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The following repository holds the code for a compiler that compiles basic Python scripts, as a course project for CS335: Semester II (2024-25), under the guidance of Prof. Swarnendu Biswas. This compiler was made in a team of three which included me, along with Siddhant Jakhotiya and Harsh Bihany.

A near-to exhaustive list of the features supported by our compiler...

  • Statically typed version of Python, supported. Basically C-like semantics in Python. View the examples in ./milestone3/tests/.
  • Integer (int) and string (str) data types.
  • 1-D lists of uniform data types.
  • All basic arithmetic, relational logical, bitwise and augmented assigment operators supported. Note that ternary operations are not supported.
  • Basic language features like the if-elif-else, while and for - loops supported. Note that the for loop supported is only of the type:
for i in range(a):
	# code
for i in range(a, b):
	# code
  • Recursive methods supported.

  • Support the library function print() for only printing the primitive Python types, one at a time.

  • Support of classes and objects with a __init__ method, including multilevel inheritance and constructors, with their method calls supported and also access to members declared with a self directive.

  • Static polymorphism via method overloading.

  • The compiler requires the following block:

    if __name__ == "__main__":
    	# your function calls.
  • Do note that format specifiers within print statements are not supported and neither are sequence of object receivers. import statements are not supported, no string operations except string comparison.

  • Multiple function calls can be executed within a single line.

  • Can return lists and class objects from functions and can also take them as arguments to function calls.

  • Support for the len(array) within well-defined scopes.


Our compiler requires to have flex, bison installed along with the gcc compiler.


cd into the milestone3 directory and:


This generates our pycompiler.o

./pycompiler.o -i ../tests/ -o -a asm1.s -s sym_tab.csv -t tac.txt -v

is the complete set of flags, supported (optionally run ./pycompiler -h for more information). You can omit the -o, -t, -s, and -v flags. However, the -a flag is needed to generate the x86 code for the python script, which can be run using

./ asm1.s

You can optionally provide the .dot file (if generated using the -o from the pycompiler) to generate the AST (abstract symbol table) of the python script, in a .pdf file, much like:

./ asm1.s 

The project is divided into 3 milestones, the first of which developed the frontend of the compiler, the lexer and the scanner. The second accomplished the making of the IR (intermediate representation) - 3AC code and the last milestone was based off around generating x86 code for the generated IR.

~In small deeds do we live, in lesser we die...