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Cherian Mathew edited this page Oct 9, 2013 · 13 revisions

This is a guide to installing, building and running the BioVeL Extension for OpenRefine.

The recommended method to work on the BioVeL Extension is to first first install OpenRefine and then include this project within the extensions directory.

Install Open Refine

The latest version of OpenRefine is 2.6b1 (but it is not recommended for production work). This code base for this version can be installed by running,

	git clone
	git checkout tags/2.5

The last stable (and recommended) release of OpenRefine is 2.5. This code base for this version can be installed by running,

	git clone
	git checkout tags/2.6-beta.1

Install BioVeL Extension

Patches to Open Refine

Working with Eclipse

Setting up of the project for development with the Eclipse IDE requires adding the source path for the extension and the third-party dependent libraries.

  • Import the project into an Eclipse workspace

  • This will create a a project named grefine-all

  • Configure the build path for the project

configure build path

  • Choose Add folder in the Source tab

configure build path

  • Select the src directory in the ../extensions/biovel/src

configure build path

  • Choose Add Jars in the Libraries tab

configure build path

  • Select the lib directory in _../extensions/biovel/module/MOD-INF/

configure build path

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