- All hiring paperwork
- Employee manual
- Create @inn.org email address
- Add to [email protected] and [email protected] groups
- Announcement blog post
- All staff email
- Add to staff directory
- On website
- In dropbox
- https://twitter.com/INNnerds/lists/team/members
- Accounts
- Slack
- Dropbox
- Website
- Asana
- Harvest/Forecast
- GitHub
- Bitbucket
- WP Engine
- Flywheel
- Hellosign
- Shared folders/calendars
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- Shared Google Calendars
- Responsibilities lists
- 1password
- Install app
- Invite to INN team/shared vault (https://innorg.1password.com)
- Create and review onboarding plan