- New way to init subviews in one place only
- URL codecs for view state
Node needs to store objects again, for lazy updates - object must store their parents too
Remove custom error type variable to simplify code
- [] allow user to provide string codec to handle errors with their custom error type
Split codec module into pieces to simplify code
[] decoder functions compare to previous object for skipping
- [] Decoders return ObSubs (Object subscriptions) - list of ObjectIDs that are contained within them
[] consider removing custom error type from JSON/Bytes decoders entirely
[] separate reducers from reptypes, many reptypes are just collections
[] Make Node contain objects in already reduced form, with already decoded values
Why do certain .set changes get ignored in tests?
Why is parent init change not required?
Put showstopper RON debugger in place
Rename RepStore to RepDictSparse
Put OpDb in its own type file
UNDO/REDO Framework
- Create ReversibleOps type -
List OpID
of reversible ops - Allow output of changes with ReversibleOps placeholder as value
- When converting changes to ops, fill in any ReversibleOps placeholder with the frame's reversible OpIDs
- When converting reversal changes to reversal ops, calculate OpIDs' ExistingObjectIDs and merge into ChangeSets
- Create ReversibleOps type -
- [] Create elm-review rule to auto generate codecs - already supports elm-serialize
- "////" in title causes slow/infinite loop - properly escape?
- Take widget out of dictionary, we'll probably only need a pre-known amount
- Responsive screen sizing
- move Assignment et. al. back into their own modules