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platform: angular
platform: angular
platform: blazor
platform: blazor
platform: react
platform: react
platform: wc
platform: wc
priority: high 🏃
priority: high :runner:
priority: low
priority: low
priority: medium 🚶
priority: medium :walking:
severity: critical 💥
severity: critical :boom:
severity: high 🔥
severity: high :fire:
severity: low
severity: low
severity: medium 🧨
severity: medium :firecracker:
status: already-fixed
status: already-fixed
status: approved ✔️
status: approved :heavy_check_mark:
status: awaiting-localization
status: awaiting-localization
status: awaiting-sample
status: awaiting-sample
topic is missing a sample
status: awaiting-test ❌
status: awaiting-test :x:
PR ready for testing
status: blocked
status: blocked
things blocked by missing content in samples
status: by-design
status: by-design
status: cannot-reproduce
status: cannot-reproduce
status: do not merge
status: do not merge
things not ready/risky for merging
status: fixed-on-staging
status: fixed-on-staging
issue already fixed on staging
status: ice-box 🍧
status: ice-box :shaved_ice:
status: in-development 🛠️
status: in-development :hammer_and_wrench:
things that are not finished
status: in-review 👀
status: in-review :eyes:
PR ready for review
status: in-test 💥
status: in-test :boom:
The PR is in test
status: inactive
status: inactive
status: localized
status: localized
indicates that localization is complete
status: new 🆕
status: new :new: