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The Syntax of Cuiping Formula

English | 简体中文

Cuiping Formulas are used for describing Chemical Structures exactly


A Chemical Structure starts with a Group. A Group can:

  • Include uppercase and lowercase characters, lowercase characters following uppercase characters will be merged into one text box (to make element notation more natural)
  • Include digits, digits will be rendered as subscript
  • Be an isolated Wildcard ?, and will not be rendered (to express a substituent)
  • Be an isolated Collapsing Flag ., and will not be rendered, connected bonds will be rendered without gaps if there's nothing following . (like bond-line formulas)

A Group can include In-group Typesetting:

  • Using ^/_/` to turn the following character into superscript/subscript/normal text
  • When ^/_/` is followed by characters wrapped by {}, turning the wrapped characters into superscript/subscript/normal text
  • In-group Typesetting have no character limit


A Group can be followed by an Attributes Set:

  • An Attributes Set should be wrapped by {}
  • An Attributes Set must include at least one Attribute. Attributes are split by , (Dangling , is allowed)

Attributes can be divided into string type, integer type, float type, and boolean (switch) type

  • A string-typed, integer-typed or float-typed Attribute should contain an Attribute Name and an Attribute Value. They should be split by :
  • An integer-typed/float-typed Attribute must have an Attribute Value of integer/float
  • A boolean-typed Attribute should only contain an Attribute Name
  • Supported Attributes List


A Group can be followed by Bonds (if the Group is followed by an Attributes Set, the Bonds should follow the Attributes Set):

  • Followed by more than one Bond, together these Bonds are called Bonds Set, they should be wrapped by [] and split by , (Dangling , is allowed)
  • Followed by a single Bond
  • The single Bond and the Bonds Set can co-exist, in this case, the single Bond should follow the Bonds Set

Rules of expressing a Bond:

  • A Bond consists of its Bond Type and Chemical Structure connected to it
  • Bond Type describes the count and the direction of a Bond, specifically, Bond Direction should be written after Bond Count
  • Bond Type can start with Bond Modifiers

Bond Count:

  • = stands for a double bond; # stands for a triple bond
  • A single bond by default

Bond Directions have a similar expressing method to writing chemical structure:

  • Using -, |, / and \ to represent a Bond of 0°, 90°, 60° and 270° respectively
  • Using @ followed by a number to represent a Bond of a specific degree. The degree can be positive or negative, integer or decimal. It will be ultimately converted to a value between 0° and 360°
  • Bond Directions can be +, see Overlapping for details
  • If Bond Type appears before the Chemical Structure it connected, the direction will follow the rules stated above; if Bond Type appears after the Chemical Structure it connected, the direction will be the opposite (i.e. adding a deflection of 180°)
  • If Bond Type appears after the Chemical Structure it connected, the Bond can only appear in a Bonds Set
  • Bond Direction (of Bonds out) must not be duplicated, and must be unique from the direction of the Bond that it is connected from the Group it belongs to (i.e. Bond in)

Bond Modifier:

  • Bond Modifier * sets the length (Attribute length) of the Bond to 0
  • Bond Modifier ! can make all the following Bond Directions add a deflection of 180° (to express opposite Bonds outsides the Bonds Set)
  • Bond Modifier ~ affects all Bond Directions of / and \ in the following Bond Directions by turning their angle with the x-axis change from 60° to 30°

Shorthand rules for Bond Modifier ~:

  • When ~ is not followed by Bond Direction, the direction will be automatically inferred based on the direction of Bond in
  • When there is no Bond in, the direction will be inferred to ~/; when Bond Modifier ! also exists, the direction will be inferred to !~\
  • When there is a Bond in, ~/ and ~\ will be inferred to each other; when Bond Modifier ! also exists, !~\ and !~/ will be inferred to each other
  • When there is a Bond in but its direction is not among the above four directions, an inferring error will occur
  • This shorthand rule is designed for expressing carbon chains in bond-line formulas

Shorthand rules for Bond Directions:

  • If Bond Count exists, omitting Bond Direction is allowed, in this case, Bond Direction will be 0° by default
  • If Bond Modifier ! exists, omitting Bond Count and Bond Direction is allowed, in this case, Bond Direction will be 180° by default

Bond Overlapping

Overlapping more than one Bond Direction is allowed to express connecting to the same Chemical Structure:

  • A Bond Direction of + stands for four simultaneous Bond Directions of up, down, left and right direction
  • The same Bond Direction is allowed to appear twice while overlapping, in this case, the direction will automatically reverse the second time it appears
  • If a Bond Direction and the first Bond Direction are symmetrical about the x-axis/y-axis, all the Bonds in the Chemical Structure connected to the former will be flipped by the x-axis/y-axis (however, the texts in the Groups in it will not be rotated)
  • All Bonds in Chemical Structure connected by other Bond Direction will be rotated by the same angle as the angle between their Bond Direction and the first Bond Direction

Overlapping @ (experimental)

  • @! means an extra direction with the opposite direction
  • @_ means an extra direction with the x-flipped direction
  • @| means an extra direction with the y-flipped direction


Referencing can be used to separate complicated Chemical Structures into parts to express

  • A Chemical Structure can be named by using Attribute ref, a named Chemical Structure is referenceable
  • A sign & followed by a referenced name is a Referencing, as well as a Group, it can be followed by Bonds
  • Using ; to separate different Chemical Structures (Dangling ; is allowed). These Chemical Structures must be ultimately fully connected by Referencing
  • A Referencing cannot be connected to itself by a Bond (i.e., self-loops are not allowed)

Attributes List

Group Attributes:

Attribute Name Alias Type Usage
color C String To specify the text's color
bold B Boolean To bold the text
ref & String To name the reference

Bond Attributes:

Attribute Name Alias Type Usage
color C String To specify the bond's color
highEnergy HE, ~ Boolean To describe a high-energy bond
from < Boolean / Integer Coordinate bond came from along the bond, an integer can specify the number of arrows
to > Boolean / Integer Coordinate bond came to along the bond, an integer can specify the number of arrows
length L Float To specify the bond's length (multiple of unit length, 1 by default)
side S Constant L / R To specify the bond's inside. L means left and R means right. This determines which side the second bond of a double-bond appears


cuiping         = <struct> (; <struct>)*
struct          = <chem struct> | <ref struct>
bond list       = (<bonds>)? | (<bond>)?
chem struct     = <group> <bond list>
ref struct      = & <identifier> <bond list>
bonds           = [ <bond> (, <bond>)* ]
bond            = <pre bond> | <post bond>
pre bond        = <bond type> <struct>
post bond       = <struct> <bond type>
bond type       = (<bond count> <bond dir> | <bond count> | <bond dir>)
                | (<bond modifier> (<bond count>)? (<bond dir>)?)
bond count      = '=' | '#'
bond dir        = ('+' | '-' | '/' | '\' | '|')+
bond modifier   = '!' | '*'
group           = <group> ((<group char>)+ | <group typeset>)
group typeset   = ('^' | '_')(<any char> | '{' (<any char>)+ '}')
identifier      = <any letter> | <any number>
group char      = <identifier> | '(' | ')' | '.' | '?'