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Releases: DuendeSoftware/products

IdentityServer 6.3.8

07 Jan 03:26
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This is a minor release that improves error handling of grant deserialization.

What's Changed

  • Return successfully deserialized grants even if some fail by @AndersAbel in #1506

Full Changelog: 6.3.7...6.3.8

IdentityServer 7.0.0 Release Candidate 1

07 Jan 03:26
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Identity Server 7.0.0 RC 1 is the release candidate for IdentityServer 7. IdentityServer 7 includes support for .NET 8, pushed authorization requests, OpenTelemetry metrics, cleanup job improvements, and many other fixes and enhancements.

What's New since Preview 2

See below for more details and links to related PRs.

  • Refresh tokens are now reusable by default.
  • The token cleanup job has been improved to reduce database contention and locking.
  • Several new extensibility points have been added:
    • The IdentityServerTools class now implements the new IIdentityServerTools interface, to facilitate testing.
    • ServerSideSideSessionRefreshTokenService.ValidateRefreshTokenAsync is now a virtual method, to facilitate customization.
    • The ICustomBackchannelAuthenticationValidator interface has been added to facilitate custom CIBA validation.
    • The CIBA request, validation, storage, and response models now all include a dictionary of custom Properties to facilitate custom request and response parameters.
  • A regression introduced in preview 2 that prevented relaxed redirect url validation in mobile apps using the StrictRedirectUriValidatorAppAuth has been fixed.
  • Activity Ids are now included in the ErrorMessage class.
  • The ValidatedBackchannelAuthenticationRequest.RequestedResourceIndiators property was renamed to RequestedResourceIndicators (corrects spelling of indicators).
  • The keys for Consent records in the persisted grant store are now hex encoded, similar to the other keys in that store. This prevents database collation issues from causing collisions when retrieving consents.

Full v7.0.0 Changelog

.NET 8

IdentityServer now targets .NET 8. In addition to keeping IdentityServer implementations covered by Microsoft support, new features in .NET 8 enabled several improvements to IdentityServer. See #1337 for more details on the core update, and the item below for a related update that makes use of a new .NET 8 API.

  • A TimeProvider based clock abstraction improves the granularity of the clock and make code that depends on it easier to test. See #1341.

Pushed Authorization Requests

IdentityServer now supports Pushed Authorization Requests. Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR) is a relatively new OAuth standard that improves the security of OAuth and OIDC flows by moving authorization parameters from the front channel to the back channel (that is, from redirect URLs in the browser to direct machine to machine http calls on the back end). See #1424.

OpenTelemetry Metrics

IdentityServer's support for OpenTelemetry now includes support for metrics. OpenTelemetry measurements are now made where we have historically raised our custom events. While IdentityServer will continue to raise those custom events, we think that OpenTelemetry offers significant advantages (open standards and a large ecosystem of tooling), and we intend to emphasize OpenTelemetry in our future work related to observability. See #1456.

Reusable Refresh Tokens

Refresh tokens are now reusable by default. Rotated refresh tokens have historically been encouraged (and been our default), however more recent guidance from the IETF and our own experience have shown that rotation is not usually helpful from a security point of view but is actively harmful to the user experience and produces greater load on the data store.

Rotation of refresh tokens often does not improve their security because a sophisticated attacker can observe the rotation happening while the user is active, and only make use of the final token after the user is no longer active. See OAuth for Browser Based Apps for more details on this sort of attack.

Rotation harms the user experience, because if the token is rotated, but the network response with the new token fails, the user will have to log in again.

Rotation adds pressure on the data store because each time the token rotates, the old record must be updated and a new record written.

Given all these considerations, we have changed our default for RefreshTokenUsage to ReUse. Also see #1500.

Token Cleanup Job Improvements

The token cleanup job has historically been the cause of database contention, especially in load-balanced environments, as multiple instances of the job each try to update the table. This release includes a new implementation of the cleanup job which uses EntityFramework's execute delete api to improve performance as well as randomizing the initial startup time of the cleanup job, to help reduce the amount of concurrency across instances. See #1501.

Breaking Changes

Likely to impact most implementations

  • IdentityServer now supports .NET 8 only. See #1337.
  • Schema Updates
    • The server-side session entity in Duende.IdentityServer.EntityFramework now uses a 64-bit long as its primary key (previously was a 32-bit int). See #1463.
    • Two new properties have been added to the client model for PAR support. See #1424.
      • Client.RequirePushedAuthorization is a new boolean property that controls if this client requires PAR. PAR is required if either the global configuration is enabled or if the client's flag is enabled (this can't be used to opt out of the global configuration). It is safe to initialize this column to false for existing clients, which will mean that the global configuration will be used.
      • Client.PushedAuthorizationLifetime is a new nullable integer property that controls the lifetime of pushed authorization requests (in seconds) for a client. If this lifetime is set, it takes precedence over the global configuration. It is safe to initialize this column to null for existing clients, which means the global configuration is used.
    • A new table has been added to store pushed authorization requests. This new table contains a hashed identifier, the pushed parameters (as a string, serialized and data protected), and the expiration time of the request. See #1424.

Only impacts particular customizations or edge cases

  • The DefaultCorsPolicyService now depends on the IConfigurationDbContext directly, instead of taking a dependency on the IServiceProvider and resolving that DbContext from it. If you have a customized CORS implementation that derives from the DefaultCorsPolicyService, you need to update the constructor of your derived class to use the IConfigurationDbContext. See #1239.

  • The DPoPProofValidatonContext has been refactored. Instead of the Client property, we now put the relevant details (expiration validation mode and clock skew) directly in the context. We also have added the HTTP method and URL to the context. If you have a custom implementation of the IDPoPProofValidator or a class that derives from the DefaultDPoPProofValidator, update your usage of the context appropriately. See #1338.

  • The DefaultTokenService no longer includes an IHttpContextAccessor. This member was unused by the default implementation and marked as obsolete. Customizations that derive from the DefaultTokenService no longer need to pass the accessor to the base constructor. If such a customization needs the accessor, add it to the derived class. See #1457.

  • The ValidatedAuthorizeRequest.RequestedResourceIndiators property was misspelled and has been renamed RequestedResourceIndicators. See #1457.

  • The reference token store now includes the session id when revoking reference tokens. Implementors of IReferenceTokenStore should update their implementation of token revocation to include the session id. See #1321.

  • Invalid prompt modes now cause validation errors that result in an HTTP 400 (Bad Request). Previously, invalid prompt modes were ignored. This complies with updates to the OpenID Connect specification. See #1331.

Newly Deprecated

  • IAuthorizationParametersMessageStore is deprecated. PAR is a more robust/standardized approach to get similar benefits. See #1462.

  • The IHttpContextAccessor in the EndSessionRequestValidator is unused and has been marked as obsolete. It will be removed in a future version. See #1457.

Previously Deprecated, Now Removed

  • The obsolete IdentityServerOrigin constant has been removed.
  • Several obsolete extension methods on HttpContext have been removed. These methods are replaced by methods in IServerUrls and IIssuerNameService. See #1457
    • HttpContext.GetSchemeSupportsSignOutAsync is replaced by IAuthenticationHandlerProvider.GetHandlerAsync (you will also need to check if the handler implements IAuthenticationSignOutHandler).
    • HttpContext.GetIdentityServerOrigin and HttpContext.SetIdentityServerOrigin are replaced by IServerUrls.Origin.
    • HttpContext.GetIdentityServerBasePath and HttpContext.SetIdentityServerBasePath are replaced by IServerUrls.BasePath.
    • GetIdentityServerHost is replaced by IServerUrls.Origin
    • GetIdentityServerBaseUrl is replaced by IServerUrls.BaseUrl
    • GetIdentityServerRelativeUrl is replaced by IServerUrls.GetIdentityServerRelativeUrl
    • GetIdentityServerIssuerUri is replaced by IIssuerNameService.GetCurrentAsync
    • RedirectToAbsoluteUrl is replaced by redirecting to a call to IServerUrls.GetAbsoluteUrl.
  • The obsolete and unused IUserSessionExtensions interface has been removed. See #1457.
  • The obsolete IPrincipal.GetName and IIdentity.GetName extension methods have been removed. Use ClaimsPrincipal.GetDisplayName instead. See #1457.
  • The obsolete ResourceValidationRequest.IncludeNonIsolatedApiResources has been removed. This flag was no ...
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IdentityServer 6.3.7

07 Jan 03:26
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This is a minor release that fixes two bugs.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 6.3.6...6.3.7

IdentityServer 7.0.0 Preview 2

07 Jan 03:28
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Identity Server 7.0.0 Preview 2 previews support for .NET 8, pushed authorization requests, OpenTelemetry Metrics, and many other fixes and improvements.

.NET 8

IdentityServer now targets .NET 8. In addition to keeping IdentityServer implementations covered by Microsoft support, new features in .NET 8 enabled several improvements to IdentityServer. See #1337 for more details on the core update, and the item below for a related update that makes use of a new .NET 8 API.

  • A TimeProvider based clock abstraction improves the granularity of the clock and make code that depends on it easier to test. See #1341.

Pushed Authorization Requests

IdentityServer now supports Pushed Authorization Requests. Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR) is a relatively new OAuth standard that improves the security of OAuth and OIDC flows by moving authorization parameters from the front channel to the back channel (that is, from redirect URLs in the browser to direct machine to machine http calls on the back end). See #1424.

OpenTelemetry Metrics

IdentityServer's support for OpenTelemetry now includes support for metrics. OpenTelemetry measurements are now made where we have historically raised our custom events. While IdentityServer will continue to raise those custom events, we think that OpenTelemetry offers significant advantages (open standards and a large ecosystem of tooling), and we intend to emphasize OpenTelemetry in our future work related to observability. See #1456.

Breaking Changes

Likely to impact most implementations

  • IdentityServer now supports .NET 8 only. See #1337.
  • Schema Updates
    • The server-side session entity in Duende.IdentityServer.EntityFramework now uses a 64-bit long as its primary key (previously was a 32-bit int). See #1463.
    • Two new properties have been added to the client model for PAR support. See #1424.
      • Client.RequirePushedAuthorization is a new boolean property that controls if this client requires PAR. PAR is required if either the global configuration is enabled or if the client's flag is enabled (this can't be used to opt out of the global configuration). It is safe to initialize this column to false for existing clients, which will mean that the global configuration will be used.
      • Client.PushedAuthorizationLifetime is a new nullable integer property that controls the lifetime of pushed authorization requests (in seconds) for a client. If this lifetime is set, it takes precedence over the global configuration. It is safe to initialize this column to null for existing clients, which means the global configuration is used.
    • A new table has been added to store pushed authorization requests. This new table contains a hashed identifier, the pushed parameters (as a string, serialized and data protected), and the expiration time of the request. See #1424.

Only impacts particular customizations or edge cases

  • The DefaultCorsPolicyService now depends on the IConfigurationDbContext directly, instead of taking a dependency on the IServiceProvider and resolving that DbContext from it. If you have a customized CORS implementation that derives from the DefaultCorsPolicyService, you need to update the constructor of your derived class to use the IConfigurationDbContext. See #1239.

  • The DPoPProofValidatonContext has been refactored. Instead of the Client property, we now put the relevant details (expiration validation mode and clock skew) directly in the context. We also have added the HTTP method and URL to the context. If you have a custom implementation of the IDPoPProofValidator or a class that derives from the DefaultDPoPProofValidator, update your usage of the context appropriately. See #1338.

  • The DefaultTokenService no longer includes an IHttpContextAccessor. This member was unused by the default implementation and marked as obsolete. Customizations that derive from the DefaultTokenService no longer need to pass the accessor to the base constructor. If such a customization needs the accessor, add it to the derived class. See #1457.

  • The reference token store now includes the session id when revoking reference tokens. Implementors of IReferenceTokenStore should update their implementation of token revocation to include the session id. See #1321.

  • Invalid prompt modes now cause validation errors that result in an HTTP 400 (Bad Request). Previously, invalid prompt modes were ignored. This complies with updates to the OpenID Connect specification. See #1331.

Newly Deprecated

  • IAuthorizationParametersMessageStore is deprecated. PAR is a more robust/standardized approach to get similar benefits. See #1462.

  • The IHttpContextAccessor in the EndSessionRequestValidator is unused and has been marked as obsolete. It will be removed in a future version. See #1457.

Previously Deprecated, Now Removed

  • The obsolete IdentityServerOrigin constant has been removed.
  • Several obsolete extension methods on HttpContext have been removed. These methods are replaced by methods in IServerUrls and IIssuerNameService. See #1457
    • HttpContext.GetSchemeSupportsSignOutAsync is replaced by IAuthenticationHandlerProvider.GetHandlerAsync (you will also need to check if the handler implements IAuthenticationSignOutHandler).
    • HttpContext.GetIdentityServerOrigin and HttpContext.SetIdentityServerOrigin are replaced by IServerUrls.Origin.
    • HttpContext.GetIdentityServerBasePath and HttpContext.SetIdentityServerBasePath are replaced by IServerUrls.BasePath.
    • GetIdentityServerHost is replaced by IServerUrls.Origin
    • GetIdentityServerBaseUrl is replaced by IServerUrls.BaseUrl
    • GetIdentityServerRelativeUrl is replaced by IServerUrls.GetIdentityServerRelativeUrl
    • GetIdentityServerIssuerUri is replaced by IIssuerNameService.GetCurrentAsync
    • RedirectToAbsoluteUrl is replaced by redirecting to a call to IServerUrls.GetAbsoluteUrl.
  • The obsolete and unused IUserSessionExtensions interface has been removed. See #1457.
  • The obsolete IPrincipal.GetName and IIdentity.GetName extension methods have been removed. Use ClaimsPrincipal.GetDisplayName instead. See #1457.
  • The obsolete ResourceValidationRequest.IncludeNonIsolatedApiResources has been removed. This flag was no longer used. See #1457.

Unlikely to impact anyone

  • The KeyManagementOptions.SigningAlgorithms is now an ICollection rather than an IEnumerable. If you are configuring signing algorithms using code, and setting the SigningAlgorithms to some type that implements IEnumerable but not ICollection, then you must change the type that you are using. In practice, we expect everyone uses a list or array (which are both ICollections). See #1375.

  • The value of the constant IdentityServerAuthenticationType has changed from "IdentityServer4" to "Duende.IdentityServer". This constant is used as the value of the authentication type within the ClaimsIdentity that IdentityServer constructs. The authentication type's value is never used by IdentityServer or ASP.NET, so this is unlikely to impact anyone. It is also the name of the default cors policy created by IdentityServer. This could theoretically impact you if you have a CORS policy named "Duende.IdentityServer", as the new name now conflicts. See #1457.

New Configuration Options


  • IdentityServerOptions now includes the PushedAuthorization property to configure PAR.
    • PushedAuthorizationOptions.Required causes par to be required globally. This defaults to false.
    • PushedAuthorizationOptions.Lifetime controls the lifetime of pushed authorization requests. The pushed authorization request's lifetime begins when the request to the PAR endpoint is received, and is validated until the authorize endpoint returns a response to the client application. Note that user interaction, such as entering credentials or granting consent, may need to occur before the authorize endpoint can do so. Setting the lifetime too low will likely cause login failures for interactive users, if pushed authorization requests expire before those users complete authentication. Some security profiles, such as the FAPI 2.0 Security Profile recommend an expiration within 10 minutes to prevent attackers from pre-generating requests. To balance these constraints, this lifetime defaults to 10 minutes.
    • PushedAuthorizationOptions.AllowUnregisteredPushedRedirectUris controls whether clients may use redirect uris that were not previously registered. This is a relaxation of security guidance that is specifically allowed by the PAR specification because the pushed authorization requests are authenticated. It defaults to false.
  • The Client configuration object now includes two new properties to configure PAR on a per-client basis.
    • Client.RequirePushedAuthorization controls if this client requires PAR. PAR is required if either the global configuration is enabled or if the client's flag is enabled (this can't be used to opt out of the global configuration). This defaults to false, which means the global configuration will be used.
    • Client.PushedAuthorizationLifetime controls the lifetime of pushed authorization requests for a client. If this lifetime is set, it takes precedence over the global configuration. This defaults to null...
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IdentityServer 6.3.6

07 Jan 03:28
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This is a minor release that allows a method in the server side session store to be overridden.

What's Changed

  • Make ServerSideSessionStore.GetAndRemoveExpiredSessionsAsync virtual. See #1435.

Full Changelog: 6.3.5...6.3.6

IdentityServer 6.3.5

07 Jan 03:29
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This is a minor release that fixes a bug related to serialization of exceptions in the UnhandledExceptionEvent.

What's Changed

  • Fixed a bug where the UnhandledExceptionEvent fails to serialize (Yo dawg, I heard you like errors, so I threw an error in your error event...) See #1422.

IdentityServer 7.0.0 Preview 1

07 Jan 03:28
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Identity Server 7.0.0 Preview 1 previews support for .NET 8, as well as many other fixes and improvements.

.NET 8

IdentityServer now targets .NET 8. In addition to keeping IdentityServer implementations covered by Microsoft support, new features in .NET 8 enabled several improvements to IdentityServer. See #1337 for more details on the core update, and the item below for a related update that makes use of a new .NET 8 API.

  • A TimeProvider based clock abstraction improves the granularity of the clock and make code that depends on it easier to test. See #1341.

Breaking Changes

Breaking changes are organized below based on the likelihood that they will impact your implementation. In summary, IdentityServer 7 preview 1 will require that you update to .NET 8, and may require minor changes if you are using particular extensibility points.

Likely to impact most implementations

  • IdentityServer now supports .NET 8 only. See #1337.

Only impacts particular customizations or edge cases

  • The DefaultCorsPolicyService now depends on the IConfigurationDbContext directly, instead of taking a dependency on the IServiceProvider and resolving that DbContext from it. If you have a customized CORS implementation that derives from the DefaultCorsPolicyService, you need to update the constructor of your derived class to use the IConfigurationDbContext. See #1239.

  • The DPoPProofValidatonContext has been refactored. Instead of the Client property, we now put the relevant details (expiration validation mode and clock skew) directly in the context. We also have added the HTTP method and URL to the context. If you have a custom implementation of the IDPoPProofValidator or a class that derives from the DefaultDPoPProofValidator, update your usage of the context appropriately. See #1338.

  • The reference token store now includes the session id when revoking reference tokens. Implementors of IReferenceTokenStore should update their implementation of token revocation to include the session id. See #1321.

  • Invalid prompt modes now cause validation errors that result in an HTTP 400 (Bad Request). Previously, invalid prompt modes were ignored. This complies with updates to the OpenID Connect specification. See #1331.

Unlikely to impact anyone

  • The KeyManagementOptions.SigningAlgorithms is now an ICollection rather than an IEnumerable. If you are configuring signing algorithms using code, and setting the SigningAlgorithms to some type that implements IEnumerable but not ICollection, then you must change the type that you are using. In practice, we expect everyone uses a list or array (which are both ICollections). See #1375.

  • The value of the constant IdentityServerAuthenticationType has changed from "IdentityServer4" to "Duende.IdentityServer". This constant is used as the value of the authentication type within the ClaimsIdentity that IdentityServer constructs. The authentication type's value is never used by IdentityServer or ASP.NET, so this is unlikely to impact anyone. It is also the name of the default cors policy created by IdentityServer. This could theoretically impact you if you have a CORS policy named "Duende.IdentityServer", as the new name now conflicts. See #1457.


  • Protocol endpoints use the new interface IHttpResponseWriter to write their http responses. This facilitates customization, when you need to control the way that http responses are written. This change was made in a way that was designed to be backwards compatible. Any custom IEndpointResult or IEndpointHandler should still work the way they used to. See #1342.
  • Integrate server side sessions with the user info endpoint. See #1327.
  • Local APIs now support DPoP. See #1338.
  • Reference token revocation now respects the session id. See #1321.
  • The license object is now public and available in the DI system. This allows for easier license status checks, UI that indicates that the license status, etc. See #1319.
  • Refresh tokens can now be introspected at the introspection endpoint. See #1334.
  • The sign out scheme is now inferred when external identity providers are used in combination with Identity. See #1265.
  • The admin UI in the IdentityServerEntityFramework template now supports the InitiateLoginUri client property. See #1314.
  • Improved use of nullable reference types. See #1315 and #1317.
  • Make CORS debug log message more descriptive. See #1378.
  • Use X-Frame-Options DENY to be consistent with csp frame-ancestors 'none'. See #1389.

Bug Fixes

  • Allow KeyManagementOptions to be bound from appsettings.json or other config sources. See #1375.
  • Prevent duplicated keys in Dynamic Client Registration responses. See #1369.
  • Remove the raw exception from unhandled exception events. These exceptions don't serialize cleanly and we already capture the exception message as part of the event. See #1363.
  • Fix error log message formatting from the CIBA validator. See #1346.

Full Changelog: 6.3.5...7.0.0-preview.1

IdentityServer 6.3.4

07 Jan 03:29
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This is a minor release that fixes two bugs.

What's Changed

  • Fixed nullability annotation on IReturnUrlParser.ParseAsync. See #1344
  • Fixed a bug where refreshing tokens would fail. See #1403

Full Changelog: 6.3.3...6.3.4

IdentityServer 6.3.3

07 Jan 03:30
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This is a minor release that fixes a bug in some narrow edge cases related to disabling server side sessions. The same fix was applied to the 6.2.x release branch in 6.2.4.

What's Changed

  • Check for IsAuthenticated in addition to Succeeded when calling AuthenticateAsync. See #1356.

Full Changelog: 6.3.2...6.3.3

IdentityServer 6.2.4

07 Jan 03:30
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This is a minor release that fixes a bug in some narrow edge cases related to disabling server side sessions. The same fix was applied to the 6.3.x release branch in 6.3.3.

What's Changed

  • Check for IsAuthenticated in addition to Succeeded when calling AuthenticateAsync. See #1353.

Full Changelog: 6.2.3...6.2.4