This directory contains files related to the Docker deployment of the Central Data Service Playground.
The compose file docker-compose-cdsp.yml
provides a containerized deployment of the playground using docker.
If you are not familiar with Docker it is a widely deployed and well documented technology. For which you should find numerous tutorials on its use on the internet.
At the time of writing Docker is available in two different editions with different licenses:
- Docker EE/Docker Desktop is the commercial edition that provides a GUI and commercial support.
- Docker CE (Community Edition) is open source and uses the Docker Engine CLI.
As COVESA operates as an open source community the playground docker support has been developed and documented using the Community Edition and the Docker Engine CLI. The docker compose plugin has been used for development of the compose definitions.
Comprehensive Docker CE installation instructions for different distributions can be found upstream in the official Docker documentation.
If you have a recent version of Docker installed but without the compose plugin, please add the plugin or upgrade.
The VISSR VISS Data Server has no pre-built image in a docker image repository and must therefore be built. Whilst the upstream documentation for VISSR is considered the reference documentation for build environment setup this section collects information that we have needed for a successful build of master branch commit 27d6de0.
NOTE: This project intends to work towards the availability of a pre-built VISSR docker image so that the playground docker deployment can be a simple download of images.
If you wish to quickly try the playground without the need for build setup as a first step, this tip below tells you to how to start the playground without the VISS server.
The VISSR build tutorial says to install golang version 1.13 or later. Go install instructions can be found here:
Depending on your distro you may need to setup GOROOT
. This was not required on Ubuntu 20 LTS, but was on Mac.
The upstream Docker compose assumes the existence of the local directory /tmp/docker
but does not create it. Fix the issue by creating it yourself:
$ mkdir /tmp/docker
See upstream issue report w3c/automotive-viss2#99 for details.
The upstream Dockerfile assumes that credentials have already been created and will fail to build if they are not found. Generate them by running ./ ca
from the directory /cdsp/vissr/testCredGenRun
See upstream issue report w3c/automotive-viss2#86 for details.
There is a current issue with the upstream VISSR VISS Server Dockerfile in which the server fails to build due to a missing public key for the Access Control server. See upstream issue report w3c/automotive-viss2#88 for details. After discussion with the upstream maintainers the current workaround is to comment out the relevant following line from the end of the vissv2server
section of the Dockerfile. The change should be made to cdsp/cdsp/vissr/Dockerfile.rlserver
#COPY --from=builder /build/server/agt_server/agt_public_key.rsa .
If your project requires Access Grant support please discuss enabling it with the VISSR community.
If you are working behind a corporate security system that places a man-in-the-middle between your host and the internet you may see security errors when artifacts are downloaded as part of the build process.
For example:
3.254 client/client-1.0/simple_client.go:27:2:[email protected]: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
This is an attribute of docker, rather than the playground and results when the CA root certificate for the security system is not known.
A solution is to add the CA root certificate to the VISSR Dockerfile which will update the CA store as part of the build and allow the downloads to proceed successfully.
The VISSR Dockerfile already includes an example of this for a Cisco system which uses the CA root certificate cisco.crt
From cdsp/vissr/Dockerfile.rlserver
#corporate proxy settings can sometimes cause tls verification error. Add root crt to docker container.
COPY testCredGen/cicso-umbrella/cisco.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cisco.crt
RUN update-ca-certificates
To add your own:
- Ask your IT for the CA root certificate for the security system they use.
- Copy the
file intocdsp/vissr/testCredGen
- Add your own line to the Dockerfile to copy the certificate so that it is included when
is run. As shown below.
COPY testCredGen/cicso-umbrella/cisco.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cisco.crt
COPY testCredGen/<my company .crt> /usr/local/share/
RUN update-ca-certificates
On a Mac build errors related to docker metadata such as ERROR [internal] load metadata for
have been observed. This serverfault article suggests commenting the line "credsStore": "desktop"
from the Docker config.json
for your user. This was found to work.
You can start working with the playground by starting the deployment with just the Apache IoTDB server which has a pre-built docker image. Its extensive feature set will let you begin experimenting with timeseries data.
In parallel you can work through any VISSR build issues to add VISS support northbound and the other features it supports.
Deploy (start) just IoTDB:
$ sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-cdsp.yml up -d iotdb-service
[+] Running 1/0
✔ Container iotdb-service Running 0.0s
Start the containers:
$ sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-cdsp.yml up -d
[+] Running 4/5
⠴ Network cdsp_default Created 1.5s
✔ Container vissr_container_volumes Started 0.5s
✔ Container iotdb-service Started 0.7s
✔ Container app_redis Started 1.0s
✔ Container vissv2server Started 1.3s
Stop and remove the containers:
$ sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-cdsp.yml down
[+] Running 5/5
✔ Container vissv2server Removed 0.0s
✔ Container app_redis Removed 0.3s
✔ Container iotdb-service Removed 2.2s
✔ Container vissr_container_volumes Removed 0.0s
✔ Network cdsp_default Removed 0.1s
Listing should show three running containers as shown below:
$ sudo docker ps
f43ed0c6ba0a cdsp-iotdb-service "/usr/bin/dumb-init …" About a minute ago Up About a minute>6667/tcp, :::6667->6667/tcp iotdb-service
7829813bdcb8 cdsp-vissv2server "/app/vissv2server -…" 5 days ago Up 8 seconds>8081/tcp,>8600/tcp,>8887/tcp,>8888/tcp vissv2server
8e21a556e398 redis "docker-entrypoint.s…" 5 days ago Up 5 days 6379/tcp app_redis
You can confirm the Apache IoTDB server is running by connecting to it with the IoTDB CLI client (quit to exit the client):
$ sudo docker exec -ti iotdb-service /iotdb/sbin/ -h iotdb-service
Starting IoTDB Cli
_____ _________ ______ ______
|_ _| | _ _ ||_ _ `.|_ _ \
| | .--.|_/ | | \_| | | `. \ | |_) |
| | / .'`\ \ | | | | | | | __'.
_| |_| \__. | _| |_ _| |_.' /_| |__) |
|_____|'.__.' |_____| |______.'|_______/ version 1.2.2 (Build: 5d0bfb0)
Successfully login at iotdb-service:6667
You can confirm the VISSR VISS server is running by using one of its included clients.
The following example uses the javascript HTML client from vissr/client/client-1.0/Javascript/httpclient.html
In your web browser open the javascript HTML client at
. The GUI of the client should be displayed. -
The client needs to be told where to find the server. The default value of
in thehost IP
text box should be sufficient, but you can also enter the numerical IP address if you wish, now press theServer IP
button. -
Now lets communicate with the server by requesting a VSS data node:
- To the left of the
button enterVehicle.Speed
in theurl path
text box. - Now press the
button to request the query from the server. - You should see messages returned by the server confirming the request, but the data value returned will be "Data-not-found" if the database contains no values.
Server: readyState=1, status=0
Server: readyState=2, status=200
Server: readyState=3, status=200
Server: {"data":{"dp":{"ts":"2024-01-10T14:56:48Z","value":"Data-not-found"},"path":"Vehicle.Speed"},"ts":"2024-01-10T14:56:48Z"}