class: center, middle, intro
.center[Beata Skierka] .center[Project Manager] .right-column50[
- 1.5 years in 3mdeb
- Work experience
- interested in:
- interest 1
- interest 2
- interest 3 ] .left-column50[
[email protected] ]
.center[.image-15[] .image-15[
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- coreboot licensed service providers since 2016 and leadership participants
- UEFI Adopters since 2018
- Yocto Participants and Embedded Linux experts since 2019
- Official consultants for Linux Foundation fwupd/LVFS project since 2020
- IBM OpenPOWER Foundation members since 2020
- lorem ipsum 1
- lorem ipsum 2
- Q&A
We are open to cooperate and discuss
Feel free to contact us if you believe we can help you in any way. We are always open to cooperate and discuss.
## .center[Q&A]