Python library to simplify some common tasks related to the creation of impactful Voilà dashboards.
The online documentation for vois library is available here
The PDF documentation for vois library is available here
The vois library contains:
folder vois: helper functions for tasks not directly related to ipyvuetify (manage geojson files, create an interactive map to display custom geojson, simplify visualization of hierarchical data in Plotly, create custom SVG visualizations, etc.)
folder vois/vuetify: classes to simplify the development of GUIs using ipyvuetify (each source file contains a wrapper to simplify the usage of a ipyvuetify widget)
VOIS library is released under a EUPL Version 1.2 license (see LICENSE)
The examples/notebooks subfolder contains one notebook for each of the source modules of the vois library. All the examples used in the Reference Manual of the online documentation are reported into these notebooks, for instance the examples described here can be found in examples/notebooks/colors.ipynb
The examples/EnergyConsumption subfolder contains a complete step-by-step dashboard that displays EUROSTAT data on Energy Consumption in Europe.
Screenshot of the final version of the example dashboard:
These are the links to all the steps of the example dashboard deployed and published by the BDAP Voilà server:
Step.1: Creation of the dashboard structure using the app class
Step.2: Use Pandas to read the input CSVs and display the DataFrame as a table
Step.3: Add the filtering controls to the dashboard to select countries and sector
Step.4: Add the Plotly Bar Chart View
Step.5: Add the SVG Static Map View
Step.6: Add the Dynamic Map View
Step.7: Add the functions for downloading chart, table and map
Step.8: Manage the parameters passsed in the URL and open external URLs
Step.9: Add an interactive AnimatedPieChart in SVG to select the consumption sector
Step.Final.Dark: Dark version of the final dashboard
The vois was originally developed inside JEO-lab, the JupyterLab environment of JRC BDAP.
The main dependencies are:
ipyvuetify (
ipywidgets (
ipyleaflet (
The interapro BDAP library ( is used only in the module interMap (the same functions are available from the module leafletMap that is based on ipyleaflet)
All these dependencies are already installed inside the "Interactive Processing - JupyterLab - Python 3" docker image that is available on JEO-lab (
The same docker image is used by the BDAP Voilà servers.
The vois library is already installed inside the docker image used in JEO-lab ("InteractiveProcessing - JupyterLab - Python 3", which is the first of the list of images available in the Notebook Manager) and in Voilà.
The library can also be used by copying all the python source file contained in the folder named "vois" and "vois/vuetify" under the notebook that contains the Voilà dashboard to be deployed.
The script in script/copyto can be used to copy an updated version of the vois library to another folder
To copy the source code into the deploy folder, run this command from the root folder of this repository:
All the source python .py file have accompanying .ipynb notebooks files that contain examples on how to use the methods or classes. They can be used for testing the developments on the single modules of the library.
To build the latest documentation from source, install these dependencies:
- pip install -U sphinx
- pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
- pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex
- pip install sphinx-copybutton
Go to directory docs
and run make html
cd docs
make html
The documentation is generated in html format in _build/html
and can be read with your browser (open index.html
Sources of information on how to write or update the documentation can be found following these links:
General documentation guidance:
Unit tests are done using unittest python test runner. See documentation at
At the moment only simple tests are implemented in the module (root folder)
To execute the tests, run:
from the root folder.