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Releases: DestinE-Climate-DT/AQUA


08 Nov 11:30
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v0.12.3-beta Pre-release

Further test using the base from ClimateDT


08 Nov 10:36
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v0.12.3-alpha Pre-release

Desperate release rolling back to 2.37


04 Nov 11:36
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Main changes are:

  1. Single container script to be used on Lumi, MN5 and Levante

AQUA core complete list:

  • Introduce timeshift option for the fixer to roll forward/back the time axis (#1411)
  • Centralize and refactor in single script the tool to load AQUA container (#1413)
  • Add extra maintenance options to submit-aqua-web (#1415)
  • Update removing dependency on full AQUA and option not to convert to png (#1419)
  • Pin to xarray<2024.09 to prevent bug in polyfit requires temporary (#1420)
  • Remove spurious dimensions when running fldmean() (#1423)

AQUA diagnostic complete list:

  • Refactor of plotThickness method in the sea ice diagnostic (#1427)


25 Oct 07:05
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Main changes are:

  1. New timstat module for time statistics

AQUA core complete list:

  • Allow multiple realizations in fdb-catalog-generator (#1335)
  • Fix the container loading script in order to avoid load of local libraries (#1399)
  • Fix using AQUA container for submit-aqua-web, do not wipe old figures by default (#1387)
  • New timstat() module which opens complement timmean() with timmax(), timmin() and timstd() methods (#1391)
  • Fix installation to avoid mismatch between hdf5 and h5py libraries (#1408)


07 Oct 10:14
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Main changes are:

  1. AQUA installation now requires a mandatory machine name.
  2. The aqua source code has been moved to the src folder. The change is transparent to the user.
  3. A diagnostic module, called aqua.diagnostics, is under development. The module is not yet active, diagnostics are still available with the previous structure.

AQUA core complete list:

  • Mixed updates to support data for NextGEMS cycle4 hackathon (#1375)
  • Preprocess functionality added to the Reader class (#1298)
  • The AQUAthon material has been moved under the notebooks folder (#1342)
  • aqua source code has been moved to the src folder (#1332)
  • A diagnostic module, called aqua.diagnostics, has been created under the src folder (#1332, #1341)
  • LRA generator tool support for multiple relizations (#1357, #1375)
  • LRA generator requires catalog as a mandatory argument (#1357)
  • AQUA console revisiting, adding avail method and update method (#1346)
  • AQUA install now requires mandatory machine name (#1346)
  • Fix to make keyword step optional in request (#1360)


10 Sep 14:53
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Main changes are:

  1. LRA and catalog generator are now part of the AQUA CLI

AQUA core complete list:

  • LRA, both from CLI and worklow, is part of the AQUA console and can be run with aqua lra $options (#1294)
  • FDB catalog generator is part of the AQUA console and can be run with aqua catgen $options (#1294)
  • Coordinate unit overriding is now possible via the tgt_units argument (#1320)
  • Full support for python>=3.9 (#1325)
  • Pin of (python) eccodes<2.37.0 in pyproject due to recent changes in binary/python structure (#1325)

AQUA diagnostic complete list:

  • Radiation: Bugfix in the CLI for the radiation diagnostic (#1319)


30 Aug 16:18
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Main changes are:

  1. Updates to FESOM grids names to work with Phase2 experiments

AQUA core complete list:

  • Renaming of FESOM grids to include original resolution name (#1312)
  • Bugfix of the fdb-catalog-generator tool that was not correctly assigning NEMO grids (#1309)
  • Bugfix of the GSV intake driver that was not handling correctly metadata jinja replacement (#1304)
  • Bugfix of _merge_fixes() method when the parent fix has no vars specified (#1310)
  • Safety check for the netcdf driver providing more informative error when files are not found (#1307, #1313)

AQUA diagnostic complete list:

  • Tropical Rainfall: Fix Minor Issues in Tropical Precipitation CLI Metadata and Formatting (#1266)


21 Aug 09:54
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❗ Attention: If you are accessing FDB experiments, we suggest to not use versions older than this release. ❗

Main changes are:

  1. AQUA works with FDB written with ecCodes versions > 2.35 as well as lower.
  2. Timeseries and Seasonal cyle can now be evaluated also on a specific region

AQUA core complete list:

  • ecCodes now pinned to >=2.36.0 and tool for fixing older definition files (#1302)

AQUA diagnostics complete list:

  • Timeseries: a region can be selected for Timeseries and Seasonal Cycle with the lon_limits and lat_limits arguments (#1299
  • Timeseries: the cli argument for extending the time range is now extend (previously expand) (#1299)
  • Timeseries: all the available diagnostics support the catalog argument (#1299)


25 Jul 15:24
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🏝️ AQUA summer release 🏝️

Main changes are:

Attention: this version is not compatible with catalog entries with ecCodes >= 2.35.0.

  1. LRA supports multi-catalog structure
  2. ecCodes temporarily restricted to < 2.34
  3. fdb-catalog generator based on the data-portfolio repository

AQUA core complete list:

  • Refactor the fdb-catalog-generator tool to work with data-portfolio repository (#1275)
  • Introduce a function to convert NetCDF to Zarr and zarr catalog entry for LRA (#1068)
  • Suppress the warning of missing catalogs in the AQUA console add command (#1288)
  • Lumi installation is completely updated to LUMI/23.09 modules (#1290)
  • gsv_intake switches eccodes also for shortname definitions (#1279)
  • Increase compatibility between LRA generator and multi-catalog (#1278)
  • Allow for intake string replacement within LRA-generated catalogs (#1278)
  • Avoid warning for missing intake variable default when calling the Reader() (#1287)

AQUA diagnostic complete list:

  • Teleconnections: catalog feature bugfix (#1276)


16 Jul 15:44
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Main changes are:

  1. support for ecCodes >= 2.35.0
  2. fdb_path is deprecated in favour of fdb_home

AQUA core complete list:

  • Restructure fixes folder and files (#1271)
  • Removed eccodes pin, better handling of tables in get_eccodes_attr (#1269)
  • Added test for diagnostics integration to AQUA installation process (#1244)
  • Bugfix for the monthly frequency data with monthly cumulated fluxes (#1255)
  • fdb_path becomes optional and deprecated in favour of fdb_home (#1262)

AQUA diagnostic complete list:

  • ECmean documentation updates (#1264)