A ThreeJS powered 3D product website infused with the power of artificial intelligence! using CHATGPT.
A 3D view of the T-Shirt.
Color Picker for choosing color & realtime view of the changing of colour.
File Upload functionality to use custom logo/design.
CHATGPT integration to run custom queries to make unique design
Download feature to export your unique design and share it with the world
ThreeJS - a powerful 3D graphics library for rendering and animating the 3D model
React Three Fiber - a popular library for creating 3D graphics with ThreeJS in React
TailwindCSS - a popular utility-first CSS styling framework
Framer Motion - the most popular library used to bring your React website to life with animations
CHATGPT API - Generate and use images through DALLE AI
Git - For Version Control of the app and code commits.
Vercel - For deploying the Frontend of the application.
Render - For deploying the Backend of the Application.
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