- Start by following the official installation guide for VVV on Github, but pay special attention to the notes below:
- We strongly recommend also installing all of the optional Vagrant plugins mentioned in step 4. These will only make it easier and more convenient for you to use VVV later.
- Between steps 6 and 7, you'll want to run the follwing commands to get the latest official release (without these you'll get the latest development build)
git fetch
git checkout master
Variable VVV (a.k.a. VV) provides some handy tools for building sites using VVV.
- Follow the installation instructions found on GitHub.
- Use the command line to navigate to the root directory of your Vagrant box (where your Vagrantfile is located).
- Paste the following command into your terminal, hit Enter, and then type Control-D.
cat > Customfile
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.memory = 2048
v.cpus = 4
- That created a new file,
which increases the memory limit on your Vagrant box, as recommended in the VVV documentation.
One useful feature of VV is that it allows you to create "blueprints" for site configurations. Below, we'll setup a basic blueprint for Largo sites.
- Paste the following command into your terminal, hit Enter, and then type Control-D.
cat > vv-blueprints.json
"largo": {
"themes": [
"location": "INN/largo",
"activate": true
"options": [
"defines": [
- Alternatively, if you'd like to learn more about VV Blueprints and how they work, you can run
vv --blueprint-init
from the vagrant folder in your terminal to create a sample blueprint namedvv-blueprints.json
, which you can modify to match the file above.
- Now you're ready to run
Vagrant Up
and get started developing! Be patient, this can take ~10 minutes or so the first time you run it.
By default, VVV gives you a few places to work from:
URL | Usage |
http://local.wordpress.dev/ | for WordPress stable |
http://local.wordpress-trunk.dev/ | for WordPress trunk |
http://src.wordpress-develop.dev/ | for trunk WordPress development files |
http://build.wordpress-develop.dev/ | for the version of those development files built with Grunt |
http://vvv.dev/ | for a default dashboard containing several useful tools |
You can create new environments easily using VV's site wizard by running vv create
in the root folder of VVV.
To create a site with the Largo theme pre-installed and activated, enter largo
as your blueprint name when prompted (to use the blueprint we created earlier).
If you want to explore more of what VV can do, just type vv
into the terminal and you'll get a list of commands it accepts.
- http://vagrantmanager.com - GUI for managing your vagrant machines on OS X.