diff --git a/docs/source/guide/release_notes/onprem/2.20.0.md b/docs/source/guide/release_notes/onprem/2.20.0.md index e0200c735abb..d1da48bc177f 100644 --- a/docs/source/guide/release_notes/onprem/2.20.0.md +++ b/docs/source/guide/release_notes/onprem/2.20.0.md @@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ Optimized the API calls made from the frontend within the members management and - Updated the default settings for CSRF cookie to be more secure and added an environment setting to control cookie age. +### Breaking changes + +This release includes an upgrade to Django 5. As part of this change, Label Studio now requires PostgreSQL version 13+. ### Bug fixes