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Customizing a SORMAS Server


Server Configuration

After installing a SORMAS servers, you can customize various configurations that define how SORMAS operates and is set up. This is done in the file that you can find in your domain folder. This file contains explanations for every property and also a default value in case you want to revert any changes that you've made.

Most of these properties are commented (indicated by a # in front of their name and value) because the default should work for most servers. If you want to change these properties, you can remove the # and specify a valid value. We strongly suggest to add values to the properties that are not commented by default because these are specific to your server (e.g. the default locale/language, the center of the country or region you're using SORMAS in and the URL that leads to the mobile .apk file).

Please note that this file contains all the properties that existed in the SORMAS version that you initially installed on your server. We strongly suggest to read the release notes of new versions in order to keep yourself updated about new properties or whether the expected values of existing ones have changed. In any of these cases, you need to manually update the properties file and either insert the new property or change the existing value to one that is compatible. The release notes will give you instructions on how to do this.

The following properties are currently configurable:

  • Default locale country.locale: This is the locale your server is using as long as the user has not overwritten it in their settings. It impacts both the language that SORMAS is displayed in as well as e.g. date formats.
  • EPID prefix country.epidprefix: SORMAS automatically generates EPID numbers for new cases. This is the prefix your country is using for all of these numbers. Most of the time it will be some sort of country code and should be three characters long.
  • Country center/zoom, and map.zoom: These are the geo coordinates of the geographical center of the country or region you're using SORMAS in. Used to set the initial location of the maps used in dashboards and statistics.
  • App URL app.url: The directory on your server where the mobile .apk file is stored that is used to automatically update the Android app after a new release. You should be able to copy the example given in the properties file and only have to replace the SERVER-NAME placeholder.
  • File paths documents.path, temp.path, generated.path and custom.path: The folders that SORMAS stores files in, either temporarily during case export or permanently like import templates or documents. Files in temp.path are automatically deleted at midnight. Files in custom.path can be used to customize the login page, e.g. to provide default logins for demo servers or add additional contributors to the right sidebar.
  • Automatic case classification feature.automaticcaseclassification: Determines whether SORMAS automatically classifies cases based on a number of criteria that are defined in the code.
  • Email settings email.sender.address and The email address and sender name that should be used when SORMAS is sending out emails, e.g. to notify users about specific events.
  • SMS settings, sms.auth.key and sms.auth.secret: Besides emails, SORMAS also supports sending automatic SMS to users at the same time (e.g. when a case has been classified as confirmed). The SMS provider SORMAS is using is the Vonage SMS API ( If you have an account there, you can use your key and secret here to enable sending out SMS. Leaving these properties empty will disable this feature.
  • CSV separator csv.separator: The separator that CSV files should use to separate columns. This is depending on your server locale. Most systems should be fine using the default (,), but e.g. German systems should be set to use ;.
  • Name similarity threshold namesimilaritythreshold: This is used when comparing cases or contacts to find duplicates in the system, either in retrospection or during creation or import. The higher the value, the more restrictive the algorithm, i.e. less potential duplicates will be found. It is suggested to play around with this setting to see which value works for your country and language.
  • Dev mode devmode: Enabling developer mode will give you access to a tab in the Configuration menu that allows admins to create dummy cases and contacts to quickly fill the database. This is only meant to be used on development or demo systems and should be left disabled for production servers.
  • Infrastructure sync threshold infrastructuresyncthreshold: Synchronizing infrastructure data to mobile apps (e.g. regions or health facilities) is done in chunks to avoid connection timeouts. If you expect your users to have very bad internet connection, lowering this threshold could make it easier for them to synchronize this data.
  • Archiving thresholds daysAfterCaseGetsArchived and daysAfterEventGetsArchived: The number of days without any changes after which cases/events are automatically archived (i.e. they will no longer be displayed in the normal directories, but still count towards statistics or counts on the dashboard and can still be viewed by users with the respective user right). If set to 0, automatic archiving is disabled.
  • Rscript executable rscript.executable: The location of the Rscript executable. If you've installed Rscript on your server and specify the path here (the default should work for Linux systems as long as you've used the default install path), network diagrams for transmission chains will be shown in the web app.
  • Symptom journal interface: Properties used to connect to an external symptom journal service. interface.symptomjournal.url is the URL to the website that SORMAS should connect to; interface.symptomjournal.authurl is the URL used to authenticate SORMAS at the external service; interface.symptomjournal.clientid and interface.symptomjournal.secret are the credentials used for the authentication process. A default user can be created automatically at startup by using interface.symptomjournal.defaultuser.username and interface.symptomjournal.defaultuser.password. This user can be used by the Symptom Journal system to connect to SORMAS.
  • Patient diary interface Properties used to connect to an external patient diary service. interface.patientdiary.url is the URL to the website that SORMAS should connect to; interface.patientdiary.probandsurl is the URL to the website that SORMAS can send notifications; interface.patientdiary.authurl is the URL trough which SORMAS can obtain an authorization to the external patient diary; and interface.patientdiary.password are the credentials used by SORMAS to authenticate in the external patient diary; A default user can be created automatically at startup by using interface.patientdiary.defaultuser.username and interface.patientdiary.defaultuser.password. This user can be used by the Patient Diary system to connect to SORMAS.
  • Custom branding: Properties used to apply a custom branding to SORMAS that overrides its name and default logo. Using these properties also alters the sidebar and adds another customizable area to it. If you want to use this feature, set custombranding to true. is the name that you want to use, custombranding.logo.path is the path to the logo that should be used.
  • Geocoding Properties used to integrate an external geocoding service for obtaining the geo coordinates of addresses.
    • geocodingServiceUrlTemplate is the url for searching for address details, ${street}, ${houseNumber}, ${postalCode}, and ${city} placeholders will be replaced with the actual address fields when searching;
    • geocodingLongitudeJsonPath and geocodingLatitudeJsonPath are used to obtain the longitude and latitude of the address in the result of the geocoding service request
  • Authentication Provider: Allows the user to choose the way of authentication for SORMAS and all it's third party clients. Supported values SORMAS (default) and KEYCLOAK

Custom login page

When setting up the server a custom file directory is created (most likely /opt/sormas/custom). You can adjust the login*.html files in that directory to customize the login page.

Custom download files in about section

You can create a sub-folder aboutfiles in the custom directory mentioned above (e.g. /opt/sormas/custom/aboutfiles). Any file in that directory will be made available in the about section of the frontend.

Importing Infrastructure Data

When you start a SORMAS server for the first time, some default infrastructure data is generated to ensure that the server is usable and the default users can be created. It is recommended (and, unless you're working on a demo server, necessary) to archive this default data and import the official infrastructure data of the country or part of the country that you intend to use SORMAS in instead.


SORMAS by default splits infrastructure data into four categories. Starting from the highest administrative division, these are: Regions, Districts, Communities, and Health Facilities. In addition, Points of Entry represent places like harbors and airports where people are frequently entering the country, while Laboratories are technically health facilities that are specifically used for sample testing purposes.

To import your data for one of these administrative divisions, log in as the default admin user and open the Configuration menu. Open any of the tabs for the infrastructure data you want to import and click on the Import button on the top right. You can download an import guide from within the popup window that will be opened, containing detailed instructions about the import process and the steps you need to go through in order to successfully import your data.

Make sure that you always start with the highest administrative division when importing, i.e. regions, and work your way down to the lowest, because lower divisions typically contain references to higher divisions.


After importing your infrastructure data, you need to archive the default data unless you want it to appear in your app. To do that, again open the Configuration menu and the tab for the infrastructure data you want to archive. You can use the text filter on top of the screen to type in the name of the default data, then click on the edit icon to the right, and in the popup window that opens up, click on Archive and confirm your choice.

After archiving the default infrastructure data, you might want to edit the default users and assign them to administrative divisions that you've imported. To do so, go to the User menu and click on the edit icon beneath the user you want to re-assign.

Disease Configuration

SORMAS supports a wide range of diseases, and not all of those might be relevant to any SORMAS instance or might be used in a different context. It is possible to adjust the following variables that define how the different diseases are handled:

  • Whether the disease is active, i.e. it is used in this SORMAS instance
  • Whether the disease is a primary disease, i.e. it is enabled for case surveillance; non-primary diseases can still be used for pathogen testing
  • Whether the disease is case-based; if not, it is only enabled for aggregate case reporting
  • Whether contact follow-up is enabled
  • The contact follow-up duration

Right now, changing these variables unfortunately is not possible from within the user interface, but requires direct database access. If you have this access, you can edit the entries in the diseaseconfiguration table according to your needs.

VERY IMPORTANT: Whenever you edit an entry in this table, you also need to manually set the changedate to the current date and time. This is required in order for the mobile app to synchronize the changes and use the edited disease configuration.

Feature Configuration

Some of the features in SORMAS can be enabled or disabled to further customize the system. Right now, changing these variables unfortunately is not possible from within the user interface, but requires direct database access. If you have this access, you can edit the entries in the featureconfiguration table. There is one entry for every configurable feature in this table, and you can set the value of the enabled column to true to enable it and false to disable it. The region, district, disease and enddate columns are currently only applicable for the line listing feature and define the scope in which line listing is used. Line listing is configurable from within the UI and does not need to be manually edited in the database.

VERY IMPORTANT: Whenever you edit an entry in this table, you also need to manually set the changedate to the current date and time. This is required in order for the mobile app to synchronize the changes and use the edited feature configuration.

The following features are currently configurable:

  • Case Surveillance CASE_SURVEILANCE: The core module of SORMAS which allows the creation and management of suspect or confirmed disease cases.
  • Contact Tracing CONTACT_TRACING: Management and follow-up of contacts of disease cases.
  • Sample Management SAMPLES_LAB: Management of samples for cases, contacts or event participants and the documentation of pathogen tests performed on these samples.
  • Event Surveillance EVENT_SURVEILLANCE: Creating and managing events and event participants to identify potential outbreaks or disease hotspots.
  • Aggregate Reporting AGGREGATE_REPORTING: Allows collecting case numbers for a number of additional diseases for which case-based surveillance is not used. Commonly referred to as mSers in African countries.
  • Weekly Reporting WEEKLY_REPORTING: Allows mobile users to confirm the number of cases they have collected on a weekly basis and web users to see an overview of whether or not mobile users have submitted their reports and how many cases they have reported.
  • Clinical Management CLINICAL_MANAGEMENT: Enables the clinical management module of cases that allow collecting prescriptions and treatments as well as doctor's visits in a clinical context.
  • National Case Sharing NATIONAL_CASE_SHARING: Allows users with the respective rights to make cases available to the whole country, i.e. other users will see these cases even if they don't belong to their jurisdiction.
  • Task Generation (Case Surveillance) TASK_GENERATION_CASE_SURVEILLANCE: Enables or disables the automatic generation of tasks associated with case surveillance, especially the Case Investigation tasks that are usually generated when creating a new case.
  • Task Generation (Contact Tracing) TASK_GENERATION_CONTACT_TRACING: Enables or disables the automatic generation of tasks associated with contact tracing, especially the Contact Investigation tasks that are usually generated when creating a new contact and the Contact Follow-Up tasks that are created once a day for every contact that is under follow-up.
  • Task Generation (Event Surveillance) TASK_GENERATION_EVENT_SURVEILLANCE: Enables or disables the automatic generation of tasks associated with event surveillance.
  • Task Generation (General) TASK_GENERATION_GENERAL: Enables or disables the automatic generation of tasks that aren't directly associated with one of the three other task types described above, e.g. the Weekly Report Generation task that asks mobile users to submit their weekly reports.
  • Campaigns CAMPAIGNS: The campaigns module allows collecting flexible data which can be customized using the JSON format. Currently this is heavily geared towards vaccination campaigns in Afghanistan, but will be usable in a more generic way in the future for other countries as well.
  • Area Infrastructure INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE_AREA: Enables an additional infrastructure level above region that is called area by default. Currently only used in the campaigns module.
  • Case Follow-Up CASE_FOLLOWUP: Enables the contact follow-up module for cases as well to allow a more detailed daily documentation of symptoms.
  • Line Listing LINE_LISTING: Whether or not using line listing for case entry is enabled in the specified jurisdiction for the specified disease. Configurable from the UI, no database interaction needed.
  • Documents DOCUMENTS: Enables document storage.

Proxy Settings

Some SORMAS integrations support proxy settings:

  • Patient diary interface
  • Geocoding

The proxy can be configured through the following system properties which can be passed as JVM arguments to the server:

  • org.jboss.resteasy.jaxrs.client.proxy.port
  • org.jboss.resteasy.jaxrs.client.proxy.scheme