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Maintenances and Operation of Runtime System


Deploying Every Service

This series of commands will deploy non-prod every service for you. Run them from the top level directory (where this file is located). If you want to run them all quickly, then run each block of bash in a new terminal. If you want to be more careful, run them all one at a time, from top to bottom, inspecting the output on every step.

terraform -chdir="infra/api/service" init -backend-config="dev.s3.tfbackend" -reconfigure
terraform -chdir="infra/api/service" apply -var "environment_name=dev"

terraform -chdir="infra/api/service" init -backend-config="staging.s3.tfbackend" -reconfigure
terraform -chdir="infra/api/service" apply -var "environment_name=staging"
terraform -chdir="infra/frontend/service" init -backend-config="dev.s3.tfbackend" -reconfigure
terraform -chdir="infra/frontend/service" apply -var "environment_name=dev"

terraform -chdir="infra/frontend/service" init -backend-config="staging.s3.tfbackend" -reconfigure
terraform -chdir="infra/frontend/service" apply -var "environment_name=staging"
terraform -chdir="infra/analytics/service" init -backend-config="dev.s3.tfbackend" -reconfigure
terraform -chdir="infra/analytics/service" apply -var "environment_name=dev"

terraform -chdir="infra/analytics/service" init -backend-config="staging.s3.tfbackend" -reconfigure
terraform -chdir="infra/analytics/service" apply -var "environment_name=staging"

Updating to our Terraform Version

  1. Install tfenv
  2. Get the terraform version to install from terraform_version this file:
  3. Follow tfenv instructions to install and utilize the given terraform version

Terraform State Locks

Terraform state locks happen when multiple terraform deployments try to roll out simultaneously.

You can fix them on CLI by:

  1. Finding the job (via Github Action or otherwise) where the deployment failed. If you aren't sure, then it was probably in a Github Action. You can find a list of failing actions here:
  2. Wait for the deployment that caused the state lock to finish. If you can't find it, just wait 30 minutes.
  3. Identify the folder in which the state lock is happening. The Path attribute on the Lock Info block will identify this.
  4. Open up your terminal, setup AWS (eg. export AWS_PROFILE=grants-bla-bla-bla && aws sso login), and cd into the folder identified above
  5. Run terraform init -backend-config=<ENVIRONMENT>.s3.tfbackend, where <ENVIRONMENT> can be identified by the Path above.
  6. Run terraform force-unlock -force <LOCK_ID> where <LOCK_ID> is the value of ID in your state lock message.
  7. Re-run your deploy job

Sometimes CLI unlock won't work, that will look like (for example) the following error message:

terraform force-unlock -force <LOCK_ID> Failed to unlock state: failed to retrieve lock info for lock ID <LOCK_ID>: unexpected end of JSON input

When that happens, you need to unlock it via DynamoDB in the AWS console.

  1. Login to AWS
  2. Open the DynamoDB console
  3. Open the tables tab
  4. Click on the state locks table. There should only be one.
  5. Click the Explore Table Items button
  6. Find the item that corresponds to the currently locked state, you can get that by again looking at the Path attribute in your locked job.
  7. Remove the Digest key, Save and close
  8. Re-run your deploy job


All scaling options can be found in the following files:




Scaling is handled by configuring the following values:

  • instance desired instance count
  • instance scaling minimum capacity
  • instance scaling maximum capacity
  • instance CPU
  • instance memory

Our ECS instances auto scale based on both memory and CPU. You can view the autoscaling configuration here: infra/modules/service/


Scaling is handled by configuring the following values:

  • Database minimum capacity
  • Database maximum capacity
  • Database instance count

In prod, the database maximum capacity is as high as it goes. Further scaling past the point will require scaling out the instance count. Effectively using the instance count scaling might require changes to our application layer.


  • Search master instance type
  • Search data instance type
  • Search data volume size
  • Search data instance count
  • Search availability zone count

When scaling openSearch, consider which attribute changes will trigger blue/green deploys, versus which attributes can be edited in place. You can find that information here. Requiring blue/green changes for the average configuration change is a notable constraint of OpenSearch, relative to ECS and the Database.

Yearly Rotations

We manage several secret values that need to be rotated yearly. Certificates

These certificates were last updated in December 2024

We need to manage a public certificate with for private_jwt_auth in each of our environments.

To generate a certificate run:

openssl req -nodes -x509 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.pem -out public.crt -subj "/C=US/ST=Washington DC/L=Washington DC/O=Nava PBC/OU=Engineering/CN=Simpler[email protected]"

Navigate to the service provider page and for each application edit it, and upload the public.crt file. Leave any prior cert files alone until we have switched the API to using the new one.

Go to SSM parameter store and change the value that maps to the LOGIN_GOV_CLIENT_ASSERTION_PRIVATE_KEY value for the given environment to be the value from the private.pem key you generated.

After the next deployment in an environment, we should be using the new keys, and can cleanup the old certificate.


Prod does not update immediately, and you must request a deployment to get a certificate rotated.

For Prod, assume it will take at least two weeks from creating the certificate, before it is available for the API, and until it is, do not change the API's configured key.

New Relic

There are three ways to interact with New Relic: UI, CLI, or API. Most interactions will be done via the UI.

New Relic API via Terraform

We use the New Relic via means of Terraform. You can via the New Relic Terraform API documentation here. To setup Terraform for New Relic, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to New Relic
  2. Navigate to the API keys page
  3. Create a key of key type "user"
  4. Copy the key value
  5. Set the key value, region, in your .zshrc .bashrc or similar:
export NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID=1234 # Found in the URL among other places. eg.< ACCOUNT ID HERE>
export NEW_RELIC_REGION="US" # Always "US".

You will then be able to interact with New Relic via Terraform. There's some New Relic Terraform configuration inside of the infra/accounts/ folder for example. From this point you can use normal Terraform CLI commands to interact with New Relic, terraform init terraform apply etc.