- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- dependencies
- @usecannon/builder bumped from ^2.8.0 to ^2.8.1
- @usecannon/cli bumped from ^2.8.0 to ^2.8.1
- dependencies
2.8.0 (2023-09-29)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- dependencies
- @usecannon/builder bumped from ^2.7.1 to ^2.8.0
- @usecannon/cli bumped from ^2.7.1 to ^2.8.0
- dependencies
2.7.1 (2023-09-17)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- dependencies
- @usecannon/builder bumped from ^2.7.0 to ^2.7.1
- @usecannon/cli bumped from ^2.7.0 to ^2.7.1
- dependencies
2.7.0 (2023-09-16)
- cli: add anvil custom options to run and build commands (e9cf80b)
- gitHeads references from lerna (ae76eae)
2.6.0 (2023-09-16)
- cli: add anvil custom options to run and build commands (e9cf80b)
- migrate cannonfile validation to zod (#320) (04ebdf6)
- gitHeads references from lerna (ae76eae)
- hardhat-cannon: Fixing hardhat compatibility with latest version (#359) (6855af9)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- dependencies
- @usecannon/builder bumped from ^2.6.1 to ^2.7.0
- @usecannon/cli bumped from ^2.6.1 to ^2.7.0
- dependencies
2.5.6 (2023-09-13)
- gitHeads references from lerna (ae76eae)
- The following workspace dependencies were updated
- dependencies
- @usecannon/builder bumped from ^2.6.0 to ^2.6.1
- @usecannon/cli bumped from ^2.6.0 to ^2.6.1
- dependencies