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RemNote JSON to Org converter

If your rem.json file is too large, VS Code may not be able to prettify it. You can use python instead to prettify it:\

type rem.json | python -mjson.tool > prettyRem.json

rem.json is the relative file path of the json input file and prettyRem.json is the output file path


  • Block ref's or File ref's from parent folders need to be relative (E.g: ../../folder/
    • need to understand if ref is from same folder or different folder - incorrect logic in Test File
    • this is partially DONE - references in same parent folder are still added with full path
  • [x] Block Ref's for a bullet which has a link need to be formatted properly
    • Org-Roam doesn't need links to be expanded with reference

    • E.g: [[../folder/file::*text\\[\\[url_within_ref\\]\\[url desc\\]\\]][actual block ref Desc.]]
    • [[file:Test Folder (Level 1)/Test File*Sample Rem with Tag \\[\\[\\]\\[SampleTag1\\]\\]][Sample Rem with Tag SampleTag1]]
  • Block Ref's for a bullet which has a link need to be formatted as plain text
    • E.g: Sample Rem with Tag Sample Rem with Tag [[id:KdhgZRqGZThRY2a3a][SampleTag1]] with ID: FCceZrymThCCYGP72 can be referenced as [[id:FCceZrymThCCYGP72][Sample Rem with Tag SampleTag1]]
    • Note: This probably doesn't work without org-roam

  • convert block-ref's to org-transclutions:
  • Org-Roam: Create properties for bullets that are references (org-id-get-create)
  • Create a function to add metadata to files or nodes
  • Update ./orgLanguages.json as per OrgMode languages
    • E.g: json is not a supported language in orgmode - so JSON syntax highlighting is probably Javascript(js)

How to use

This tool (Remnote2OrgMode or Remnote2OrgRoam) is still work in progress