- logos and tracker updated for GSPS Dzieciom 2025
- Refactor code, GPST now uses Fabric.js library
- Final render to file applies Lanczos3 filter to the photo
- photo rotation no longer resets scale
- add Story view for Instagram thumbnail generation
- retrieved money count now is rounded, to fix errors with displaying decimals
- .htaccess is now generated, adjusted for the base path
- Input fields values are now transferrable between views
- Update view
- Show usage help when hovering over the thumbnail
- move update money button to the right of the input
- add "Generate static link" button, which will generate link with runner, title, subtitle etc. data for easy reuse
- Refactor code
- fix photo view text position
- switch default iconset to material design symbols
- any image format supported by the browser should now be accepted
- reworked UI
- better fit on both wide and small screens
- UI is now pleasant-ish to look at
- foundation logos are not baked in anymore
- add grab cursor on canvas
- parametrized logos and donation counter through env file
- logos and tracker updated for GSPS2024
- automatically build nightly version
- image scaling uses linear filtering
- Initial version