名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
pulc_person_attribute.onnx | PersonAttribute-PULC | pulc_person_attribute.yaml | 6.59MB | 百度网盘 | GitHub |
pulc_vehicle_attribute.onnx | VehicleAttribute-PULC | pulc_vehicle_attribute.yaml | 6.55MB | 百度网盘 | GitHub |
internimage_l_22kto1k_384.onnx | InternImage-Large | internimage_l_22kto1k_384.yaml | 853.16MB | 百度网盘 | GitHub |
yolov5s-cls.onnx | YOLOv5-Cls-ImageNet | yolov5s_cls.yaml | 20.81MB | 百度网盘 | GitHub |
yolov8s-cls.onnx | YOLOv8-Cls-ImageNet | yolov8s_cls.yaml | 24.28MB | 百度网盘 | GitHub |
yolo11s-cls.onnx | YOLO11-Cls-ImageNet | yolo11s_cls.yaml | 25.67MB | 百度网盘 | GitHub |
- 脸部关键点检测
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
yolov6lite_l_face.onnx | Facial Landmark Detection | yolov6lite_l_face.yaml | 4.16MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov6lite_m_face.onnx | Facial Landmark Detection | yolov6lite_m_face.yaml | 3.00MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov6lite_s_face.onnx | Facial Landmark Detection | yolov6lite_s_face.yaml | 2.10MB | 百度网盘 | github |
- 姿态估计
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
yolo11s-pose.onnx | YOLO11-COCO | yolo11s_pose.yaml | 38.09MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8n-pose.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8n_pose.yaml | 12.75MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8x-pose-p6.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8x_pose_p6.yaml | 378.92MB | 百度网盘 | github |
dw-ll_ucoco_384.onnx | DWPose(人体 2d 关键点) | yolox_l_dwpose_ucoco.yaml | 128.17MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolox_l.onnx | YOLOX(人体 2d 关键点) | yolox_l_dwpose_ucoco.yaml | 206.71MB | 百度网盘 | github |
rtmo_m.onnx | RTMO(人体 2d 关键点) | rtmdet_m_coco_person_rtmo_m.yaml | 85.13MB | 百度网盘 | github |
rtmdet_m_640-8xb32_coco-person.onnx | RTMDet(人体 2d 关键点) | rtmdet_m_640-8xb32_coco-person.onnx | 104.25MB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
clrnet_tusimple_r18.onnx | CLRNet-Tusimple (CVPR2022) | clrnet_tusimple_r18.yaml | 59.04MB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
yolov5s.onnx | YOLOv5s-Det-BoT-SORT | yolov5s_det_botsort.yaml | 27.98MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8s.onnx | YOLOv8s-Det-BoT-SORT | yolov8s_det_botsort.yaml | 42.75MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8n_obb_car_bus.onnx | YOLOv8n-Obb-BoT-SORT | yolov8n_obb_botsort.yaml | 12.02MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8m-seg.onnx | YOLOv8m-Seg-Bytetrack | yolov8m_seg_bytetrack.yaml | 104.23MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8x-pose-p6.onnx | YOLOv8x-Pose-P6-BoT-SORT | yolov8x_pose_p6_botsort.yaml | 378.92MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo11s.onnx | YOLO11s-Det-BoT-SORT | yolo11s_det_botsort.yaml | 36.27MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo11s_obb_car_bus.onnx | YOLO11s-Obb-BoT-SORT | yolo11s_obb_botsort.yaml | 37.36MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo11s-seg.onnx | YOLO11s-Seg-BoT-SORT | yolo11s_seg_botsort.yaml | 38.77MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo11s-pose.onnx | YOLO11s-Pose-BoT-SORT | yolo11s_pose_botsort.yaml | 38.09MB | 百度网盘 | github |
- 水平目标检测
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
upn_large.pth | UPN-Large | upn.yaml | 834.23MB | 百度网盘 | github |
damoyolo_tinynasL20_T_420.onnx | DAMO-YOLO-COCO | damo_yolo_t.yaml | 32.45MB | 百度网盘 | github |
damoyolo_tinynasL25_S_460.onnx | DAMO-YOLO-COCO | damo_yolo_s.yaml | 62.09MB | 百度网盘 | github |
damoyolo_tinynasL35_M_492.onnx | DAMO-YOLO-COCO | damo_yolo_m.yaml | 107.58MB | 百度网盘 | github |
damoyolo_tinynasL45_L_508.onnx | DAMO-YOLO-COCO | damo_yolo_l.yaml | 160.52MB | 百度网盘 | github |
Gold_n_dist.onnx | Gold-YOLO-COCO | gold_yolo_n.yaml | 23.58MB | 百度网盘 | github |
Gold_s_pre_dist.onnx | Gold-YOLO-COCO | gold_yolo_s.yaml | 89.06MB | 百度网盘 | github |
Gold_m_pre_dist.onnx | Gold-YOLO-COCO | gold_yolo_m.yaml | 169.88MB | 百度网盘 | github |
Gold_l_pre_dist.onnx | Gold-YOLO-COCO | gold_yolo_l.yaml | 286.79MB | 百度网盘 | github |
rtdetr_r50vd_6x_coco.onnx | RT-DETR-COCO | rtdetr_r50.yaml | 160.96MB | 百度网盘 | github |
rtdetrv2_r101vd_6x_coco.onnx | RT-DETRv2-X-COCO | rtdetrv2x.yaml | 286.48MB | 百度网盘 | github |
rtdetrv2_r50vd_6x_coco.onnx | RT-DETRv2-L-COCO | rtdetrv2l.yaml | 161.38MB | 百度网盘 | github |
rtdetrv2_r50vd_m_7x_coco.onnx | RT-DETRv2-M*-COCO | rtdetrv2m7x.yaml | 126.52MB | 百度网盘 | github |
rtdetrv2_r34vd_120e_coco.onnx | RT-DETRv2-M-COCO | rtdetrv2m.yaml | 119.73MB | 百度网盘 | github |
rtdetrv2_r18vd_120e_coco.onnx | RT-DETRv2-S-COCO | rtdetrv2s.yaml | 76.80MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo_nas_l.onnx | YOLO-NAS-COCO | yolo_nas_l.yaml | 160.38MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo_nas_m.onnx | YOLO-NAS-COCO | yolo_nas_m.yaml | 121.87MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo_nas_s.onnx | YOLO-NAS-COCO | yolo_nas_s.yaml | 46.62MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5x.onnx | YOLOv5-COCO | yolov5x.yaml | 331.19MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5l.onnx | YOLOv5-COCO | yolov5l.yaml | 177.94MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5m.onnx | YOLOv5-COCO | yolov5m.yaml | 81.19MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5s.onnx | YOLOv5-COCO | yolov5s.yaml | 27.98MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5n.onnx | YOLOv5-COCO | yolov5n.yaml | 7.54MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov6x_mbla.onnx | YOLOv6-COCO | yolov6x_mbla.yaml | 300.95MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov6l_mbla.onnx | YOLOv6-COCO | yolov6l_mbla.yaml | 176.72MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov6m_mbla.onnx | YOLOv6-COCO | yolov6m_mbla.yaml | 99.61MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov6s_mbla.onnx | YOLOv6-COCO | yolov6s_mbla.yaml | 44.49MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov6s.onnx | YOLOv6-COCO | yolov6s.yaml | 70.88MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov6s6.onnx | YOLOv6-COCO | yolov6s6.yaml | 158.47MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov7.onnx | YOLOv7-COCO | yolov7.yaml | 140.90MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8x.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8x.yaml | 260.37MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8l.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8l.yaml | 166.79MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8m.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8m.yaml | 98.94MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8s.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8s.yaml | 42.75MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8n.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8n.yaml | 12.21MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8s.onnx | YOLOv8 with SAHI-COCO | yolov8s_sahi.yaml | 42.75MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8x6-oiv7.onnx | YOLOv8-Open Image V7 | yolov8x6_oiv7.yaml | 374.51MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8x-oiv7.onnx | YOLOv8-Open Image V7 | yolov8x_oiv7.yaml | 262.24MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8l-oiv7.onnx | YOLOv8-Open Image V7 | yolov8l_oiv7.yaml | 168.28MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8m-oiv7.onnx | YOLOv8-Open Image V7 | yolov8m_oiv7.yaml | 100.05MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8s-oiv7.onnx | YOLOv8-Open Image V7 | yolov8s_oiv7.yaml | 43.47MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8n-oiv7.onnx | YOLOv8-Open Image V7 | yolov8n_oiv7.yaml | 13.47MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov9c.onnx | YOLOv9-COCO | yolov9c.yaml | 195.34MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov9e.onnx | YOLOv9-COCO | yolov9e.yaml | 265.43MB | 百度网盘 | github |
gelan-c.onnx | YOLOv9-COCO | gelan-c.yaml | 97.43MB | 百度网盘 | github |
gelan-e.onnx | YOLOv9-COCO | gelan-e.yaml | 221.94MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov10n.onnx | YOLOv10-COCO | yolov10n.yaml | 8.98MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov10s.onnx | YOLOv10-COCO | yolov10s.yaml | 27.86MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov10m.onnx | YOLOv10-COCO | yolov10m.yaml | 58.81MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov10b.onnx | YOLOv10-COCO | yolov10b.yaml | 72.95MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov10l.onnx | YOLOv10-COCO | yolov10l.yaml | 93.20MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov10x.onnx | YOLOv10-COCO | yolov10x.yaml | 112.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo11s.onnx | YOLO11-COCO | yolo11s.yaml | 36.27MB | 百度网盘 | github |
hyper-yolot.onnx | Hpyer-YOLO-COCO | hyper-yolot.yaml | 12.19MB | 百度网盘 | github |
hyper-yolon.onnx | Hpyer-YOLO-COCO | hyper-yolon.yaml | 15.80MB | 百度网盘 | github |
hyper-yolos.onnx | Hpyer-YOLO-COCO | hyper-yolos.yaml | 56.83MB | 百度网盘 | github |
hyper-yolom.onnx | Hpyer-YOLO-COCO | hyper-yolom.yaml | 127.56MB | 百度网盘 | github |
hyper-yolol.onnx | Hpyer-YOLO-COCO | hyper-yolol.yaml | 215.12MB | 百度网盘 | github |
- 有向目标检测
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
yolov5n_obb_drone_vehicle.onnx | YOLOv5-OBB-DroneVehicle | yolov5n_obb_drone_vehicle.yaml | 8.39MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5s_obb_csl_dotav10.onnx | YOLOv5-OBB-DOTA-v1.0 | yolov5s_obb_csl_dotav10.yaml | 29.77MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5m_obb_csl_dotav15.onnx | YOLOv5-OBB-DOTA-v1.5 | yolov5m_obb_csl_dotav15.yaml | 83.59MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5m_obb_csl_dotav20.onnx | YOLOv5-OBB-DOTA-v2.0 | yolov5m_obb_csl_dotav20.yaml | 83.62MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8s-obb.onnx | YOLOv8-OBB-DOTA-v1.0 | yolov8s_obb.yaml | 43.84MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo11s-obb.onnx | YOLO11s-Obb-DOTA-v1.0 | yolo11s_obb.yaml | 37.36MB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
doclayout_yolo_docstructbench_imgsz1024.onnx | 文档版面分析模型 | doclayout_yolo.yaml | 72.22MB | 百度网盘 | github |
ch_PP-OCRv4_det_infer.onnx | 超轻量模型,支持中英文、多语种文本检测模型 | ch_ppocr_v4.yaml | 4.53MB | 百度网盘 | github |
ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls_infer.onnx | 原始分类器模型,对检测到的文本行文字角度分类 | ch_ppocr_v4.yaml | 569KB | 百度网盘 | github |
ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_infer.onnx | Ultra-lightweight model supporting Chinese, English, and digits recognition model | ch_ppocr_v4.yaml | 10.33MB | 百度网盘 | github |
ch_PP-OCRv4_det_infer.onnx | 超轻量模型,支持中英文、多语种文本检测模型 | japan_ppocr.yaml | 4.53MB | 百度网盘 | github |
ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls_infer.onnx | 原始分类器模型,对检测到的文本行文字角度分类 | japan_ppocr.yaml | 569KB | 百度网盘 | github |
japan_PP-OCRv3_rec_infer.onnx | 超轻量日文识别模型 | japan_ppocr.yaml | 9.62MB | 百度网盘 | github |
- 通用场景
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
sam2.1_hiera_tiny.encoder.onnx | SAM2 | sam2_hiera_tiny.yaml | 128.04MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_tiny.decoder.onnx | SAM2 | sam2_hiera_tiny.yaml | 19.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_small.encoder.onnx | SAM2 | sam2_hiera_small.yaml | 155.17MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_small.decoder.onnx | SAM2 | sam2_hiera_small.yaml | 19.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_base_plus.encoder.onnx | SAM2 | sam2_hiera_base.yaml | 324.04MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_base_plus.decoder.onnx | SAM2 | sam2_hiera_base.yaml | 19.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_large.encoder.onnx | SAM2 | sam2_hiera_large.yaml | 848.16MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_large.decoder.onnx | SAM2 | sam2_hiera_large.yaml | 19.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
edge_sam_encoder.onnx | EdgeSAM | edge_sam.yaml | 21.02MB | 百度网盘 | github |
edge_sam_decoder.onnx | EdgeSAM | edge_sam.yaml | 17.78MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_b_01ec64.encoder.onnx | SAM ViT-base encoder | segment_anything_vit_b.yaml | 342.58MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_b_01ec64.decoder.onnx | SAM ViT-base decoder | segment_anything_vit_b.yaml | 15.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_b_01ec64.encoder.quant.onnx | SAM ViT-base encoder(量化版本) | segment_anything_vit_b_quant.yaml | 103.78MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_b_01ec64.decoder.quant.onnx | SAM ViT-base decoder(量化版本) | segment_anything_vit_b_quant.yaml | 8.34MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_l_0b3195.encoder.onnx | SAM ViT-large encoder | segment_anything_vit_l.yaml | 1.15GB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_l_0b3195.decoder.onnx | SAM ViT-large decoder | segment_anything_vit_l.yaml | 15.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_l_0b3195.encoder.quant.onnx | SAM ViT-large encoder(量化版本) | segment_anything_vit_l_quant.yaml | 317.18MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_l_0b3195.decoder.quant.onnx | SAM ViT-large decoder(量化版本) | segment_anything_vit_l_quant.yaml | 8.34MB | 百度网盘 | github |
mobile_sam.encoder.onnx | MobileSAM encoder | mobile_sam_vit_h.yaml | 26.85MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_h_4b8939.decoder.quant.onnx | MobileSAM decoder | mobile_sam_vit_h.yaml | 8.34MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_h_4b8939.encoder.quant.onnx | SAM ViT-huge encoder(量化版本) | segment_anything_vit_h_quant.yaml | 626.40MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_h_4b8939.decoder.quant.onnx | SAM ViT-huge decoder(量化版本) | segment_anything_vit_h_quant.yaml | 8.34MB | 百度网盘 | github |
efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.encoder.onnx | EfficientViT-SAM ViT-huge encoder | efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.yaml | 117.25MB | 百度网盘 | github |
efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.decoder.onnx | EfficientViT-SAM ViT-huge decoder | efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.yaml | 15.63MB | 百度网盘 | github |
efficientvit_sam_l1_vit_h.encoder.onnx | EfficientViT-SAM ViT-huge encoder | efficientvit_sam_l1_vit_h.yaml | 166.31MB | 百度网盘 | github |
efficientvit_sam_l1_vit_h.decoder.onnx | EfficientViT-SAM ViT-huge decoder | efficientvit_sam_l1_vit_h.yaml | 15.63MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_b_encoder.onnx | HQ-SAM ViT-base encoder | sam_hq_vit_b.yaml | 342.37MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_b_decoder.onnx | HQ-SAM ViT-base decoder | sam_hq_vit_b.yaml | 19.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_l_encoder.onnx | HQ-SAM ViT-large encoder | sam_hq_vit_l.yaml | 1.15GB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_l_decoder.onnx | HQ-SAM ViT-large decoder | sam_hq_vit_l.yaml | 20.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_l_encoder_quant.onnx | HQ-SAM ViT-large encoder(量化版本) | sam_hq_vit_l_quant.yaml | 307.96MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_l_decoder | HQ-SAM ViT-large decoder | sam_hq_vit_l_quant.yaml | 20.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_h_encoder_quant.onnx | HQ-SAM ViT-huge encoder(量化版本) | sam_hq_vit_h_quant.yaml | 625.55MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_h_decoder | HQ-SAM ViT-huge decoder | sam_hq_vit_h_quant.yaml | 21.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
- 医学场景
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
sam-med2d_b.encoder.onnx | SAM-Med2D ViT-base encoder | sam_med2d_vit_b.yaml | 1019.49MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam-med2d_b.decoder.onnx | SAM-Med2D ViT-base decoder | sam_med2d_vit_b.yaml | 15.60MB | 百度网盘 | github |
medsam_vit_b.encoder.onnx | MedSAM ViT-base encoder | medsam_vit_b.yaml | 342.58MB | 百度网盘 | github |
medsam_vit_b.decoder.onnx | MedSAM ViT-base decoder | medsam_vit_b.yaml | 15.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_model_best_large_ssl_buidnewprocess.encoder.onnx | LVMSAM-超声乳腺癌分割模型 ViT-base encoder | lvm_sam_ssk_buid_vit_b.yaml | 342.58MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_model_best_large_ssl_buidnewprocess.decoder.onnx | LVMSAM-超声乳腺癌分割模型 ViT-base decoder | lvm_sam_ssk_buid_vit_b.yaml | 15.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_model_best_large_ssl_isiconlytrain.encoder.onnx | LVMSAM-皮肤镜病灶分割模型 ViT-base encoder | lvm_sam_ssk_isic_vit_b.yaml | 342.58MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_model_best_large_ssl_isiconlytrain.decoder.onnx | LVMSAM-皮肤镜病灶分割模型 ViT-base decoder | lvm_sam_ssk_isic_vit_b.yaml | 15.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_model_best_large_ssl_kvasir.encoder.onnx | LVMSAM-结直肠息肉分割模型 ViT-base encoder | lvm_sam_ssk_kvasir_vit_b.yaml | 342.58MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_model_best_large_ssl_kvasir.decoder.onnx | LVMSAM-结直肠息肉分割模型 ViT-base decoder | lvm_sam_ssk_kvasir_vit_b.yaml | 15.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
yolov5s-seg.onnx | YOLOv5-COCO | yolov5s_seg.yaml | 29.45MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8x-seg.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8x_seg.yaml | 274.10MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8l-seg.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8l_seg.yaml | 175.59MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8m-seg.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8m_seg.yaml | 104.23MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8s-seg.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8s_seg.yaml | 45.25MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8n-seg.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8n_seg.yaml | 13.18MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolo11s-seg.onnx | YOLO11-COCO | yolo11s_seg.yaml | 38.77MB | 百度网盘 | github |
hyper-yolon-seg.onnx | Hpyer-YOLO-COCO | hyper-yolon-seg.yaml | 16.77MB | 百度网盘 | github |
hyper-yolos-seg.onnx | Hpyer-YOLO-COCO | hyper-yolos-seg.yaml | 59.34MB | 百度网盘 | github |
hyper-yolom-seg.onnx | Hpyer-YOLO-COCO | hyper-yolom-seg.yaml | 132.85MB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
bria-rmbg-1.4.onnx | RMBG v1.4 (BRIA AI) | rmbg_v14.yaml | 167.99MB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
yolov8s.onnx | YOLOv8-SAM2.1 | yolov8s_sam2_hiera_base.yaml | 42.75MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_base_plus.encoder.onnx | YOLOv8-SAM2.1 | yolov8s_sam2_hiera_base.yaml | 324.04MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_base_plus.decoder.onnx | YOLOv8-SAM2.1 | yolov8s_sam2_hiera_base.yaml | 19.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
resnet50.onnx | ResNet50-ImageNet(检测+分类级联模型) | yolov5s_resnet50.yaml | 97.42MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5s.onnx | YOLOv5-COCO(检测+分类级联模型) | yolov5s_resnet50.yaml | 27.98MB | 百度网盘 | github |
mobile_sam.encoder.onnx | MobileSAM encoder(YOLOv5-SAM) | yolov5s_mobile_sam_vit_h.yaml | 26.85MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_vit_h_4b8939.decoder.quant.onnx | MobileSAM decoder(YOLOv5-SAM) | yolov5s_mobile_sam_vit_h.yaml | 8.34MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5s.onnx | YOLOv5-COCO(YOLOv5-SAM) | yolov5s_mobile_sam_vit_h.yaml | 27.98MB | 百度网盘 | github |
efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.encoder.onnx | YOLOv8-EfficientViT-SAM | yolov8n_efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.yaml | 117.25MB | 百度网盘 | github |
efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.decoder.onnx | YOLOv8-EfficientViT-SAM | yolov8n_efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.yaml | 15.63MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8n.onnx | YOLOv8-EfficientViT-SAM | yolov8n_efficientvit_sam_l0_vit_h.yaml | 12.21MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5m.onnx | YOLOv5-RAM | yolov5m_ram.yaml | 81.19MB | 百度网盘 | github |
ram_swin_large_14m.onnx | YOLOv5-RAM | yolov5m_ram.yaml | 865.66MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5_plate_detect.onnx | YOLOv5(车牌识别) | yolov5_car_plate.yaml | 3.65MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov5_plate_rec_color.onnx | YOLOv5(车牌识别) | yolov5_car_plate.yaml | 702KB | 百度网盘 | github |
edge_sam_encoder.onnx | EdgeSAM-CN-CLIP ViT-B-16 | edge_sam_with_chinese_clip.yaml | 21.02MB | 百度网盘 | github |
edge_sam_decoder.onnx | EdgeSAM-CN-CLIP ViT-B-16 | edge_sam_with_chinese_clip.yaml | 17.78MB | 百度网盘 | github |
vit-b-16.img.fp16.onnx | EdgeSAM-CN-CLIP ViT-B-16 | edge_sam_with_chinese_clip.yaml | 3.51MB | 百度网盘 | github |
vit-b-16.txt.fp16.onnx | EdgeSAM-CN-CLIP ViT-B-16 | edge_sam_with_chinese_clip.yaml | 2.15MB | 百度网盘 | github |
vit-b-16.img.fp16.onnx.extra_file | EdgeSAM-CN-CLIP ViT-B-16 | edge_sam_with_chinese_clip.yaml | 164.40MB | 百度网盘 | github |
vit-b-16.txt.fp16.onnx.extra_file | EdgeSAM-CN-CLIP ViT-B-16 | edge_sam_with_chinese_clip.yaml | 194.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
groundingdino_swint_ogc_quant.onnx | GroundingSAM-SwinB with HQ-SAM-VitL-QInt8 | groundingdino_swinb_attn_fuse_sam_hq_vit_l_quant.yaml | 964.04MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_l_encoder_quant.onnx | GroundingSAM-SwinB with HQ-SAM-VitL-QInt8 | groundingdino_swinb_attn_fuse_sam_hq_vit_l_quant.yaml | 307.96MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam_hq_vit_l_decoder | GroundingSAM-SwinB with HQ-SAM-VitL-QInt8 | groundingdino_swinb_attn_fuse_sam_hq_vit_l_quant.yaml | 20.74MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_large.encoder.onnx | GroundingSAM2 | groundingdino_swint_sam2_large.yaml | 848.16MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2.1_hiera_large.decoder.onnx | GroundingSAM2 | groundingdino_swint_sam2_large.yaml | 19.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
groundingdino_swint_ogc_quant.onnx | GroundingSAM2 | groundingdino_swint_sam2_large.yaml | 171.28MB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
yolov8x-worldv2.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8x_worldv2.yaml | 276.38MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8l-worldv2-cc3m.onnx | YOLOv8-CC3M | yolov8l_worldv2_cc3m.yaml | 177.39MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8l-worldv2.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8l_worldv2.yaml | 177.39MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8m-worldv2.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8m_worldv2.yaml | 107.21MB | 百度网盘 | github |
yolov8s-worldv2.onnx | YOLOv8-COCO | yolov8s_worldv2.yaml | 47.97MB | 百度网盘 | github |
groundingdino_swint_ogc_quant.onnx | GroundingDINO | groundingdino_swint_ogc_quant.yaml | 171.28MB | 百度网盘 | github |
groundingdino_swinb_cogcoor_quant.onnx | GroundingDINO | groundingdino_swinb_cogcoor_quant.yaml | 258.90MB | 百度网盘 | github |
ram_swin_large_14m.onnx | Recognize Anything | ram_swin_large_14m.yaml | 865.66MB | 百度网盘 | github |
ram_plus_swin_large_14m.onnx | Recognize Anything Pluse | ram_plus_swin_large_14m.yaml | 1.74GB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
depth_anything_vits14.onnx | DepthAnything | depth_anything_vit_s.yaml | 94.48MB | 百度网盘 | github |
depth_anything_vitb14.onnx | DepthAnything | depth_anything_vit_b.yaml | 370.91MB | 百度网盘 | github |
depth_anything_vitl14.onnx | DepthAnything | depth_anything_vit_l.yaml | 1.25GB | 百度网盘 | github |
depth_anything_v2_vits.onnx | DepthAnythingV2 | depth_anything_v2_vit_s.yaml | 94.77MB | 百度网盘 | github |
depth_anything_v2_vitb.onnx | DepthAnythingV2 | depth_anything_v2_vit_b.yaml | 371.20MB | 百度网盘 | github |
depth_anything_v2_vitl.onnx | DepthAnythingV2 | depth_anything_v2_vit_l.yaml | 1.25GB | 百度网盘 | github |
名称 | 描述 | 配置 | 大小 | 链接 |
sam2_hiera_tiny.pt | SAM 2 | sam2_hiera_tiny_video.yaml | 148.68MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2_hiera_small.pt | SAM 2 | sam2_hiera_small_video.yaml | 175.77MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2_hiera_base_plus.pt | SAM 2 | sam2_hiera_base_video.yaml | 308.51MB | 百度网盘 | github |
sam2_hiera_large.pt | SAM 2 | sam2_hiera_large_video.yaml | 856.35MB | 百度网盘 | github |