Comic Companion is the go-to app for the ultimate comic reading experience. Dive into the latest weeklies or explore timeless classics spanning decades. But we're more than just comics – create and share personalized reading lists, connecting with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned fan or a newcomer, Comic Companion is your portal to a world of superheroes and villains.
Comic Companion is currently under beta. If you encounter any issues or have any feature requests, please submit them on the Github Issues Page
- Android Mobile App
- Web App
- C#
- EF Core
- TypeScript
- React
- Redux Tool Kit
- Ionic Capacitor
- Postgresql
- Clone this repository using the command
git clone
- From the top level directory of the project, navigate to the API folder using the command
cd ComicCompanion
- Install necessary dependencies using the command
dotnet restore
- In the
, create a file calledappsettings.json
- In the
file, paste this code:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=comiccompanion;User Id={your-user-name};Password={your-password}"
"JWT": {
"ValidAudience": "ComicCompanion",
"ValidIssuer": "ComicCompanion",
"Secret": "{your-secret-key}"
Note: Be sure to replace {your-user-name} and {your-password} with your Postgresql user info. Additionally, {your-secret-key} should be at least 16 characters long
To setup the database, run the command
dotnet ef database update
To build the project, run the command
dotnet build
To run the project in a local server, run the command
dotnet run
, ordotnet watch run
for hot reloading
- From the root directory,
, navigate to the Client directory using the commandcd ComicCompanionClient
- Install dependencies using the command
npm install
- To build the project, run the command
npm run build
- To run the project in a dev server, run the command
npm run dev
Follow the previous setup instruction for running the web app locally. You do not need to run the dev server
Initialize the android project files by running the command
npx cap app android
Set the custom app icon and splash screen by running the command
npx capacitor-assets generate
Build the app by running the command
npm run build
Sync the mobile and previously built web app by running the command
npx cap sync
Open the app in Android Studio using the command
npx cap open android
To run the app directly from the CLI on an emulator or connected device, run the command
npx cap run android
For more information or troubleshooting steps, visit the Capacitor Android docs
For bug reports and feature requests, please submit an issue on Github
Licensed under GPLv3
Disclaimer: Comic Companion is a non profit app, and does not host or otherwise earn any revenue from the content displayed on the app. All content comes from third party sources. Please contact appropriate sources for removal