A Python library for handling authentication/authorization in the EPFL ENAC IT infrastructure:
: a service to authenticate users with Keycloak and check their roles.
To include the authentication library in your project:
poetry add git+https://github.com/EPFL-ENAC/enacit4r-auth#someref
Note: someref
should be replaced by the commit hash, tag or branch name you want to use.
from enacit4r_auth.services.keycloak import KeycloakService, User
# Users from a Keycloak realm are assigned application specific roles
kc_service = KeycloakService(config.KEYCLOAK_URL, config.KEYCLOAK_REALM,
config.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID, config.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET, "myapp-admin-role")
# Example usage with FastAPI
description="Delete an entity, requires administrator role",)
async def delete_entity(id: str, user: User = Depends(kc_service.require_admin())):
description="Update an entity, requires admin or editor role",)
async def update_entity(id: str, user: User = Depends(kc_service.require_any_role(["myapp-admin-role", "myapp-editor-role"]))):