speaker is covered by speaker name within the small window.
- Fixed issue where a user clicks Leave meeting and leave url does not work.
- Fixed issue where clicking Phone call buttons returns error & black screen.
- Fixed API issue where isSupportVA false.
- Fixed API showMeetingHeader false in waiting room black screen
- Fixed UI issue where “Guest” title shows for all non hosts.
- Fixed phone Passcode Missing
- Fixed enter/exit fullscreen after leaving meeting in safari(ipad)
- Fixed text overflows issue for some language
- Fixed enhance download wasm files timeout issue.
- Fixed auto hide "talk" text area for IE11
- Fixed automatically sort raised hands to the top(me->host->co-host->raised->others)
- Fixed unexcept "The host unmuted you" after call me success
- Fixed Japanese translation for the waiting room.
- Fixed bug that prevents attendees from Disable or Enable video receiving.
- Fixed sharing content resolution compression.
- Fixed CSS issue where Zooms scrollbar css styles are overwritten by browser global styles.
- Fixed bug where the onMeetingStatus api does not throw connected and disconnected callback events.
- Fixed bug where audio does not work after successfully reconnecting and rejoining the meeting
- Fixed video resolution bug where the default video resolution should be 360p instead of 180p.
- Added new API getCurrentMeetingInfo to return meeting information.
- Show dialog to use E2E meetings for either Desktop or Mobile clients.
- Webinar Panelist/Host support
- Webinar promote/depromote
- Multi participant sharing
- Search box for attendee list
- meeting/webinar co-host
- Registration Webinar
- Webinar attendee Allow to talk
- Merge attendee's phone call and video
- Start Webinar(role=1, require host/alternative email), other email try to start will show "Not allow to start webinar from web."
- inMeetingServiceListener API
- Support Play Chime for Enter/Exit and Chat Message/Raise Hand
- ajax call use axios(dependence)
- Reconnecting uses a different participant id
- Black screen when Web SDK user is spotlighted
- fix with noise
- Simd support(need apply try https://developers.chrome.com/origintrials/#/trials/active)
- Waiting room notice(sound and browser notice)
- Fixed random video black screen in meeting.
- Fixed recaptcha don't work on some domain.
- New Rate limit for joining meetings and webinars.
- Added recaptcha feature for joining meetings.
- Added Vietnamese language support.
- Added Italian language support.
- Added Waiting Room notification.
- Added Ruby code for generating signature.
- Added ability for host to report attendees(only require zoom login meeting and waiting Zoom enable this feature).
- Added new API to disable report(disableReport).
- Added new API to hide meeting information(meetingInfo).
- Added new API to hide VOIP option(disableVoIP).
- Host unmute need participant admit, remove host unmute all.
- Enhanced details for error messages.
- Ensure WASM files are downloaded before joining meetings.
- Include version number within JSMedia file to prevent caching issues.
- Fixed issue when cannot unmute when joining audio.
- Fixed issue when an webinar attendee cannot join audio using Safari browser.
- Fixed a tag issue for starting video.
- Fixed issue for user sees Black screen on iOS device.
- Fixed attendee Closed Caption don't show
- Fixed Chrome 74 audio bad issue.
- Added Computer Audio for Firefox version 76+.
- New Invite dialog UI.
- Added support for Third party audio.
- Added support for inviting h323 devices to join meetings.
- Added password validation screen for joining meetings and webinars.
- Enhance Invite URL format API.
- Disabling joining meetings from Multiple devices.
- Enhance language parameter wc_already_joined_by_telephone.
Fixed issue for Safari not able to open camera. Fixed issue for removing Session Storage
- Added support for for only signed-in users with specified domains can join meetings.
- Added support for only Authenicated users to join meetings.
- AES-GCM-256 encryption for meetings.
- Meeting Encryption info
- Disable support for Microsoft Edge in place of Chromium Edge.
- Added a new Security Toolbar icon to display meeting security features.
- Added support for data center selection within Account settings.
- Display label to users stating that certain browsers do not support VOIP.
- Fixed black screen for Webinar users when the host chooses to end the meeting for all.
- Fixed required password not showing for users joining by phone.
- Remove rwcEndpoint
- Add ko-KO Korea language
- Fixed waiting room admit issue
- WebSDK < 1.7.4 are not compatible
- Update WebSDK AV lib version
- Leave URL is not triggered when clicking ok
- Chat string displays string key instead of the actual string
- Added support for Edge Chromium (Min version: v80+)
- Added a new interface
to retrieve the user information(such as userId, participantId, userName,etc.) of the current user - Optimized the interface
to ensure the user ID at index 0 represents the current user - Enhanced the chat privileges that could be configured by the host or the co-host and add new privilege
Allow Participants to chat with Everyone publicly and privately
- Fixed an issue that the responsive menu is being cut off after resizing the window
- Fixed an issue that the attendee sees black blocks shown on the screen when viewing the host’s shared content
- Added network support failover. WebSDK can now quickly reconnect back to servers without degrading the meeting experience.
- Support new Audio Encryption Algorithm.
- Added notification when remote meeting conrol admin starts or stops.
- Added host to remote control meeting allowing users to chat with everyone of privately.
- Added Spotlight for the host to choose who to foucs on when speaking instead of active speaker.
- Added Video support for iPadOS.
- Enhanced UI visibility for full screen button.
- Changed npm module from zoomus-jssdk -> @zoomus/websdk.
- Fixed jquery name within the Web SDK dependencies.
- Fixed invite url domain to reflect brand settings.
- Fixed bug where video freezes after switching tabs.
- Fixed From & To indicator within chat to not overlap.
- Fixed hover over chat messages to be localized.
- Fixed localized leave meeting button to not be cutoff.
- Fixed Chat Window after clicking Pop Out.
- Fixed C# generate signature.
- Fixed API for showPureSharingContent so that the footer will not overlay the sharing screen area.
- Fixed video freezing when only one host is in the meeting.
- Updated react-dom.min.js to fix lost mouseleave event issue.
- Added Closed Caption feature to show subtitles withing a meeting for attenedees and host.
- Added Q&A feature for Webinar attendees.
- Added Remote Control feature to allow WebSDK to control their meeting attendess desktop.
- Added the ability for developer to enable or disable error dialog when joining a meeting.
- Enhanced multi-language support for Share Screen Content during meetings.
- Fixed viewing video and view sharing for iPadOS and Mac OS Catalina.
- Use operation rwc configuration as rwcEndpoint
- Chat Feature Performance optimization
- Unable to close Audio Prompt Panel when browser is zoomed
- Added responsive design footer for desktop and mobile based browsers.
- Display “This meeting is being recorded” dialog message before the meeting is recorded.
- New API option to enable or disable meeting non-verbal feedback.
- New API option to either always show or auto hide footer.
- Increased meeting & webinar capacity up to 1000 attendees.
- Included support for full-width and half-width phone numbers.
- Added Web SDK requirement for React version of 16.8.6.
- browser share (only support english)
- chat feature
- meeting Nonverbal feedback
- local/cloud recording ico
- Ask to start video dialog don't shown in unsupported browsers
- Meeting timeout message is not translated
- join meeting/webinar fail don't show dialog
- After join meeting success immediately invoke success callback report don't joined meeting.
- video freezing when resize browser.
- New API setZoomJSLib, preLoadWasm, prepareJssdk, checkSystemRequirements, getJSSDKVersion
- option disable "Original Size" mode
- fixed firefox overlay shareing area
- participent list width change to old style 265px
- support import zoomus-jssdk
- unexpect signature expired.
- When mic access is blocked, click learn link direct to https://www.zoom.us/wc/support/mic
Support join no registration Webinar
Add zh-TW language support
- Video tile and participant panel never overlay sharing area
- Missing translation fixed
- Phone Call and Call Me auto selected user’s country - through ip location
- Attendee must start twice for host see video
- Auto start video respect to meeting video option
Multi-languages feature
Support join meeting with computer's audio and video (receive and send)
React require ^v15.6.1
Attendee be put on hold when enable_silent_mode=true
Audio panel always open when sharing, connected audio and audioPanelAlwaysOpen=true
There is no end popup when free meeting ends
<div class="main"><div id='root'></div></div>
dom, jssdk will auto generate a<div id='zmmtg-root'></div>
dom to body.
Multi-languages user unable to join Meeting
Wrong Dialog
The meeting control agent can't mute All others
Change small, skipped, this bug fixed with version 1.2.4
- Screen Share handling for small browser size
add success log and error log in init() and join()
add four parameters in init(): disableInvite disableCallOut disableRecord disableJoinAudio
support to inviteCRCDevice and calcelInviteCRCDevice.
provide signature generate method
support init web client, join meeting.
support to show/hide invite function.
support to show/hide meeting header.
support to get current attendees list.
support to call out to a phone.
support to recording a meeting.