- Create a Spotify Application
- Take note of:
Client ID
Client Secret
- Click on Edit Settings
- In Redirect URIs:
- Add
- Add
- Navigate to the following URL:
After logging in, save the {CODE} portion of:
Create a string combining
) and encode into Base64. -
Then run a curl command in the form of:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic {BASE64}" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=http://localhost/callback/&code={CODE}" https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token
- Save the Refresh token
Register on Vercel
Fork this repo, then create a vercel project linked to it
Add Environment Variables:
You can now use the following in your readme:
If you want a distinction between the widget showing your currently playing, and your recently playing:
Remove the #
in front of contentBar
in line 81 of current master, then the EQ bar will be hidden when you're in not currently playing anything.
Have a string saying either "Vibing to:" or "Last seen playing:".
- Change
toheight + 40
(or whatevermargin-top
is set to) - Uncomment .main's
- Uncomment currentStatus
Customization requests can be submitted as an issue, like novatorem#2
If you want to share your own customization options, open a PR if it's done or open an issue if you want it implemented by someone else.
If you have issues setting up, try following this guide.
Followed the guide and still having problems?
Try checking out the functions tab in vercel, linked as:
You will see a log there, and most issues can be resolved by ensuring you have the correct variables from setup.