This function will allow you to bulk enroll customers from Partner Center to the Nerdio Manager for MSP. Keep in mind that currently the customers are only added in with Entra ID as domain and Intune/Modern Work as Desktop deployment model.
Powershell 7.4 or higher
Create a service account that is Global Admin in the tenant and add it as a member of the "Admin Agents" in the Entra Portal.
Next make sure to login the first time with that account and setup MFA.
Make sure all customers you want to onboard are added in Partner Center to the "Customer List" ( and you have the correct GDAP roles rolled out (
Currently the assigned GDAP roles where i tested where are the ones below, keep in mind probably that consent with less permissions will work.
- Application administrator,
- Authentication policy administrator,
- Cloud app security administrator,
- Cloud device administrator,
- Exchange administrator,
- Intune administrator,
- Privileged authentication administrator,
- Privileged role administrator,
- Security administrator,
- SharePoint administrator
- Teams administrator,
- User administrator
If you don't have a existing Secure Application, please create a new one with the following permissions, to make this process easier you can use the EasySAM module see the readme in the link below for instructions.
Link to the module:
Needed permissions:
Azure Service Management
- user_impersonation - Delegated
Microsoft Partner Center
- user_impersonation - Delegated
Microsoft Graph
- Application.ReadWrite.All - Delegated
- Directory.ReadWrite.All - Delegated
- Directory.AccessAsUser.All - Delegated
Once the Application is created make sure to go to the application in the entra portal and Grant Admin Consent in the API permissions tab for the API permissions you have selected.
Next is saving the output of the secure application model to the ConfigData.json in the SAM part of the json file in the Private/Data folder
Once all prerequisites are met, you can use the Add-PartnerCenterAccounts cmdlet to add a customer to the Partner Center.
- Next import the NMM-PS module -
.\Import-Module NMM-PS.psm1
- Run the following command to add the customers to the Partner Center.
Command for adding all customers in Partner Center (if GDAP roles are assigned properly):
Import-Module NMM-PS
Add-PartnerCenterAccounts -Verbose
Command for adding a single customer to the Partner Center:
$customer = [PSCustomObject]@{
customerId = "8821ff3c-8b0d-4dd4-8813-39fca432cd19"
displayName = "Skrok Lab Tenant 2"
Import-Module NMM-PS
Add-PartnerCenterAccounts -Tenantid $customer.customerId -Verbose
Add-PartnerCenterAccounts -CredentialSource SAMConfig -SAMCredentials $samconfig -verbose
# the $samconfig is the output of the EasySAM module