is used under the hood
results are passed to prop called data
field data.loading
indicating load from server
field data.error
represents possible errors
additional methods data.refetch()
, data.fetchMore()
, etc.
import React from 'react'
import { gql , graphql } from 'react-apollo'
const MyComponent = props => (
< div >
{ props . data &&
props . data . search &&
props . data . search . content
</ div >
const MyQuery = gql `
query fetch($term: String) {
search(term: "hello world") {
export default graphql ( MyQuery ) ( MyComponent )
export default graphql ( MyQuery , {
options : {
variables : { term : 'Hello World!' } ,
} ,
} ) ( MyComponent )
< SearchWithData term = "Hello World" />
export default graphql ( MyQuery , {
options : ownProps => ( {
variables : { term : ownProps . term } ,
} ) ,
} ) ( MyComponent )
export default graphql ( MyQuery , {
options : { pollInterval : 20000 } ,
} ) ( MyComponent )
export default graphql ( MyQuery , {
skip : ownProps => ! ownProps . authenticated ,
} ) ( MyComponent )
Controlling props
of compoent
props passed to child sare available via ownProps
export default graphql ( MyQuery , {
props : ( ownProps , data ) => ( { ...ownProps , ...data } )
} ) ( MyComponent )