The Java Access Bridge for Windows is an API provided by Oracle to use the accessibility features of Java-Swing GUIs. This repository contains wrappers for this API to use the Java Access Bridge from AutoHotkey.
The files in this repository are:
- JavaAccessBridge.ahk: A function based wrapper for the Java Access Bridge
- JavaAccessBridge_class.ahk: A class based wrapper for the Java Access Bridge
- JControlWriter.ahk: A browser for accessible controls in Java applications
- JAB Swingset3 Demo.ahk: A demo how to use the JAB with SwingSet3.jar (various download locations)
- JCWGUIStrings.ini: The GUI-strings for JControlWriter
Before you can access Java applications through the Java access bridge you need to enable or install the Java Access Bridge first.
- Java SE 7 Update 6 or later: Java Access Bridge can be enabled through the Control Panel in the Ease of Access Center. (See Enabling and Testing Java Access Bridge)
- Java SE 7 Update 5 or earlier: Java Access Bridge must be installed manually. (See Installing Java Access Bridge)
To get an overview of which accessible information is published by your Java application you can use JControlWriter.ahk.
With your Java application as the active window, press either Ctrl-Alt-F10 or Ctrl-Alt-F11 to show a list of the accessible controls.
- Not all functions are wrapped yet; see comment section at the end of JavaAccessBridge.ahk
- Java applications can sometimes behave strangely. For instance when you use an action to call a function that opens a dialog, this call may not return until the dialog is closed again, effectively freezing your script. Use the "left click" action in those cases.