When analysing data from whole-cell patch-clamp experiments, it can be useful to have a model of both the biological system of interest and the experimental set up. In these notebooks we retrace the steps taken in the supplement to Lei et al., 2020, and construct (1) a model of a patch-clamp experiment with various experimental artefacts, and (2) a model of the corrections applied by patch-clamp amplifiers to mitigate these effects. The exposition draws heavily on a book chapter by Sigworth (1995a).
I have tried to keep things as to-the-point as possible, but a lot of extra detail is provided in the appendices.
The first notebook describes the uncompensated patch-clamp set up, and shows how to derive both an electrical schematic and an ODE model.
In the second notebook we update the model to include the compensation circuitry commonly used in patch-clamp amplifiers.
(Unfinished) In this notebook, we walk through the steps of a manual patch-clamp experiment.
(Unfinished) In this notebook, we walk through the steps of a manual patch-clamp experiment.
(Unfinished) In notebook number five we derive simplified models of the compensated voltage clamp setup, which can be used in fitting.
(Unfinished) Finally, we present two simplified models (with currents in pA and currents in A/F), in equation & Myokit form.
- Electronics
- Extended models
- Parameter names and values
- Remaining noise and errors
- Estimating Rs and Cm