Releases: ETLCPP/etl
Added 'to_string' functionality
Added 'to_string' functionality for integrals, floating point, bools and pointers.
Added etl::format_spec classes to describe the require string formatting.
Vector and Visitor updates
C++11 variadic templates for visitor pattern classes etl::visitable and etl::visitor
Added external buffer support for etl::vector
Extended use of truncate flag in strings.
Strings can inherit the truncation state if constructed or modified in some way from a string that has its truncate flag set.
Fixed operation 'truncated()' for strings.
'truncated()' did not accurately indicate the truncation state of the string in all circumstances.
Bug fix, updates and new spsc queue
Fixed string push_back() bug where there internal terminator was not updated.
Basic Conan package added.
Added const ref istring constructors.
Added queue_spsc_locked with injected lock and unlock functionality.
Updated profiles for C++17.
Enabled emplace functions for C++03.
Move C++03 force macros to profile.
Fix inconsistent ETL_FILE definitions
Fix inconsistent ETL_FILE definitions
Bug fixes + rvalue references for forward_list
Fix 'force C++03' macros leftover from testing.
Added rvalue reference interfaces to forward_list.
Fix for unordered_multimap, unordered_set and unordered_multiset insert and erase bug.
Fix for unordered_map insert and erase bug.
C++11 macros and std::forward
Added ETL_NOEXCEPT macros.
Added std::forward support to alternate STL utility header.
New features, updates and fixes
Added #include to message_router.h for improved cross platform compatibility.
Added etl::callback_service
Useful for abstracting the interrupt system from C++ handlers.
Fixed bug for certain inserts in etl::vector
Added missing #include "stl/interator.h" in frame_check_sequence.h
Added constexpr constructors to string_view and array_view.
rvalue reference API for deque, list & vector + others + fixes
rvalue reference API for deque, list & vector.
etl::cumulative_moving average
Fix to etl::flat_map [] operator & insert.