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e399266 · Nov 1, 2014


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76 lines (47 loc) · 3.34 KB


The Python module can be built by calling

python build

and installed by

python install

at the command line. The Python module should be compatible with both Python 2 and 3.


The module provides the following functions:

 (g1, g2) = fpt(mu, bound, dt, tmax[, mnorm])

computes the first-passage time distribution of a diffusion model given drift mu and bounds at -bound and bound. dt is the time steps in which this distribution is computed, until time tmax.

mu and bound need to be NumPy arrays of type Float. If they are shorter than the returned distribution arrays, then their last element is repeated.

dt and tmax are Float-type scalar values.

If mnorm (boolean, default false) is given and true, the returned distributions are normalised before being returned.

(g1, g2) = fpt_w(a, k, bound, dt, tmax[, mnorm])

computes the first-passage time distribution assuming weighted accumulation with weights given by vector a. k is a scalar that determines the proportionality constant.

a and bound need to be NumPy arrays of type Float. If they are shorter than the returned distribution arrays, then their last element is repeated.

k, dt, and tmax are Float-type scalar values.

mnorm has the same effect as for the function fpt(.).

(g1, g2) = fpt_full(mu, sig2, b_lo, b_up, b_lo_deriv, b_up_deriv, dt, tmax,
                    [inv_leak, mnorm])

computed the first-passage time distribution for drift vector mu, variance vector sig2, lower and upper bound vectors b_lo and b_up, their time derivatives in vectors b_lo_deriv and b_up_deriv, in steps of dt until time tmax. If given, the inverse integrator time-constant is inv_leak.

All vectors are NumPy arrays of type Float, which will be extended, if necessary. All scalars are of type Float.

mnorm has the same effect as for the function fpt(.).

(t, b) = rand_sym(mu, bound, dt, n[, seed])

draws n first-passage time and bound samples from a diffusion model with drift mu and bounds at -bound and bound. dt is the time steps in which the diffusion model is simulated (if the Euler–Maruyama method) is used, and in which mu and bound are specificed.

mu and bound need to be NumPy arrays of type Float. If they are shorter than the returned distribution arrays, then their last element is repeated. If they are both of size 1, fast sampling without explicitly drawing whole trajectories is performed.

dt is a Float-type scalar value, and n needs to be an integer.

The optional seed (defaults to 0) needs to be an integer and sets the random number generator seed. If not given or 0, the system random number source is used to initialise the random number generator.

The returned t and b are NumPy arrays of size n and of type Float and Boolean, respectively. t contains the sampled first-passage times, and b is true if the upper bound was reached.

(t, b) = rand_asym(mu, b_lo, b_up, dt, n[, seed])

performs the same sampling as rand_sym(.), only for asymmetric bounds at b_lo and b_up. These vectors need to be NumPy arrays of type Float. If 'mu', 'b_lo' and 'b_up' are all of size 1, fast sampling without explicitly drawing whole trajectories is performed.