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A Blogging Website (Content Management System) project using DJANGO. Any user can register as a blogger, follow any existing blogger, post some blogs, react to others blogs,etc.

We have used DJANGO at the back-end and HTML, Bootstrap at front-end. We have plans to make the front-end using HTML CSS & JS and upscale the look and user experience of our Website. We are planning to provide more features to our users such as a space for private blogs (Draft) and much more.

Tech Stacks

Front End Back End
HTML, CSS, JavaScript Django (Python)

How to Contribute to Blograam

We would love to have your contibutions! See something you can help make better? Follow these steps to get started.


  • Git installed on your device.
  • A code editor similar to Vs Code.

Setup and Contibution

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone the Forked repo:
    • click on the green button which says "CODE".
    • copy the cloning link
    • open git bash or command prompt and run the code
      git clone <repo link>
  3. Make changes to your Fork.
  4. Create a Pull Request and link to any relevant issues.

Running With VS Code

You can run the program using VSC with these steps.

  1. Open the bloggram folder in VS Code.
  2. Install all the items in requirements.txt: pip install dj_static crispy forms ...
  3. In the command prompt (or VS Code terminal) run the command : python runserver.
  4. Go to local host by:
    • Click on the local host link generated OR
    • Go to your browser and open local host.


The credentials for admin role are:

  • username -jayesh
  • pass- jks2021