Releases: Expensify/App
Releases · Expensify/App
Full Changelog: 9.1.11-3...9.1.11-4
Full Changelog: 9.1.11-2...9.1.11-3
Full Changelog: 9.1.11-1...9.1.11-2
What's Changed
- [NO QA] Update and rename to by @maddylewis in #57953
- usingreports by @alexpensify in #57904
- Update by @alexpensify in #57906
- [No QA] Update by @isabelastisser in #57790
- fix: tapping on attachment directs to hmm not here page by @nkdengineer in #57603
- Fix undefined showing in URL after logging in by @bernhardoj in #57845
- Improve hybrid app docs a bit by @Beamanator in #58003
- Green dot disappears from LHN when paying one out of many unpaid reports by @tienifr in #53137
- [CP Staging] fix: refactor logics to show copy URL without reportID by @daledah in #58001
- [CP Staging] fix: unable hold expense from reports by @linhvovan29546 in #57979
- [CP Staging] fix: infinite loading in company cards page by @daledah in #57988
- Fix tooltip flicks before showing fully by @CyberAndrii in #57888
- fix: travel view details button is green by @gijoe0295 in #57939
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57948
- [NO QA] Update and rename to Edit… by @maddylewis in #57878
- fix: Do not display errors in the Start screen of USD VBA flow by @MrMuzyk in #57776
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #58025
- Fix search bar slides from right to left by @CyberAndrii in #57929
- [No QA] Bootstrap secondary actions getter by @jnowakow in #57678
- Fix dupe approver page by @bernhardoj in #57982
- Fix: Handle unsupported videos in iOS by @HezekielT in #57353
- fix error when reloading video attachment by @mkzie2 in #57374
- Fix multiple navigation to expense field page by @bernhardoj in #57913
- Revert "Update" by @deetergp in #58029
- reset tooltip position on scroll by @mohit6789 in #56209
- Fix: View button is incorrect in Done tab by @nkdengineer in #57709
- [No QA] Fixing image that isn't displaying properly. by @strepanier03 in #57428
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57944
- [No QA]Run a test to connect to stats server for graphite data by @AndrewGable in #58039
- Side Pane Stage 2: Add baseline content for each major section by @blazejkustra in #58004
- Clean up delete button visibility based on liability type by @narefyev91 in #57976
- Markdown in task titles by @Krishna2323 in #54165
- fix: chat list can't be scrolled by @daledah in #57916
- [CP Staging] fix: App crashes after deleting workspace when it is selected in workspace switcher by @nkdengineer in #58008
- fix: save IOU request description in html by @dominictb in #44523
- Exclude threads with notificationPreferences = hidden by @luacmartins in #57546
- Remove invalid default for policyID by @Beamanator in #58009
- Adjust adaptStateIfNecessary to push a split navigator without a sidebar screen v2 by @WojtekBoman in #57753
- fix: broken UI on 2FA Confirmation page by @daledah in #57841
- Update by @strepanier03 in #57964
- Add maybeIcon to Avatar to display full size by @huult in #57822
- Fix blank modal after fullscreen video ends on Android by @QichenZhu in #56302
- fix: prevent self approvals by @lakchote in #56944
- fix: remove duplicate offline indicator in Search page by @daledah in #57999
- fix: show #admin room when invite user through actionable whisper by @daledah in #57820
- Fix: Deleting a saved search resets the currently opened search by @nyomanjyotisa in #58069
- Embed media files in New Expensify #admins room tasks by @ZhenjaHorbach in #57648
- Loading state perception improvement by @martasudol in #57610
- fix: paused video auto start when enable fullscreen mode by @linhvovan29546 in #56496
- Fix navigating back to profile details when using message button by @WojtekBoman in #57756
- fix: message previews always include sender name by @nkdengineer in #57911
- Fix desktop updates to install the latest one by @rezkiy37 in #57547
- Fix Workspace Switcher and Get Assistance Button issues by @289Adam289 in #58000
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #58094
- Update by @johncschuster in #58096
- fix: dismiss keyboard before navigating to chat by @daledah in #57914
- [CP Staging] App back button on country list directly returns to Expensify Classic by @dukenv0307 in #58098
- [Fix] Automatically dismiss the migration modal in all open tabs by @ishpaul777 in #57649
- Optimistically remove violation when deleting workspace by @bernhardoj in #57737
- Display Xero disable 2FA error from backend by @neil-marcellini in #57202
- [CP Staging] [NoQA] Fix Help Button appearing in production by @blazejkustra in #58110
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #58106
- [NO QA] Update redirects.csv by @maddylewis in #58103
- Fix can't enable 2FA after login with active Xero connection by @bernhardoj in #50251
- fix: Onboarding task report has "Room description" field which opens not here page by @etCoderDysto in #57975
- fix: opened tab/status is not preserved after switching between pages by @nkdengineer in #58053
- [No QA] Do not use workflow_call to skip steps by @jnowakow in #58093
Full Changelog: 9.1.10-0...9.1.11-1
What's Changed
- Fix LHN empty state view for a while when opening a public room thread as anonymous user by @bernhardoj in #57639
- Create merge-accounts Help Page for NewExpensify by @zanyrenney in #57613
- [NO QA] Update action runners to 24.04 by @justinpersaud in #57788
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57791
- [CP STAGING] Add defensive check for signupQualifier in OnboardingFlow by @Shahidullah-Muffakir in #57794
- fix: esc key on card feed reopens add card flow by @linhvovan29546 in #57584
- Fix TypeScript type checking in SidebarUtils getOptionData test by @Shahidullah-Muffakir in #57793
- fix loading indicator when the app is loading by @nkdengineer in #56314
- [NO QA] New article: Create by @sakluger in #52986
- Fix GBR still shows when mark report as unread after deleting mention action by @bernhardoj in #57576
- [Fix] Create Expense - Submits To Display Name Missing by @JKobrynski in #57426
- Remove mostRecentReportActionLastModified from ReconnectApp calls by @MarioExpensify in #57780
- [InternalQA] Redirect to OldDot to clear cookies by @mjasikowski in #56604
- Fallback primaryLogin with session's email for Book Travel by @rlinoz in #57560
- fix: make test tool row flex grow by @linhvovan29546 in #57637
- Fix: unable to download video from download icon by @linhvovan29546 in #57640
- Fix - Android - Chat - Context menu opened on expense report if tapping on expense before it opens by @FitseTLT in #57566
- [No QA] Remove canUsePerDiem beta by @Gonals in #57848
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57859
- fix: correct back button in workspace list page by @daledah in #57237
- Update by @stephanieelliott in #57828
- [NO QA] Update by @laurenreidexpensify in #57665
- [CP Staging] Fix: Scroll Issue on Reports Page, side pane appearing after language change by @blazejkustra in #57831
- Fix: Bookmark icon briefly appears at the top when going into selection mode by @twilight2294 in #57535
- fix: no RBR when deleting distance rates by @daledah in #57767
- [No QA] Fix calling workflow by using different syntax by @jnowakow in #57829
- Fix - Sage Intacct - Preferred exporter remains the same after changing the role of admin to member by @FitseTLT in #57430
- Update and rename to Create-Per-Diem-expen… by @bfitzexpensify in #56872
- Show/hide delete expense button based on Liability type for card transaction by @narefyev91 in #56877
- [HybridApp] Receive structured initialProperties (not as url) and improve url handling by @war-in in #56698
- [NOQA] Update Reassure docs by @OlimpiaZurek in #57836
- [NO QA] Update and rename to by @maddylewis in #57862
- Bump Mobile-Expensify submodule to avoid breaking dev builds by @Julesssss in #57886
- Add domain function back to help doc by @neil-marcellini in #57880
- Fix location Permission for Desktop by @wildan-m in #57660
- [No QA] Update by @lschurr in #57882
- [CP Staging] Revert "Merge pull request #56602 from Amoralchik/clickable-emoji-for… by @tgolen in #57890
- Fix missing debug tab view UI above bottom tab bar by @pac-guerreiro in #57772
- Fix session expired errors right after login by @VickyStash in #57420
- fix: 'Add approval' can be disabled even when 'Smart limit' are enabled by @nkdengineer in #57006
- fix: Message Previews Always Include Sender Name by @nkdengineer in #57371
- [CP STAGING] fix: Attachments-Swiping to the left through attachment by @nkdengineer in #57856
- [NoQA] Revert "fix: Message Previews Always Include Sender Name" by @mountiny in #57894
- [UX Reliability] New modal in
by @BartoszGrajdek in #56605 - [No QA] Don't skip tests for manual CPs by @roryabraham in #56392
- [NO QA] Reset the submodule commit to fix crash by @Julesssss in #57896
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57897
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57899
- Fix search keyword is shown in multiline by @bernhardoj in #57729
- Update several HelpDot files based on SDO output by @stephanieelliott in #57917
- [Better Expense Report View] Add new navigator to allow for new SearchMoneyRequestReport screen by @Kicu in #57607
- Fix - Feature Request: Add '...' to the end of names at the top of group chats if there are more members in the room by @FitseTLT in #57752
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57903
- fix: on refresh entered details are not shown by @nkdengineer in #57373
- [NO QA] Update and rename to by @maddylewis in #57900
- Add
syntax key by @JakubKorytko in #57454 - [No QA] Update comment added to ND PR by @jnowakow in #57936
- Fix/57403 do not show feeds in pending state by @koko57 in #57679
- [HybridApp] Adjust
to HybridApp requirements by @war-in in #56953 - fix: Group chat name in the RHP changes to <'s group chat> when RHP is dismissed by @truph01 in #57864
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57945
- Fix - remove next step if iou has no expenses by @FitseTLT in #57203
- [NO QA] Update by @maddylewis in #57947
- Don't ask for workspace address if public domain user can't enable Travel by @cristipaval in #57785
- Handle markdown format toggling by @QichenZhu in #57108
- [NoQA] Fix instructions in conflict resolution PRs by @francoisl in #57902
- Fix not found page appears when enabling policy feature offline by @nkdengineer in #57486
- [No QA] Only run pull_request_target workflows against base branch main by @roryabraham in #57951
- [No QA] Update verifyHybridApp workflow message to mention HybridApp repo patches check by @VickyStash in #57918
- Removed limit in number of characters that can be typed in a form by @shubham1206agra in #56588
- Modal when Travel is disabled by @cristipaval in #57858
- 🍒 Cherry pick PR #58110 to staging 🍒 by @os-botify in #58114
Full Changelog: 9.1.9-8...9.1.10-6
Full Changelog: 9.1.10-4...9.1.10-5
Full Changelog: 9.1.10-3...9.1.10-4
Full Changelog: 9.1.10-2...9.1.10-3
Full Changelog: 9.1.10-1...9.1.10-2
Full Changelog: 9.1.10-0...9.1.10-1