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Releases: CesiumGS/cesium

Cesium 1.0

01 Aug 14:56
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1.0 - 2014-08-01

Highlights include:

  • Added camera collision detection with terrain to the default mouse interaction.
  • Modified the default camera tilt mouse behavior to tilt about the point clicked, taking into account terrain.
  • Modified the default camera mouse behavior to look about the camera's position when the sky is clicked.
  • Cesium can now render an unlimited number of imagery layers, no matter how few texture units are supported by the hardware.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b30

01 Aug 14:55
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b30 - 2014-07-01

  • Cesium now supports Internet Explorer 11.0.9 on desktops. For the best results, use the new IE Developer Channel for development.
  • ReferenceProperty can now handle sub-properties, for example, myObject#billboard.scale.
  • can now include period characters.
  • Added PolylineGlowMaterialProperty which enables data sources to use the PolylineGlow material.
  • Fixed support for embedded resources in glTF models.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b29

01 Aug 14:54
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b29 - 2014-06-02

Highlights include:

  • Added new functions to Cartesian3: fromDegrees, fromRadians, fromDegreesArray, fromRadiansArray, fromDegreesArray3D and fromRadiansArray3D. Added fromRadians to Cartographic.
  • Fixed dark lighting in 3D and Columbus View when viewing a primitive edge on. (#592)
  • Improved Internet Explorer 11.0.8 support including workarounds for rendering labels, billboards, and the sun.
  • Improved terrain and imagery rendering performance when very close to the surface.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b28

01 Aug 14:53
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b28 - 2014-05-01

Highlights include:

  • Added a NavigationHelpButton widget that, when clicked, displays information about how to navigate around the globe with the mouse. The new button is enabled by default in the Viewer widget.
  • Added Model.minimumPixelSize property so models remain visible when the viewer zooms out.
  • Added DynamicRectangle to support DataSource provided RectangleGeometry.
  • Added DynamicWall to support DataSource provided WallGeometry.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b27

01 Aug 14:52
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b27 - 2014-04-01

Highlights include:

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b26

01 Aug 14:51
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b26 - 2014-03-03

Highlights include:

  • Added Model for drawing 3D models using glTF. See the tutorial and Sandcastle example.
  • DynamicScene now makes use of Geometry and Appearances, which provides a tremendous improvements to DataSource visualization (CZML, GeoJSON, etc..). Extruded geometries are now supported and in many use cases performance is an order of magnitude faster.
  • Added new SelectionIndicator and InfoBox widgets to Viewer, activated by viewerDynamicObjectMixin.
  • CesiumTerrainProvider now supports mesh-based terrain like the tiles created by STK Terrain Server.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b25

01 Aug 14:50
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b25 - 2014-02-03

Highlights include:

  • Fixed globe rendering in the current Canary version of Google Chrome.
  • Viewer now monitors the clock settings of the first added DataSource for changes, and also now has a constructor option automaticallyTrackFirstDataSourceClock which will turn off this behavior.
  • The DynamicObjectCollection created by CzmlDataSource now sends a single collectionChanged event after CZML is loaded; previously it was sending an event every time an object was created or removed during the load process.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b24

01 Aug 14:50
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b24 - 2014-01-06

Highlights include:

  • The minified, combined Cesium.js file now omits certain DeveloperError checks, to increase performance and reduce file size. When developing your application, we recommend using the unminified version locally for early error detection, then deploying the minified version to production.
  • Fixed disabling CentralBody.enableLighting.
  • Fixed Geocoder flights when following an object.
  • The Viewer widget now clears Geocoder input when the user clicks the home button.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b23

01 Aug 14:49
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b23 - 2013-12-02

Highlights include:

  • Added perPositionHeight option to PolygonGeometry and PolygonOutlineGeometry.
  • Added QuaternionSpline and LinearSpline.
  • Added Quaternion.log, Quaternion.exp, Quaternion.innerQuadrangle, and Quaternion.squad.
  • Added Matrix3.inverse and Matrix3.determinant.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium b22

01 Aug 14:48
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b22 - 2013-11-01

Highlights include:

  • Added a Geocoder widget that allows users to enter an address or the name of a landmark and zoom to that location. It is enabled by default in applications that use the Viewer widget.
  • Added GoogleEarthImageryProvider.
  • Added Moon for drawing the moon, and IauOrientationAxes for computing the Moon's orientation.

See the change log for a full list of changes