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+ cookbooks/custom_formatter
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+Writing a custom Behat formatter
+How to write a custom formatter for Behat?
+Why a custom formatter?
+Behat has three native formatters:
+- **pretty**: the default formatter, which prints every line in green (if a test passes) or red (if it fails),
+- **progress**: print a "dot" for each test, and a recap of all failing tests at the end,
+- **junit**: outputs a `junit `__ compatible XML file.
+Those are nice, and worked for most of the cases. You can use the "progress" one for the CI, and the "pretty" for
+development for example.
+But you might want to handle differently the output that Behat renders.
+In this cookbook, we will see how to implement a custom formatter for `reviewdog `__,
+a global review tool that takes input of linters or testers, and that can send "checks" on github,
+bitbucket or gitlab PR.
+Reviewdog can handle `two types of input `__:
+- any stdin, coupled with an "errorformat" (a Vim inspired format that can convert text string to machine-readable errors),
+- a `"Reviewdog Diagnostic Format" `__: a JSON with error data that reviewdog can parse.
+But parsing Behat stdout with errorformat is not that easy, as Behat's output is multi-line, add dots, errorformat can
+be tricky and might not handle every case (behat has different possible outputs, etc.).
+So We will create a custom formatter for Behat.
+This way, we will still have Behat's human-readable stdout, and a JSON file written that reviewdog can understand.
+Let's dive
+Behat allows us to load "extensions", that can add features to the language. In fact, it is a core functionality to
+implement PHP functions behind gherkin texts.
+Those extensions are just classes that are loaded by Behat to register configuration and features.
+Behat is powered by Symfony: if you know it, you will already know the concepts under the hood, if you don't,
+that's not a problem and not required to create your extension.
+Anatomy of a formatter extension
+A formatter extension requires three things to work:
+- a class that "defines" the extension, to make your extension work with Behat,
+- a "formatter", that can listen to Behat events, and converts Behat's tests result to anything you want,
+- an "output printer", that writes the converted data anywhere you want (mainly the stdout, a file or a directory).
+Create the extension
+Any Behat extensions must implement ``Behat\Testwork\ServiceContainer\Extension``.
+It is a way to inject anything you want into Behat's kernel.
+In our case, we need to load the "formatter" in Behat's kernel, and tag it as an output formatter.
+This way Behat will allow our extension to be configured as a formatter. You can register multiple formatters with the
+same extension if you like.
+.. code:: php
+ register(ReviewdogOutputPrinter::class);
+ // add some arguments. In this case, it will use Behat's current working directory to write the output file, if not override
+ $outputPrinterDefinition->addArgument('%paths.base%');
+ // register the "ReviewdogFormatter" class in Behat's kernel
+ $formatterDefinition = $container->register(ReviewdogFormatter::class);
+ // add some arguments that will be called in the constructor.
+ // This isn't required, but in our case we will inject Behat's base path (to remove it from the absolute file path later) and the printer.
+ $formatterDefinition->addArgument('%paths.base%');
+ $formatterDefinition->addArgument($outputPrinterDefinition);
+ // tag the formatter as an "output.formatter", this way Behat will add it to its formatter list.
+ $formatterDefinition->addTag(OutputExtension::FORMATTER_TAG, ['priority' => 100]);
+ }
+ public function configure(ArrayNodeDefinition $builder): void { }
+ public function initialize(ExtensionManager $extensionManager): void { }
+ public function process(ContainerBuilder $container): void { }
+ }
+Create the formatter
+The formatter will listen to Behat's events, and create output data depending on the type of event, the current state,
+.. code:: php
+ outputPrinter->setFileName($value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new \Exception('Unknown parameter ' . $name);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * We do not call this, so no need to define an implementation
+ */
+ public function getParameter($name) { }
+ /**
+ * Our formatter is a Symfony EventSubscriber.
+ * This method tells Behat where we want to "hook" in the process.
+ * Here we want to be called:
+ * - at start, when the test is launched with the `BeforeExerciseCompleted::BEFORE` event,
+ * - when a step has ended with the `StepTested::AFTER` event.
+ *
+ * There are a lot of other events that can be found here in the Behat\Testwork\EventDispatcher\Event class
+ */
+ public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ // call the `onBeforeExercise` method on startup
+ BeforeExerciseCompleted::BEFORE => 'onBeforeExercise',
+ // call the `onAfterStepTested` method after each step
+ StepTested::AFTER => 'onAfterStepTested',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is the name of the formatter, that will be used in the behat.yml file
+ */
+ public function getName(): string
+ {
+ return 'reviewdog';
+ }
+ public function getDescription(): string
+ {
+ return 'Reviewdog formatter';
+ }
+ public function getOutputPrinter(): OutputPrinter
+ {
+ return $this->outputPrinter;
+ }
+ /**
+ * When we launch a test, let's inform the printer that we want a fresh new file
+ */
+ public function onBeforeExercise(BeforeExerciseCompleted $event):void
+ {
+ $this->outputPrinter->removeOldFile();
+ }
+ public function onAfterStepTested(AfterStepTested $event):void
+ {
+ $testResult = $event->getTestResult();
+ $step = $event->getStep();
+ // In the reviewdog formatter, we just want to print errors, so ignore all steps that are not a failure executed test
+ // but you might want to handle things differently here !
+ if ($testResult->isPassed() || !$testResult instanceof ExecutedStepResult) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // get the relative path
+ $path = str_replace($this->pathsBase . '/', '', $event->getFeature()->getFile() ?? '');
+ // prepare the data that we will send to the printer…
+ $line = [
+ 'message' => $testResult->getException()?->getMessage() ?? 'Failed step',
+ 'location' => [
+ 'path' => $path,
+ 'range' => [
+ 'start' => [
+ 'line' => $step->getLine(),
+ 'column' => 0,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'severity' => 'ERROR',
+ 'source' => [
+ 'name' => 'behat',
+ ],
+ ];
+ $json = json_encode($line, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
+ // …and send it
+ $this->getOutputPrinter()->writeln($json);
+ }
+ }
+Create the output printer
+The last file that we need to implement is the printer. In our case we need a single class that can write lines to a
+.. code:: php
+ fileName = $fileName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * outputPath is a special parameter that you can give to any Behat formatter under the key `output_path`
+ */
+ public function setOutputPath($path): void
+ {
+ $this->outputPath = $path;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The output path, defaults to Behat's base path
+ */
+ public function getOutputPath(): string
+ {
+ return $this->outputPath ?? $this->pathBase;
+ }
+ /** Sets output styles. */
+ public function setOutputStyles(array $styles): void { }
+ /** @deprecated */
+ public function getOutputStyles()
+ {
+ return [];
+ }
+ /** Forces output to be decorated. */
+ public function setOutputDecorated($decorated): void
+ {
+ $this->isOutputDecorated = (bool) $decorated;
+ }
+ /** @deprecated */
+ public function isOutputDecorated()
+ {
+ return $this->isOutputDecorated;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Behat can have multiple verbosity levels, you may want to handle this to display more information.
+ * These use the Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_ constants.
+ * For reviewdog, we do not need that.
+ */
+ public function setOutputVerbosity($level): void { }
+ /** @deprecated */
+ public function getOutputVerbosity()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes message(s) to output stream.
+ *
+ * @param string|array $messages
+ */
+ public function write($messages): void
+ {
+ if (!is_array($messages)) {
+ $messages = [$messages];
+ }
+ $this->doWrite($messages, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes newlined message(s) to output stream.
+ *
+ * @param string|array $messages
+ */
+ public function writeln($messages = ''): void
+ {
+ if (!is_array($messages)) {
+ $messages = [$messages];
+ }
+ $this->doWrite($messages, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clear output stream, so on next write formatter will need to init (create) it again.
+ * Not needed in my case.
+ */
+ public function flush(): void
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called by the formatter when test starts
+ */
+ public function removeOldFile(): void
+ {
+ $filePath = $this->getFilePath();
+ if (file_exists($filePath)) {
+ unlink($filePath);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $messages
+ */
+ private function doWrite(array $messages, bool $append): void
+ {
+ // create the output path if if does not exists.
+ if (!is_dir($this->getOutputPath())) {
+ mkdir($this->getOutputPath(), 0777, true);
+ }
+ // write data to the file
+ file_put_contents($this->getFilePath(), implode("\n", $messages) . "\n", $append ? \FILE_APPEND : 0);
+ }
+ private function getFilePath(): string
+ {
+ return $this->getOutputPath() . '/' . $this->fileName;
+ }
+ }
+Integration in your project
+You need to add the extension in your Behat configuration file (default is ``behat.yml``)
+and configure it to use the formatter:
+.. code:: yaml
+ default:
+ extensions:
+ HelloWorld\BehatReviewdogFormatter\ReviewdogFormatterExtension: ~
+ formatters:
+ pretty: true
+ reviewdog: # "reviewdog" here is the "name" given in our formatter
+ # output_path is optional and handled directly by Behat
+ output_path: 'build/logs/behat'
+ # file_name is optional and a custom parameter that we inject into the printer
+ file_name: 'reviewdog-behat.json'
+Different output per profile
+You can activate the extension only when you specify a profile in your command (ex: ``--profile=ci``)
+For example if you want the pretty formatter by default, but both progress and reviewdog on your CI,
+you can configure it like this:
+.. code:: yaml
+ default:
+ extensions:
+ HelloWorld\BehatReviewdogFormatter\ReviewdogFormatterExtension: ~
+ formatters:
+ pretty: true
+ ci:
+ formatters:
+ pretty: false
+ progress: true
+ reviewdog:
+ output_path: 'build/logs/behat'
+ file_name: 'reviewdog-behat.json'
+That's how you can write a basic custom Behat formatter!
+If you have much more complex logic, and you need the formatter to be more dynamic, Behat provides a
+FormatterFactory interface.
+You can see usage examples directly in
+`Behat's codebase `__,
+but in a lot of cases, something like this example should work.
+Want to use reviewdog and the custom formatter yourself?
+If you want to use the reviewdog custom formatter, you can find it on github:
+There are other Behat custom formatters in the wild, especially
+`BehatHtmlFormatterPlugin `__.
+Reading this formatter might help you understand how the Behat formatter system works, and it can output an HTML
+file that can help you understand why your CI is failing.
+About the author
+Written by `Julien Deniau `__,
+originally posted as a blog post `on my blog `__.