Simple package to do retries in Go. You can consider this a practice of fluent API in Go.
Maybe used to abstract away of the retry logic so you wont deal with time calculations at domain level tests.
// complicated.go
type ComplicatedService struct {
retry goretry.Retryer[any]
func (s *ComplicatedService) Do() error {
return retry.Retry(func () error {
// do something
// complicated_test.go
func TestReallyHardWithoutRetryLogic(t *testing.T) {
service := &ComplicatedService{
// So your test will simple call code until success
retry: goretry.New[any](
retryer := goretry.New[int](
error := retryer.Retry(func() error {
// some loginc
result, error := retryer.RetryReturn(func() (int, error) {
// some logic
return value
More examples can be found in tests.
You also can combine DelayCalculators
examples are in tests.