File tree
3,324 files changed
lines changed- .github
- .vscode
- .vsts
- common
- darwin
- linux
- win
- Localize
- loc
- cs
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- de
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- es
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- fr
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- hu
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- id
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- it
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- ja
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- ko
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- nl
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- pl
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- pt-BR
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- pt-PT
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- ru
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- sv
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- tr
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- zh-Hans
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- zh-Hant
- desktop/i18n
- packages
- common/i18n
- playground/i18n
- react/i18n
- service/i18n
- desktop
- config
- data/themes
- definitions
- i18n
- i18n-deprecated
- patches
- python
- controllers
- jsonrpc
- server
- scripts
- azpipelines
- docker
- linux
- windows
- i18n
- install
- lca
- default-licenses
- package
- proxy
- publish
- swagger
- src
- @batch-flask
- compiler
- xliff
- core
- aad
- access-token
- access-token-cache
- commands
- command-registry
- context
- keybindings
- data
- data-cache
- entity-getter
- entity-view
- list-getter
- list-options
- list-view
- poll
- proxy-options
- query-cache
- targeted-data-cache
- test
- data-store
- user-specific-data-store
- decorators
- dto
- filter-builder
- filter-matcher
- html-util
- i18n
- list
- record
- server-error
- telemetry
- tenant-settings
- testing
- timezone
- user-configuration
- electron
- auto-update
- current-browser-window
- global-storage
- testing
- utils
- extensions
- angular
- ui
- abstract-list
- list-data-provider
- partial-sort-warning
- activity
- activity-monitor
- activity-monitor-item
- activity-monitor-item-action
- activity-monitor-tree-view
- activity-types
- advanced-filter
- list-filter-control
- result-picker-control
- state-picker-control
- auto-focus
- banner
- breadcrumbs
- breadcrumb
- breadcrumb-group
- browse-layout
- browse-layout-advanced-filter
- browse-layout-list
- toggle-filter-button
- buttons
- clickable
- refresh-btn
- callout
- card
- charts
- copyable
- date
- datetime-picker
- dialogs
- prompt
- dropdown
- duration-picker
- editor
- monaco-languages
- json
- entity-commands
- entity-commands-list
- button
- file
- download-folder-dialog
- file-explorer
- file-explorer-tabs
- file-table-view
- file-tree-view
- file-tree-view-row
- file-loader
- file-viewer
- file-dialog-viewer
- file-too-large
- file-type-association
- file-viewer
- file-viewer-container
- file-viewer-header
- image-file-viewer
- log-file-viewer
- text-file-viewer
- focus-section
- form
- complex-form
- editable-table
- select-cell
- expanding-textarea
- form-error
- form-field
- form-json-editor
- form-page
- form-picker
- form-section
- hint
- input
- key-value-picker
- simple-form
- single-line-textarea
- graphs
- gauge
- i18n
- icon
- info-box
- keybindings
- keybinding-picker
- list-and-show-layout
- loading
- metrics-monitor
- metrics-monitor-metric
- notifications
- persisted-dropdown
- toast
- toasts-container
- permission
- property-list
- bool-property
- date-property
- entity-configuration
- link-property
- property-content
- property-field
- property-group
- table-property
- text-property
- quick-list
- quick-list-item-status
- quick-list-row-def
- quick-list-row-render
- quotas
- quota-display
- scrollable
- select
- option
- select-dropdown
- server-error
- sidebar
- sidebar-bookmarks
- sidebar-content
- simple-dialog
- split-pane
- split-separator
- summary-card
- table
- table-cell-def
- table-column
- table-head
- table-head-cell
- table-head-cell-def
- table-row-render
- tabs
- tags
- tag-list
- testing
- editor
- quick-list
- table
- virtual-scroll
- time-range-picker
- timespan
- toolbar
- validation
- virtual-scroll
- virtual-scroll-tail
- vtabs
- workspace
- utils
- cloud-path-utils
- date-utils
- encoding
- file-url-utils
- form-utils
- logging
- renderer
- misc
- object-utils
- os
- string-utils
- url-utils
- validators
- number
- app
- assets/images
- logos
- commands
- components
- account
- action
- add
- create
- delete
- edit-storage-account
- base/auto-storage-account-picker
- browse
- account-list
- details
- account-cost-card
- account-monitoring-section
- account-quotas-card
- account-summary-card
- getting-started-card
- programmatic-usage
- aad-credentials-picker
- aad-app-picker
- aad-app-secret-picker
- create-new-aad-app
- generate-aad-app-secret
- resource-permission-button
- programming-sample
- samples
- aad
- storage-account-card
- home
- monitoring
- account-monitoring-home
- monitor-chart
- application
- action
- create
- edit
- browse
- preview
- details
- configuration
- errors
- home
- certificate
- action
- add
- reactivate
- browse
- filter
- details
- home
- common
- blob-container-picker
- edit-metadata-form
- guards
- select-acccount-dialog
- inline-quota
- location
- location-picker
- react-container
- resource-files-properties
- resourcefile-picker
- resourcefile-cloud-file-dialog
- resourcefile-container-source
- resourcefile-picker-row
- storage-account-picker
- subscription-picker
- core
- animations
- pollers
- data
- action
- add
- delete
- browse
- details
- home
- file
- browse
- blob-files-browser
- gallery
- application-action
- application-list
- home
- recent-template-list
- local-template-explorer
- local-template-drop-zone
- local-template-pick-button
- local-template-source-form
- ncj-template-viewer
- submit
- parameter-input
- submit-local-template
- submit-recent-template
- job
- action
- add
- pool-picker
- disable
- enable
- terminate
- base
- job-state
- browse
- filter
- details
- error-display
- job-progress-status
- graphs
- all-job-graphs-home
- jobs-bar-chart
- jobs-cpu-wait-time-graph
- jobs-running-time-graph
- job-graphs-home
- job-progress-graph
- tasks-running-time-graph
- home
- job-hook-task
- job-hook-task-browser
- job-hook-task-details
- job-schedule
- action
- add
- delete
- disable
- enable
- terminate
- browse
- filter
- details
- autopool
- home
- layout
- header
- online-status
- pinned-entity-dropdown
- misc
- playground-route
- theme-colors
- node
- action
- upload-node-logs
- browse
- display
- filter
- connect
- property-display
- ssh-key-picker
- ssh-key-picker-dialog
- details
- configuration
- error
- home
- pool
- action
- add
- app-license-picker
- container-configuration-picker
- images-picker
- registry-picker
- license-eula-dialog
- os-picker
- data-disk-picker
- os-image-picker
- os-offer-tile
- sig-image-picker
- vm-size-picker
- delete
- edit
- edit-app-package
- edit-certificate
- resize
- scale
- autoscale-formula-picker
- evaluate-autoscale-formula
- pool-scale-picker
- base
- app-packages
- certificate-references
- certificate-picker
- pool-os-icon
- browse
- filter
- details
- configuration
- error-display
- pool-cost-card
- graphs
- heatmap
- legend
- history-data
- history-graph
- performance-graph
- cpu-usage
- disk-io
- disk-usage
- enable-app-insights-doc
- gpu-memory-usage
- gpu-usage
- memory-usage
- network-usage
- pool-state-graph
- standalone
- home
- network-configuration
- virtual-network-picker
- start-task
- user-accounts-picker
- user-account-picker
- settings
- auth-settings
- task
- action
- add
- multi-instance-settings-picker
- base
- container-settings
- task-state
- user-identity
- browse
- filter
- preview
- details
- configuration
- output
- sub-tasks
- list
- properties
- task-dependency-browser
- task-node-info
- task-timeline
- home
- tenant-picker
- workspace
- json-templates
- workspace-selector
- config
- decorators
- models
- app-insights
- authorization
- azure-batch
- batch-application
- job
- node
- pool
- task
- dtos
- pool-create
- task-create
- forms
- monitoring
- ms-graph
- services
- aad
- app-insights
- arm-location
- arm-provider
- authorization-http
- azure-batch
- batch-application
- batch-application-package
- certificate
- core
- file
- job
- job-hook-task
- job-schedule
- node
- node-user
- pool
- pool-node-count
- pool-os
- task
- azure-consumption
- usage-details
- azure-cost-management
- batch-account
- compute
- core
- data
- github-data
- monitoring
- metrics
- ms-graph
- core
- ncj
- portfolio
- network
- node-connect
- pinned-entity
- pricing
- python-rpc
- rendering-container-image
- resource-access
- storage
- models
- subscription
- telemetry
- themes
- user-configuration
- version
- styles
- base
- graphs
- common
- job
- partials
- pool
- themes
- vars
- vendor
- utils
- arm-resource-utils
- component-utils
- decorators
- model-utils
- client
- api
- file
- azure-environment
- core
- aad
- auth
- authentication
- fetch
- i18n
- properties
- secure-data-store
- storage
- telemetry
- terminal
- user-configuration
- logger
- main-window
- proxy
- manual-proxy-configuration-window
- proxy-credentials-window
- python-process
- recover-window
- resources
- splash-screen
- common
- batch-explorer-link
- constants
- deferred
- test
- fixtures
- certificates
- encoding
- images
- utils
- helpers
- matchers
- mocks
- auth
- components
- windows
- test
- app
- memory-leak
- client
- helpers
- e2e
- docs
- packages
- arm-batch-rest
- config
- src
- __tests__
- utils
- generated
- http
- swagger
- common
- config
- i18n
- src/ui-common
- __tests__
- action
- __tests__
- datetime
- __tests__
- dom
- __tests__
- environment/__tests__
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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1 | 1 |
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3 | 3 |
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0 commit comments