My personal config files as windows user, with PowerShell as default shell.
Inspired from multiple users with their own awesome configs. Thank you all.
- Dashboard
- Copilot Integration
- Autocompletion
- LSP and Autotagging
- Navigation and File Management
- Code Analysis and Formatting
- Customization and Productivity
- Miscellaneous Plugins
- dashboard-nvim: A minimalist dashboard inspired by doom-emacs, providing quick access to frequently used commands and files.
- copilot.lua: Integrates GitHub Copilot for AI-powered autocomplete and chat functionality within Neovim.
- CopilotChat.nvim: Enhances the Copilot experience with a custom UI and additional features.
- nvim-cmp: A completion engine for Neovim that supports many sources and formats.
- cmp-buffer: Provides buffer completion for nvim-cmp.
- cmp-nvim-lsp: Offers LSP completion for nvim-cmp.
- cmp_luasnip: Supports Luasnip snippets for autocompletion.
- friendly-snippets: Provides friendly snippet completions for nvim-cmp.
- lualine.nvim: Displays the current mode, file type, and other useful information in the status line.
- nvim-lspconfig: Configures Language Server Protocol (LSP) clients for various languages.
- mason.nvim: Manages LSP servers and DAP (Debugger Attached Program) configurations.
- nvim-treesitter: Provides syntax highlighting and other tree-sitter functionality.
- nvim-ts-autotag: Automatically adds XML tags based on nvim-treesitter.
- nvim-tree.lua: Provides an enhanced file explorer for Neovim.
- leap.nvim: Offers fuzzy finding across project buffers and mru (most recently used) files.
- telescope.nvim: A powerful fuzzy finder for Neovim.
- indent-blankline.nvim: Ensures consistent indentation for code blocks.
- which-key.nvim: Displays keybindings visually for easier navigation.
- nvim-autopairs: Automatically adds closing brackets/parentheses/quotes.
- noice.nvim: Provides a highly customizable UI for messages, cmdline, and popup menu.
- nui.nvim: Offers a NERDTree-like sidebar for easy navigation.
- true-zen.nvim: Helps maintain focus by hiding distractions.
- Comment.nvim: Adds comment formatting capabilities.
- lspsaga.nvim: Provides an outline for LSP documents.
- playground: Offers interactive playgrounds for testing code snippets.
- vim-fugitive: Enhances Git integration within Neovim.
- vim-illuminate: Highlights matching pairs of parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags, etc.
- nightfox.nvim: Provides a set of color schemes for Neovim.
To install this configuration, clone this repository and run the setup script. This will guide you through the installation process for all plugins listed above.
All plugin configurations are located in the plugins.lua
file. You can customize each plugin's settings by modifying the corresponding configuration block.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for any improvements or bug reports.