Releases: DevCloudFE/vue-devui
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix: 修复form组件文档校验出错 (#1454) by @hqchqc in #1460
- fix: 修复notification组件超时时间为0下鼠标移除会自动消失(#1468) by @xiaogonggong-w in #1469
- fix(color-picker): misspelling of words & keep paletter is displayed on the screen by @ErKeLost in #1470
- fix: theme props type warning by @ErKeLost in #1472
- 修复 Radio 组件 size 属性的逻辑 (#1199) by @vaebe in #1479
- 修复 checkbox 组件 size 属性的逻辑 (#1199) by @vaebe in #1480
- fix(read-tip): 修复一些简单的小错误 by @vaebe in #1477
- fix(select): 修复 select 组件 size 属性的逻辑 (#1199) by @hxj9102 in #1482
- fix(date-picker-pro): 修复date-picker-pro测试用例报错 by @hxj9102 in #1483
- cascader组件 props size 在表单内部时应该跟随表单变化 by @vaebe in #1497
- timePicker组件 props size 在表单内部时应该跟随表单变化 by @vaebe in #1496
- search 组件在 form 表单内部时 应该跟随表单的size变化 by @vaebe in #1492
- input-number 组件在 form 内时根据表单 size 变化 by @vaebe in #1493
- timeSelect 组件 props size 在表单内部时应该跟随表单变化 by @vaebe in #1494
Other Changes
- docs(form): 组件文档尺寸,增加 size 切换。 by @vaebe in #1478
- style(algolia): 组件文档 algolia 检索主题适配 by @vaebe in #1484
- switch 组件 size 向标准统一 (#1199) by @vaebe in #1476
- chore: auto create a tag by @kagol in #1485
- form 文档 size 示例,增加 timeSelect、timePicker。 by @vaebe in #1495
New Contributors
- @hqchqc made their first contribution in #1460
- @xiaogonggong-w made their first contribution in #1469
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.4.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(tooltip): 修复tooltip测试用例github构建报错 by @hxj9102 in #1445
- fix(checkbox): 阻止事件冒泡,避免引发table中勾选时触发多个事件(#1446) by @zhaoShijuan in #1447
- fix(auto-complete): 修复类型定义报错问题 by @zxlfly in #1456
- fix: 修复自动化构建报错 by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1453
- fix(message):修复duration为0时,移入移出自动关闭问题+修改关闭按钮不垂直居中样式(#1449) by @zhaoShijuan in #1450
- fix(.github): 修复无法自动生成release_note的问题 by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1464
Other Changes
- chore(.github): 新增自动构建 by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1443
- test(mention): 添加mention测试用例 by @hxj9102 in #1444
- test(form): 添加form测试用例 by @hxj9102 in #1455
- test(popover): 添加popvoer测试用例 by @hxj9102 in #1451
- fix: 解决预渲染失败问题 by @linxiang07 in #1458
- feat: 下线自动化生成changelog by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1461
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(tabs): 修复在“追光” 主题下 options tabs 样式问题 close #1014 by @Whbbit1999 in #1428
- fix(pagination): 修复Pagination组件切换pageSize时未抛出选中值,增加page-size下拉单元选中样式(… by @zhaoShijuan in #1436
- fix(button): 解决loading效果覆盖底层文字问题 by @XiaoRIGE in #1434
- fix(Bug) #1430: 修复DatePickerPro打开日历下拉面板时闪现两个滚动条的问题 close #1430 by @Whbbit1999 in #1431
- fix(mention): 修复Mention组件设置position为top,输入第一个字符列表选项没有贴近输入框的问题 close #1439 by @hxj9102 in #1442
Other Changes
- docs: update README by @kagol in #1429
- test: 添加message测试用例 by @hxj9102 in #1433
- test(menu): 添加menu测试用例 by @hxj9102 in #1440
New Contributors
- @zhaoShijuan made their first contribution in #1436
- @XiaoRIGE made their first contribution in #1434
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐛
- 修复search组件,如果没下载图标库的话,搜索按钮会显示空白 (close #495) by @vaebe in #1412
- fix(cascader): 修复聚焦cascader按钮倾斜 by @Zz-ZzzZ in #1413
- fix(button): toggle theme button style questions by @Lonely-shang in #1427
- fix(accordion): 修复使用内置路由和链接类型文档组件浮动导致展示问题 close #1236 by @Whbbit1999 in #1416
Other Changes
- fix(date-picker-pro): 修复 range-date-picker-pro v-model 测试用例错误 by @vaebe in #1424
- docs: 增加友链 by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1423
- docs(button): 新增button英文文档 by @buaalkn in #1415
- 优化 tag-input 组件代码 by @vaebe in #1425
- docs: 新增Modal组件英文文档 by @hxj9102 in #1420
- docs: 新增Message组件英文文档 by @hxj9102 in #1419
New Contributors
- @buaalkn made their first contribution in #1415
- @hxj9102 made their first contribution in #1420
- @Whbbit1999 made their first contribution in #1416
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(cli): 生成global.d.ts by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1411
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(radio/checkbox): 修复 radio/checkbox group 按钮形态属性 direction="column" 时样式异常 by @Cv-Engineer123 in #1353
Other Changes
New Contributors
- @Cv-Engineer123 made their first contribution in #1353
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(colorPicker): 组件无法正常打开选择器 by @wowCheng in #1340
- fix(checkbox): #1323 修复checkboxGroup下,组件底部遮挡问题 by @xzxldl55 in #1343
Other Changes
- tag-input 组件建议列表使用 overlay 组件,props valueChange 修改为 change,其他一些调整 by @vaebe in #1341
- 优化 card 组件文档 ,props.shadow 类型 alway 修正为 always by @vaebe in #1342
- docs: add maintainers in README by @kagol in #1344
- docs(radio-group): radio-group 根据条件终止切换操作示例,两个radio-group 没有间距 by @vaebe in #1348
- docs: 完善头像英文文档 by @Bbbtt04 in #1354
- test(input-number): Complete the it.todo by @qinwencheng in #1359
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix: fix doc 404 close #1310 by @kagol in #1311
- fix: fix mobile sidebar scroll problem by @kagol in #1314
- fix(dragdrop): 修改可排序拖拽的bug by @asdlml6 in #1144
- fix(input): 修复 绑定数据为 ref(null) 导致无法获取 length 的错误 (close #1329) by @vaebe in #1333
- fix(menu): 修复组件部分错误 by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1334
- fix(tag): 移除tag组件 size 属性 xs 类型,统一组件size类型 #1199 by @vaebe in #1335
Other Changes
- docs: update readme by @kagol in #1313
- button组件 size 移除 xs 类型 #1199 by @vaebe in #1316
- style(search): 优化search 搜索框样式,统一组件不同size的大小 #1199 by @vaebe in #1309
- chore: refactor unit-test scripts by @kagol in #1322
- style(input): input组件 size 大小使用scss变量向标准统一 #1199 by @vaebe in #1318
- radio组件 size 大小使用scss变量向标准统一 #1199 by @vaebe in #1319
- checkbox 组件 size 大小使用scss变量向标准统一 #1199 by @vaebe in #1321
- fix: fix unit test error by @linxiang07 in #1330
- refactor(dragdrop): Optimize the code according to the review opinion by @kagol in #1332
- style(auto-complete): auto-complete 组件 size 大小使用scss变量向标准统一 #1199 by @vaebe in #1324
- docs(time-select): 更新文档,示例更友好 by @qinwencheng in #1328
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.1.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(time-select): 修复 #1290 中step小于等于0时会卡死的问题 by @qinwencheng in #1296
- fix(mention): Mention 提及组件,第一次选择后删除输入,第二次输入点击无法选中 close #1292 by @LiuSuY in #1305
- fix(modal): modal的第一个icon和其他的不对齐 close #1300 by @handsomezyw in #1301
- fix(select): select新增选项,删除一个,其他新增的选项全部被删除了 close #1274 by @handsomezyw in #1301
- fix(tabs): Tabs溢出不截断 close #1062 by @handsomezyw in #1301
- fix(mention): Mention 组件的联想文字选中后应替换触发输入的联想文本,而非追加 close #1303 by @handsomezyw in #1301
New Contributors
- @handsomezyw made their first contribution in #1301
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2
Announcing Vue DevUI 1.0! 🎉
Vue DevUI 1.0 has arrived. January 9, 2021, Vue DevUI made its public debut as an open source project. Today, it already contains 55 high-quality components that are simple, easy to use, and flexible.
Vue DevUI is based on the excellent practices of many Huawei DevCloud services. It was co-created by 70+ community developers, including DatePickerPro, Splitter, Ripple and other featured components. Vue DevUI uses the building block theory to design and develop components, and tries to balance flexibility and ease of use. For complex components such as table and tree, use the Composition API to split the interaction logic to ensure component scalability and maintainability.
✨ Features
- 📦 55 high-quality components
- 🎨 Support theme customization, and built-in unlimited, light chasing, honey and other 5 beautiful themes
- 🔑 Support the TypeScript
- ⛰️ Support Nuxt3
- 🌈 Support the SSR
- 🚀 Support unplugin-vue-components to be introduced on demand
- 🔨 Strong CLI capabilities
- 📏 ESLint / BEM specification compliance
- ☂️ 512 well-designed unit tests
🔖 What's Next
With a stable and solid foundation on 1.0, some areas of focus will include:
- Add more practical components, such as DragDrop, Sticky, Cascader, Transfer, ColorPicker, and so on
- Expose more of the component's internal capabilities, such as subcomponents, component methods, and so on
- All list-type components use virtual scrolling to improve performance, such as Select and Table
- Better internationalization support
- Better accessibility support
- Richer component design tokens
🚀 Getting Started
If you are just joining us today, the example components on the homepage are an excellent demonstration of the gorgeous experiences you can add to your application. You can toggle the components you want to view in the left navigation, and go to the right TOC to switch between different demos.
Head to the Interactive Playground if you want to try out the components of Vue DevUI or to the Quickstart docs if you are ready to add Vue DevUI, with just a few lines of code.
If you are interested in our open source project and want to participate in the co-construction, welcome to join our open source community, add the little assistant wechat: devui-official, we will pull you to our wechat group.
💖 Credits
Last, but not least, a special thank you goes out to DevUI opensource community. Whether you contributed code for the codebase, help for other community members, reports or context for bugs, ideas for new features or improve existing ones, feedback on use cases, fixed ESLint issue, added unit tests or evangelism for the project, Vue DevUI would not be nearly as successful without your collective efforts. Thank you for your contribution!
Special thanks to the following developers for their outstanding contributions to Vue DevUI:
- @AlanLee97
- @asdlml6
- @brenner8023
- @c0dedance
- @CatsAndMice
- @chenxi24
- @daviForevel
- @duqingyu
- @ElsaOOo
- @ErKeLost
- @ForeseeBear
- @GaoNeng-wWw
- @git-Where
- @ivestszheng
- @jecyu
- @JensonMiao
- @kagol
- @linxiang07
- @LiuSuY
- @lj1990111
- @lnzhangsong
- @MICD0704
- @newer2333
- @RootWater
- @SituC
- @TinsFox
- @Tmac2015
- @to0simple
- @vaebe
- @xiaoboRao
- @xingyan95
- @Zcating