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2162 lines (1775 loc) · 95.8 KB

FlatLaf Change Log


New features and improvements

  • macOS: Re-enabled rounded popup border (see PR #772) on macOS 14.4+ (was disabled in 3.5.x).
  • Increased contrast of text for better readability: (PR #972; issue #762)
    • In FlatLaf Dark, FlatLaf Darcula and many dark IntelliJ themes, made all text colors brighter.
    • In FlatLaf Light, FlatLaf IntelliJ and many light IntelliJ themes, made disabled text colors slightly darker.
    • In FlatLaf macOS Light, made disabled text colors darker.
    • In FlatLaf macOS Dark, made text colors of "default" button and selected ToggleButton lighter.
  • CheckBox: Support styling indeterminate state of tri-state check boxes. (PR #936; issue #919)
  • List: Support for alternate row highlighting. (PR #939)
  • Tree: Support for alternate row highlighting. (PR #903)
  • Tree: Support wide cell renderer. (issue #922)
  • Extras: FlatSVGIcon color filters now can access painting component to implement component state based color mappings. (issue #906)
  • Linux: Added for Linux on ARM64. (issue #899)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Updated to latest versions.

Fixed bugs

  • Button: Fixed background and foreground colors for borderless and toolBarButton style default buttons (JButton.isDefaultButton() is true). (issue #947)
  • FileChooser: Improved performance when navigating to large directories with thousands of files. (issue #953)
  • PopupFactory: Fixed NPE on Windows 10 when owner is null. (issue #952)
  • Popup: On Windows 10, drop shadow of heavy-weight popup was not updated if popup moved/resized. (issue #942)
  • FlatLaf window decorations:
    • Minimize and maximize icons were not shown for custom scale factors less than 100% (e.g. -Dflatlaf.uiScale=75%). (issue #951)
    • Linux: Fixed occasional maximizing of window when single-clicking the window's title bar. (issue #637)
  • Styling: MigLayout visual padding was not updated after applying style to Button, ComboBox, Spinner, TextField (and subclasses) and ToggleButton. (issue #965)
  • Linux: Popups (menus and combobox lists) were not hidden when window is moved, resized, maximized, restored, iconified or switched to another window. (issue #962)
  • Fixed loading FlatLaf UI delegate classes when using FlatLaf in special application where multiple class loaders are involved. E.g. in Eclipse plugin or in LibreOffice extension. (issues #955 and #851)


Fixed bugs

  • HTML: Fixed NPE when using HTML text on a component with null font. (issue #930; PR #931; regression in 3.5)
  • Linux: Fixed NPE when using FlatLaf window decorations and switching theme. (issue #933; regression in 3.5.3)


Fixed bugs

  • HTML: Fixed wrong rendering if HTML text contains <style> tag with attributes (e.g. <style type='text/css'>). (issue #905; regression in 3.5.1)
  • FlatLaf window decorations:
    • Windows: Fixed possible deadlock with TabbedPane in window title area in "full window content" mode. (issue #909)
    • Windows: Fixed wrong layout in maximized frame after changing screen scale factor. (issue #904)
    • Linux: Fixed continuous cursor toggling between resize and standard cursor when resizing window. (issue #907)
    • Fixed sometimes broken window moving with SplitPane in window title area in "full window content" mode. (issue #926)
  • Popup: On Windows 10, fixed misplaced popup drop shadow. (issue #911; regression in 3.5)
  • Popup: Fixed NPE if GraphicsConfiguration is null on Windows. (issue #921)
  • Theme Editor: Fixed using color picker on secondary screen.
  • Fixed detection of Windows 11 if custom exe launcher does not specify Windows 10+ compatibility in application manifest. (issue #916)
  • Linux: Fixed slightly different font size (or letter width) used to paint HTML text when default font family is Cantarell (e.g. on Fedora). (issue #912)

Other Changes

  • Class FlatPropertiesLaf now supports FlatLaf macOS themes as base themes.


Fixed bugs

  • Windows: Fixed repaint issues (ghosting) on some systems (probably depending on graphics card/driver). This is done by setting Java system property sun.java2d.d3d.onscreen to false (but only if sun.java2d.d3d.onscreen, sun.java2d.d3d and sun.java2d.noddraw are not yet set), which disables usage of Windows Direct3D (DirectX) onscreen surfaces. Component rendering still uses Direct3D. (issue #887)
  • FlatLaf window decorations:
    • Iconify/maximize/close buttons did not fill whole title bar height, if some custom component in menu bar increases title bar height. (issue #897)
    • Windows: Fixed possible application freeze when using custom component that overrides Component.contains(int x, int y) and invokes SwingUtilities.convertPoint() (or similar) from the overridden method. (issue #878)
  • TextComponents: Fixed too fast scrolling in multi-line text components when using touchpads (e.g. on macOS). (issue #892)
  • ToolBar: Fixed endless loop if button in Toolbar has focus and is made invisible. (issue #884)

Other Changes

  • FlatLaf window decorations: Added client property JRootPane.titleBarHeight to allow specifying a (larger) preferred height for the title bar. (issue #897)
  • Added system property flatlaf.useRoundedPopupBorder to allow disabling native rounded popup borders on Windows 11 and macOS. On macOS 14.4+, where rounded popup borders are disabled since FlatLaf 3.5 because of occasional problems, you can use this to enable rounded popup borders (at your risk).


Fixed bugs

  • HTML: Fixed occasional cutoff wrapped text when using multi-line text in HTML tags <h1>...<h6>, <code>, <kbd>, <big>, <small> or <samp>. (issue #873; regression in 3.5)
  • Popup: Fixed UnsupportedOperationException: PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT translucency is not supported exception on Haiku OS when showing popup (partly) outside of window. (issue #869)
  • HiDPI: Fixed occasional wrong repaint areas when using HiDPIUtils.installHiDPIRepaintManager(). (see PR #864)
  • Added system property flatlaf.useSubMenuSafeTriangle to allow disabling submenu safe triangle (PR #490) for SWTSwing. (issue #870)


New features and improvements

  • Table: Support rounded selection. (PR #856)
  • Button and ToggleButton: Added border colors for pressed and selected states. (issue #848)
  • Label: Support painting background with rounded corners. (issue #842)
  • Popup: Fixed flicker of popups (e.g. tooltips) while they are moving (e.g. following mouse pointer). (issues #832 and #672)
  • FileChooser: Wrap shortcuts in scroll pane. (issue #828)
  • Theme Editor: On macOS, use larger window title bar. (PR #779)

Fixed bugs

  • macOS: Disabled rounded popup border (see PR #772) on macOS 14.4+ because it may freeze the application and crash the macOS WindowServer process (reports vary from Finder restarts to OS restarts). This is a temporary change until a solution is found. See NetBeans issues apache/netbeans#7560 and apache/netbeans#6647.
  • FlatLaf window decorations: Window top border on Windows 10 in "full window content" mode was not fully repainted when activating or deactivating window. (issue #809)
  • Button and ToggleButton: UI properties [Toggle]Button.selectedForeground and [Toggle]Button.pressedForeground did not work for HTML text. (issue #848)
  • HTML: Fixed font sizes for HTML tags <h1>...<h6>, <code>, <kbd>, <big>, <small> and <samp> in HTML text for components Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, MenuItem (and subclasses), JideLabel, JideButton, JXBusyLabel and JXHyperlink. Also fixed for Label and ToolTip if using Java 11+.
  • ScrollPane: Fixed/improved border painting at 125% - 175% scaling to avoid different border thicknesses. (issue #743)
  • Table: Fixed painting of alternating rows below table if auto-resize mode is JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF and table width is smaller than scroll pane (was not updated when table width changed and was painted on wrong side in right-to-left component orientation).
  • Theme Editor: Fixed occasional empty window on startup on macOS.
  • FlatLaf window decorations: Fixed black line sometimes painted on top of (native) window border on Windows 11. (issue #852)
  • HiDPI: Fixed incomplete component paintings at 125% or 175% scaling on Windows where sometimes a 1px wide area at the right or bottom component edge is not repainted. E.g. ScrollPane focus indicator border. (issues #860 and #582)


  • ProgressBar: Log warning (including stack trace) when uninstalling indeterminate progress bar UI or using JProgressBar.setIndeterminate(false) not on AWT thread, because this may throw NPE in FlatProgressBarUI.paint(). (issues #841 and #830)
  • Panel: Rounded background of panel with rounded corners is now painted even if panel is not opaque. (issue #840)


Fixed bugs

  • SplitPane: Update divider when client property JSplitPane.expandableSide changed.
  • TabbedPane: Fixed swapped back and forward scroll buttons when using TabbedPane.scrollButtonsPlacement = trailing (regression in FlatLaf 3.3).
  • Fixed missing window top border on Windows 10 in "full window content" mode. (issue #809)
  • Extras:
    • FlatSVGIcon color filters now support linear gradients. (PR #817)
    • FlatSVGIcon: Use log level CONFIG instead of SEVERE and allow disabling logging. (issue #823)
    • Added support for JSplitPane.expandableSide client property to FlatSplitPane.
  • Native libraries: Added API version check to test whether native library matches the JAR (bad builds could e.g. ship a newer JAR with an older incompatible native library) and to test whether native methods can be invoked (some security software allows loading native library but blocks method invocation).
  • macOS: Fixed crash when running in WebSwing. (issue #826; regression in 3.4)


  • File names of custom properties files for nested Laf classes now must include name of enclosing class name. E.g. nested Laf class IntelliJTheme.ThemeLaf used in previous versions, but now needs to be named IntelliJTheme$


New features and improvements

  • FlatLaf window decorations (Windows 10/11 and Linux): Support "full window content" mode, which allows you to extend the content into the window title bar. (PR #801)
  • macOS: Support larger window title bar close/minimize/zoom buttons spacing in full window content mode and introduced "buttons placeholder". (PR #779)
  • Native libraries:
    • System property flatlaf.nativeLibraryPath now supports loading native libraries named the same as on Maven central.
    • Published flatlaf-<version>-no-natives.jar to Maven Central. This JAR is equal to flatlaf-<version>.jar, except that it does not contain the FlatLaf native libraries. The Maven "classifier" to use this JAR is no-natives. You need to distribute the FlatLaf native libraries with your application. See for more details.
    • Improved log messages for loading fails.
  • Fonts: Updated Inter to v4.0.
  • Table: Select all text in cell editor when starting editing using F2 key on Windows or Linux. (issue #652)

Fixed bugs

  • macOS: Setting window background (of undecorated window) to translucent color (alpha < 255) did not show the window translucent. (issue #705)
  • JIDE CommandMenuBar: Fixed ClassCastException when JIDE command bar displays JideMenu in popup. (PR #794)


New features and improvements

  • macOS (10.14+): Popups (JPopupMenu, JComboBox, JToolTip, etc.) now use native macOS rounded borders. (PR #772; issue #715)
  • Native libraries: Added libflatlaf-macos-arm64.dylib and libflatlaf-macos-x86_64.dylib. See also
  • ScrollPane: Support rounded border. (PR #713)
  • SplitPane: Support divider hover and pressed background colors. (PR #788)
  • TabbedPane: Support vertical tabs. (PR #758, issue #633)
  • TabbedPane: Paint rounded tab area background for rounded cards. (issue #717)
  • ToolBar: Added styling properties separatorWidth and separatorColor.

Fixed bugs

  • Button and ToggleButton: Selected buttons did not use explicitly set foreground color. (issue #756)
  • FileChooser: Catch NPE in Java 21 when getting icon for .exe files that use default Windows exe icon. (see JDK-8320692)
  • OptionPane: Fixed styling custom panel background in JOptionPane. (issue #761)
  • ScrollPane: Styling ScrollPane border properties did not work if view component is a Table.
  • Table:
    • Switching theme looses table grid and intercell spacing. (issues #733 and #750)
    • Fixed background of boolean columns when using alternating row colors. (issue #780)
    • Fixed border arc of components in complex table cell editors. (issue #786)
  • TableHeader:
    • No longer temporary replace header cell renderer while painting. This avoids a StackOverflowError in case that custom renderer does this too. (see NetBeans issue #6835) This also improves compatibility with custom table header implementations.
    • Header cell renderer background/foreground colors were not restored after hover if renderer uses null for background/foreground. (PR #790)
  • TabbedPane:
    • Avoid unnecessary repainting whole tabbed pane content area when layouting leading/trailing components.
    • Avoid unnecessary repainting of selected tab on temporary changes.
    • Fixed "endless" layouting and repainting when using nested tabbed panes (top and bottom tab placement) and RSyntaxTextArea (with enabled line-wrapping) as tab content. (see jadx issue #2030)
  • Fixed broken rendering after resizing window to minimum size and then increasing size again. (issue #767)


  • Removed support for JetBrains custom decorations, which required JetBrains Runtime (JBR) 8 or 11. It did not work for JBR 17. System property flatlaf.useJetBrainsCustomDecorations is now ignored. Note: FlatLaf window decorations continue to work with JBR.


Fixed bugs

  • Popup: Fixed NPE if popup invoker is null on Windows 10. (issue #753; regression in 3.2.1 in fix for #626)


Fixed bugs

  • Popup: Fixed NPE if popup invoker is null on Linux with Wayland and Java 21. (issue #752; regression in 3.2.3)


Fixed bugs

  • Popup: Popups that request focus were not shown on Linux with Wayland and Java 21. (issue #752)


Fixed bugs

  • Button: Fixed painting icon and text at wrong location when using HTML text, left/right vertical alignment and running in Java 19+. (issue #746)
  • CheckBox and RadioButton: Fixed cut off right side when border is removed and horizontal alignment is set to right. (issue #734)
  • TabbedPane: Fixed NPE when using focusable component as tab component and switching theme. (issue #745)


Fixed bugs

  • Fixed memory leak in MultiResolutionImageSupport.create(int,Dimension[],Function<Dimension,Image>), which caches images created by the producer function. Used by FlatSVGIcon.getImage() and FlatSVGUtils.createWindowIconImages(). If you use one of these methods, it is strongly recommended to upgrade to this version, because if the returned image is larger and painted very often it may result in an out-of-memory situation. (issue #726)
  • FileChooser: Fixed occasional NPE in FlatShortcutsPanel on Windows. (issue #718)
  • TextField: Fixed placeholder text painting, which did not respect horizontal alignment property of JTextField. (issue #721)
  • Popup: Fixed drop shadow if popup overlaps a heavyweight component. (Windows 10 only; issue #626)


New features and improvements

  • TabbedPane: Support rounded underline selection and rounded card tabs. (PR #703)
  • FlatLaf window decorations:
    • Support for Windows on ARM 64-bit. (issue #443, PR #707)
    • Support toolbox-style "small" window title bar. (issue #659, PR #702)
  • Extras: Class FlatSVGIcon now uses JSVG library (instead of svgSalamander) for rendering. JSVG provides improved SVG rendering and uses less memory compared to svgSalamander. (PR #684)
  • ComboBox: Improved location of selected item in popup if list is large and scrollable.
  • FileChooser: Show localized text for all locales supported by Java's Metal look and feel. (issue #680)
  • Added system property flatlaf.useNativeLibrary to allow disabling loading of FlatLaf native library. (issue #674)
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Reduced memory footprint by releasing Json data and ignoring IntelliJ UI properties that are not used in FlatLaf.
    • Updated "Hiberbee Dark" and "Gradianto" themes.

Fixed bugs

  • Styling: Fixed scaling of some styling properties (rowHeight for Table and Tree; iconTextGap for Button, CheckBox and RadioButton). (issue #682)
  • Fixed IllegalComponentStateException when invoker is not showing in SubMenuUsabilityHelper. (issue #692)
  • macOS themes: Changing @accentColor variable in FlatLaf properties files did not change all accent related colors for all components.
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • "Light Owl" theme: Fixed wrong (unreadable) text color in selected menu items, selected text in text components, and selection in ComboBox popup list. (issue #687)
    • "Gradianto Midnight Blue" theme: Fixed color of ScrollBar track, which was not visible. (issue #686)
    • "Monocai" theme: Fixed unreadable text color of default buttons. (issue #693)
    • "Vuesion" theme: Fixed foreground colors of disabled text.
    • "Material UI Lite" themes: Fixed non-editable ComboBox button background.
    • CheckBox and RadioButton: Fixed unselected icon colors for themes "Atom One Light", "Cyan Light", "GitHub", "Light Owl", "Material Lighter" and "Solarized Light".
    • TabbedPane: Fixed focused tab background color for themes "Arc *", "Material Design Dark", "Monocai", "One Dark", "Spacegray" and "Xcode-Dark". (issue #697)
    • TextComponents, ComboBox and Spinner: Fixed background colors of enabled text components, to distinguish from disabled, for themes "Carbon", "Cobalt 2", "Gradianto *", "Gruvbox *", "Monocai", "Spacegray", "Vuesion", "Xcode-Dark", "GitHub", and "Light Owl". (issue #528)
    • Fixed wrong disabled text colors in "Dark Flat", "Hiberbee Dark", "Light Flat", "Nord", "Solarized Dark" and "Solarized Light" themes.
    • Fixed colors for selection background/foreground, Separator, Slider track and ProgressBar background in various themes.
  • Native Windows libraries: Fixed crash when running in Java 8 and newer Java version is installed in PATH environment variable and using class SystemInfo before AWT initialization. (issue #673)
  • ComboBox: Fixed search in item list for text with spaces. (issue #691)
  • FormattedTextField: On Linux, fixed IllegalArgumentException: Invalid location if JFormattedTextField.setDocument() is invoked in a focus gained listener on that formatted text field. (issue #698)
  • PopupMenu: Make sure that popup menu does not overlap any operating system task bar. (issue #701)
  • FileChooser: Use system icons on Windows with Java 17.0.3 (and later) 32-bit. Only Java 17 - 17.0.2 32-bit do not use system icons because of a bug in Java 32-bit that crashes the application. (PR #709)
  • FileChooser: Fixed crash on Windows with Java 17 to 17.0.2 32-bit. Java 17 64-bit is not affected. (regression since FlatLaf 2.3; PR #522, see also issue #403)


  • Extras: Class FlatSVGIcon now uses JSVG library for SVG rendering. You need to replace svgSalamander with JSVG in your build scripts and distribute jsvg.jar with your application. Also replace com.kitfox.svg with com.github.weisj.jsvg in files.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Removed all "Contrast" themes from "Material UI Lite".


  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Fixed too large menu item paddings and too large table/tree row heights (all "Material Theme UI Lite" themes; issue #667; regression in FlatLaf 3.1).
    • Fixed too large tree row height in "Carbon", "Dark Purple", "Gray", "Material Design Dark", "Monokai Pro", "One Dark" and "Spacegray" themes.
  • Native libraries: Fixed IllegalArgumentException: URI scheme is not "file" when using FlatLaf in WebStart. (issue #668; regression in FlatLaf 3.1)


New features and improvements

  • Windows 11: Popups (JPopupMenu, JComboBox, JToolTip, etc.) now use native Windows 11 rounded borders and drop shadows. (PR #643)
  • Fonts:
  • Theme Editor: Support macOS light and dark themes.
  • TabbedPane: Support hover and focused tab foreground colors. (issue #627)
  • TabbedPane: tabbedPane.getBackgroundAt(tabIndex) now has higher priority than TabbedPane.focusColor and TabbedPane.selectedBackground. If tabbedPane.setBackgroundAt(tabIndex) is used to set a color for a single tab, then this color is now used even if the tab is focused or selected.
  • TableHeader: Support column hover and pressed background and foreground colors. (issue #636)
  • Native libraries: Made it easier to distribute FlatLaf native libraries (Windows .dll and Linux .so) to avoid problems on operating systems with enabled execution restrictions. See for more details. (issue #624)
    • Published native libraries to Maven Central for easy using them as dependencies in Gradle and Maven.
    • If available, native libraries are now loaded from same location as flatlaf.jar, otherwise they are extract from flatlaf.jar to temporary folder and loaded from there.
    • Windows DLLs are now digitally signed with FormDev Software GmbH certificate.

Fixed bugs

  • FlatLaf window decorations:
    • Fixed inconsistent size of glass pane depending on whether FlatLaf window decorations are used (e.g. Windows 10/11) or not (e.g. macOS). Now the glass pane no longer overlaps the FlatLaf window title bar. (issue #630)
    • Linux: Fixed broken window resizing on multi-screen setups. (issue #632)
    • Linux: Fixed behavior of maximize/restore button when tiling window to left or right half of screen. (issue #647)
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Fixed default button hover background in "Solarized Light" theme. (issue #628)
    • Avoid that accent color affect some colors in some IntelliJ themes. (issue #625)
    • Updated "Hiberbee Dark" and "Material Theme UI Lite" themes.
  • Styling: Fixed resolving of UI variables in styles that use other variables.
  • MenuItem: Fixed horizontal alignment of icons. (issue #631)
  • Table: Fixed potential performance issue with paint cell focus indicator border. (issue #654)
  • Tree: Fixed missing custom closed/opened/leaf icons of a custom DefaultTreeCellRenderer. (issue #653; regression since implementing PR #609 in FlatLaf 3.0)
  • Tree: Fixed truncated node text and too small painted non-wide node background if custom cell renderer sets icon, but not disabled icon, and tree is disabled. (issue #640)
  • Fixed HiDPIUtils.paintAtScale1x(), which painted at wrong location if graphics is rotated, is scaled and x or y parameters are not zero. (issue #646)


New features and improvements

  • macOS light and dark themes: The two new themes FlatMacLightLaf and FlatMacDarkLaf use macOS colors and look similar to native macOS controls. (PRs #533, #612 and #607)
  • Fonts: Packaged some fonts into JARs and provide an easy way to use them with FlatLaf. (PRs #545, #614 and #615) At the moment there are three fonts:
  • Rounded selection: Optionally use rounded selection in:
    • Menus (PR #536)
    • ComboBox (PR #548)
    • List (PR #547)
    • Tree (PR #546)
  • Tree: Hide default closed/opened/leaf icons by default. Set UI value Tree.showDefaultIcons to true to show them.
  • ToolBar: Hover effect for button groups. (PR #534)
  • Icons: New modern rounded outlined icons for JFileChooser, JOptionPane, JPasswordField and JTree. (PR #577)

Fixed bugs

  • FileChooser: Fixed layout of (optional) accessory component and fixed too large right margin. (issue #604; regression since implementing PR #522 in FlatLaf 2.3)
  • Tree:
    • Fixed missing tree lines (if enabled) for wide-selected rows. (issue #598)
    • Fixed scaling of tree lines and fixed alignment to expand/collapse arrows.
    • Removed support for dashed tree lines. Tree.lineTypeDashed is now ignored.
  • SwingX: Fonts in JXHeader, JXMonthView, JXTaskPane and JXTitledPanel were not updated when changing default font.


New features and improvements

  • If value of system property flatlaf.nativeLibraryPath is system, then System.loadLibrary(String) is used to load the native library.
  • TabbedPane: Switch and close tabs on left mouse click only. (PR #595)

Fixed bugs

  • ComboBox and Spinner: Fixed missing arrow buttons if preferred height is zero. Minimum width of arrow buttons is 3/4 of default width.
  • MenuBar: Fixed NPE in FlatMenuItemRenderer.getTopLevelFont() if menu item does not have a parent. (issue #600; regression since implementing #589 in FlatLaf 2.5)
  • ScrollBar: Show "pressed" feedback on track/thumb only for left mouse button. If absolute positioning is enabled (the default), then also for middle mouse button.
  • Arrow buttons in ComboBox, Spinner, ScrollBar and TabbedPane: Show "pressed" feedback only for left mouse button.
  • ScaledImageIcon: Do not throw exceptions if image was has invalid size (e.g. not found). Instead, paint a red rectangle (similar to FlatSVGIcon).
  • Fixed NPE in FlatUIUtils.isCellEditor(). (issue #601)


New features and improvements

  • Linux: Use X11 window manager events to move window and to show window menu (right-click on window title bar), if custom window decorations are enabled. This gives FlatLaf windows a more "native" feeling. (issue #482)
  • MenuBar: Support different menu selection style UI defaults for MenuBar and MenuItem. (issue #587)
  • MenuBar: Top level menus now use MenuBar.font instead of Menu.font. (issue #589)
  • PasswordField: Reveal button is now hidden (and turned off) if password field is disabled. (issue #501)
  • TabbedPane: New option to disable tab run rotation in wrap layout. Set UI value TabbedPane.rotateTabRuns to false. (issue #574)
  • Window decorations:
    • Added client property to mark components in embedded menu bar as "caption" (allow moving window). (issue #569)
    • Option to show window icon only in frames, but not in dialogs. Set UI value TitlePane.showIconInDialogs to false. (issue #589)
    • Added UI value TitlePane.font to customize window title font. (issue #589)
  • Added system property flatlaf.updateUIOnSystemFontChange to allow disabling automatic UI update when system font changes. (issue #580)

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed missing UI value MenuItem.acceleratorDelimiter on macOS. (was null, is now an empty string)
  • Fixed possible exception in FlatUIUtils.resetRenderingHints(). (issue #575)
  • Fixed AWT components on macOS, which use Swing components internally. (issue #583)
  • SwingX: Fixed missing highlighting of "today" in JXMonthView and JXDatePicker.


New features and improvements

  • Native window decorations (Windows 10/11 only):
    • There is now a small area at top of the embedded menu bar to resize the window.
    • Improved window title bar layout for small window widths:
      • Width of iconify/maximize/close buttons is reduced (if necessary) to give more space to embedded menu bar and title.
      • Window title now has a minimum width to always allow moving window (click-and-drag on window title). Instead, embedded menu bar is made smaller.
      • Option to show window icon beside window title, if menu bar is embedded or title is centered. Set UI value TitlePane.showIconBesideTitle to true.
    • No longer reduce height of window title bar if it has an embedded menu bar and is maximized.

Fixed bugs

  • ComboBox: Fixed vertical alignment of text in popup list with text in combo box in IntelliJ/Darcula themes.
  • Menus: Fixed application freeze under very special conditions (invoking FlatLaf.initialize() twice in NetBeans GUI builder) and using menu that has submenus. See NetBeans issue #4231 for details.
  • MenuItem: Fixed sometimes wrapped HTML text on HiDPI screens on Windows.
  • TableHeader: Fixed exception when changing table structure (e.g. removing column) from a table header popup menu action. (issue #532)
  • HiDPIUtils.paintAtScale1x() now supports rotated graphics. (issue #557)
  • Typography: No longer use Consolas or Courier New as monospaced font on Windows because they have bad vertically placement.
  • Native window decorations (Windows 10/11 only):
    • Do not center window title if embedded menu bar is empty or has no menus at left side, but some components at right side. (issue #558)
    • Do not use window decorations if system property sun.java2d.opengl is true on Windows 10. (issue #540)
    • Fixed missing top window border in dark themes if window drop shadows are disabled in system settings. (issue #554; Windows 10 only)
    • Right-to-left component orientation of title bar was lost when switching theme.


New features and improvements

  • FileChooser: Added (optional) shortcuts panel. On Windows it contains "Recent Items", "Desktop", "Documents", "This PC" and "Network". On macOS and Linux it is empty/hidden. (issue #100)
  • Button and ToggleButton: Added missing foreground colors for hover, pressed, focused and selected states. (issue #535)
  • Table: Optionally paint alternating rows below table if table is smaller than scroll pane. Set UI value Table.paintOutsideAlternateRows to true. Requires that Table.alternateRowColor is set to a color. (issue #504)
  • ToggleButton: Made the underline placement of tab-style toggle buttons configurable. (PR #530; issue #529)
  • Added spanish translation. (PR #525)

Fixed bugs

  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed TitledBorder text color in "Monokai Pro" theme. (issue #524)


New features and improvements

  • SplitPane: Allow limiting one-touch expanding to a single side (set client property JSplitPane.expandableSide to "left" or "right"). (issue #355)
  • TabbedPane: Selected tab underline color now changes depending on whether the focus is within the tab content. (issue #398)
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Added "Monokai Pro" and "Xcode-Dark" themes.
    • TabbedPane now use different background color for selected tabs in all "Arc" themes, in "Hiberbee Dark" and in all "Material UI Lite" themes.

Fixed bugs

  • Native window decorations (Windows 10/11 only): Fixed wrong window title character encoding used in Windows taskbar. (issue #502)
  • Button: Fixed icon layout and preferred width of default buttons that use bold font. (issue #506)
  • FileChooser: Enabled full row selection for details view to fix alternate row coloring. (issue #512)
  • SplitPane: Fixed StackOverflowError caused by layout loop that may occur under special circumstances. (issue #513)
  • Table: Slightly changed grid colors to make grid better recognizable. (issue #514)
  • ToolBar: Fixed endless loop in focus navigation that may occur under special circumstances. (issue #505)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Component.accentColor UI property now has useful theme specific values. (issue #507)


New features and improvements

  • Menus: Improved usability of submenus. (PR #490; issue #247)
  • Menus: Scroll large menus using mouse wheel or up/down arrows. (issue #225)
  • Linux: Support using custom window decorations. Enable with JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true) and JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true) before creating a window. (issue #482)
  • ScrollBar: Added UI value ScrollBar.minimumButtonSize to specify minimum scroll arrow button size (if shown). (issue #493)

Fixed bugs

  • PasswordField: Fixed reveal button appearance in IntelliJ themes. (issue #494)
  • ScrollBar: Center and scale arrows in scroll up/down buttons (if shown). (issue #493)
  • TextArea, TextPane and EditorPane: No longer select all text when component is focused for the first time. (issue #498; regression in FlatLaf 2.0)
  • TabbedPane: Disable all items in "Show Hidden Tabs" popup menu if tabbed pane is disabled.


  • Method FlatUIUtils.paintArrow() (and class FlatArrowButton) now paints arrows one pixel smaller than before. To fix this, increase parameter arrowSize by one.


  • Native window decorations (Windows 10/11 only): Fixed rendering artifacts on HiDPI screens when dragging window partly offscreen and back into screen bounds. (issue #477)
  • Repaint component when setting client property JComponent.outline (issue #480).
  • macOS: Fixed NPE when using some icons in main menu items. (issue #483)


  • Fixed memory leak in Panel, Separator and ToolBarSeparator. (issue #471; regression in FlatLaf 2.0)
  • ToolTip: Fixed wrong tooltip location if component overrides JComponent.getToolTipLocation() and wants place tooltip under mouse location. (issue #468)
  • Extras: Added copy constructor to FlatSVGIcon. (issue #465)
  • Moved module-info.class from META-INF\versions\9\ to root folder of JARs. (issue #466)


  • Added system property flatlaf.nativeLibraryPath to load native libraries from a directory. (PR #453)
  • Fixed "endless recursion in font" exception in FlatLaf$ActiveFont.createValue() if UIManager.getFont() is invoked from multiple threads. (issue #456)
  • PasswordField: Preserve reveal button state when switching theme. (PR #442; issue #173)
  • PasswordField: Reveal button did not show password if JPasswordField.setEchoChar() was invoked from application. (PR #442; issue #173)
  • Slider: Fixed/improved focused indicator color when changing accent color. (PR #375)
  • TextField:
    • Improved hover/pressed/selected colors of leading/trailing buttons (e.g. "reveal" button in password field). (issue #452)
    • Clear button no longer paints over round border. (issue #451)
  • Extras: Fixed concurrent loading of SVG icons on multiple threads. (issue #459)
  • Use FlatLaf native window decorations by default when running in JetBrains Runtime (instead of using JetBrains custom decorations). System variable flatlaf.useJetBrainsCustomDecorations is now false by default (was true in FlatLaf 1.x). (issue #454)
  • Native window decorations:
    • Fixed blurry iconify/maximize/close button hover rectangles at 125%, 150% or 175% scaling. (issue #431)
    • Updated maximize and restore icons for Windows 11 style. (requires Java 8u321, 11.0.14, 17.0.2 or 18+)
    • Updated hover and pressed colors of iconify/maximize/close buttons for Windows 11 style.


New features and improvements

  • Styling:
    • Styling individual components using string in CSS syntax or java.util.Map. (PR #341)
      E.g.: mySlider.putClientProperty( "", "trackWidth: 2" );
    • Style classes allow defining style rules at a single place (in UI defaults) and use them in any component. (PR #388)
      E.g.: mySlider.putClientProperty( "FlatLaf.styleClass", "myclass" );
  • Typography defines several font styles for headers and various text sizes, which makes it easy to use consistent font styles across the application. (PR #396)
  • Native window decorations (Windows 10/11 only):
    • Unified backgrounds for window title bar is now enabled by default (window title bar has now same background color as window content). Bottom separator for menu bars is no longer painted (if unified background is enabled).
    • Show Windows 11 snap layouts menu when hovering the mouse over the maximize button. (issues #397 and #407)
    • Possibility to hide window title bar icon (for single window set client property JRootPane.titleBarShowIcon to false; for all windows set UI value TitlePane.showIcon to false).
    • OptionPane: Hide window title bar icon by default. Can be made visibly by setting UI default OptionPane.showIcon to true. (issue #416)
    • No longer show the Java "duke/cup" icon if no window icon image is set. (issue #416)
  • TextField, FormattedTextField and PasswordField:
    • Support leading and trailing icons (set client property JTextField.leadingIcon or JTextField.trailingIcon to a javax.swing.Icon). (PR #378; issue #368)
    • Support leading and trailing components (set client property JTextField.leadingComponent or JTextField.trailingComponent to a java.awt.Component). (PR #386)
    • Support "clear" (or "cancel") button to empty text field. Only shown if text field is not empty, editable and enabled. (set client property JTextField.showClearButton to true). (PR #442)
  • PasswordField: Support reveal (or "eye") button to show password. (see UI value PasswordField.showRevealButton) (PR #442; issue #173)
  • TextComponents: Double/triple-click-and-drag now extends selection by whole words/lines.
  • Theming improvements: Reworks core themes to make it easier to create new themes (e.g. reduced explicit colors by using color functions). Note: There are minor incompatible changes in FlatLaf properties files. (PR #390)
  • ToolBar:
    • Toolbars are no longer floatable by default (dots on left side of toolbar that allows dragging toolbar). Use UIManager.put( "ToolBar.floatable", true ) if you want the old behavior.
    • Skip components with empty input map (e.g. JLabel) when using arrow keys to navigate in focusable buttons (if UI value ToolBar.focusableButtons is true).
    • Support arrow-keys-only navigation within focusable buttons of toolbar (if UI value ToolBar.focusableButtons is true):
      • arrow keys move focus within toolbar
      • tab-key moves focus out of toolbar
      • if moving focus into the toolbar, focus recently focused toolbar button
  • ComboBox, Spinner, TextField and subclasses: Support specifying width of border (see UI value Component.borderWidth).
  • CheckBox and RadioButton:
    • Made selected icon better recognizable in FlatLaf Light (use blue border), Dark and Darcula (use lighter border) themes. IntelliJ theme is not changed.
    • Support specifying width of icon border (see UI value CheckBox.icon.borderWidth).
    • Reworked icon UI defaults and added missing ones. Note: There are minor incompatible changes in FlatLaf properties files.
  • Slider: Support specifying width of thumb border (see UI value Slider.thumbBorderWidth).
  • TabbedPane: Optionally paint selected tab as card. (PR #343)
  • MenuItem:
    • Paint the selected icon when the item is selected. (PR #415)
    • Vertically align text if icons have different widths. (issue #437)
  • Panel: Support painting background with rounded corners. (issue #367)
  • Added more color functions to class ColorFunctions for easy use in applications: lighten(), darken(), saturate(), desaturate(), spin(), tint(), shade() and luma().
  • Support defining fonts in FlatLaf properties files. (issue #384)
  • Added method FlatLaf.registerCustomDefaultsSource(URL packageUrl) for JPMS. (issue #325)
  • Extras:
    • Added class FlatDesktop for easy integration into macOS screen menu (About, Preferences and Quit) when using Java 8.
    • FlatSVGIcon: Support loading SVG from URL (for JPMS), URI, File or InputStream. (issues #419 and #325)
    • FlatSVGUtils: Support loading SVG from URL (for JPMS). (issue #325)
  • SwingX:
    • New "column control" icon for JXTable that scales and uses antialiasing. (issue #434)

Fixed bugs

  • Native window decorations: Fixed UnsatisfiedLinkError on Windows 11 for ARM processors. (issue #443)
  • MenuBar: Do not fill background if non-opaque and having custom background color. (issue #409)
  • InternalFrame: Fill background to avoid that parent may shine through internal frame if it contains non-opaque components. (better fix for issue #274)
  • SwingX: Fixed NullPointerException in FlatCaret when using org.jdesktop.swingx.prompt.PromptSupport.setPrompt() on a text field and then switching theme.


Fixed bugs

  • Linux: Fixed font problems when running on Oracle Java (OpenJDK is not affected):
    • oversized text if system font is "Inter" (issue #427)
    • missing text if system font is "Cantarell" (on Fedora)
  • MenuItem: Changed accelerator delimiter from - to +. (Windows and Linux).
  • ComboBox: Fixed occasional StackOverflowError when modifying combo box not on AWT thread. (issue #432)
  • macOS: Fixed NullPointerException when using AWT component java.awt.Choice. (issue #439)
  • Native window decorations: Do not exit application with UnsatisfiedLinkError in case that FlatLaf DLL cannot be executed because of restrictions on temporary directory. Instead, continue with default window decorations. (issue #436)


Fixed bugs

  • ComboBox: Fixed regression in FlatLaf 1.6.3 that makes selected item invisible in popup list if DefaultListCellRenderer is used as renderer. If using default renderer, it works. (issue #426)


Fixed bugs

  • ComboBox (not editable): Fixed regression in FlatLaf 1.6.2 that may display text in non-editable combo boxes in bold. (issue #423)
  • Tree: Fixed editing cell issue with custom cell renderer and cell editor that use same component for rendering and editing. (issue #385)


Fixed bugs

  • ComboBox (not editable): Fixed background painted outside of border if round edges are enabled (client property JComponent.roundRect is true). (similar to issue #382; regression since fixing #330 in FlatLaf 1.4)
  • ComboBox: Fixed NullPointerException, which may occur under special circumstances. (issue #408)
  • Table: Do not select text in cell editor when it gets focus (when JTable.surrendersFocusOnKeystroke is true) and TextComponent.selectAllOnFocusPolicy is once (the default) or always. (issue #395)
  • Linux: Fixed NPE when using java.awt.TrayIcon. (issue #405)
  • FileChooser: Workaround for crash on Windows with Java 17 32-bit (disabled Windows icons). Java 17 64-bit is not affected. (issue #403)
  • Native window decorations: Fixed layout loop, which may occur under special circumstances and slows down the application. (issue #420)


Fixed bugs

  • Native window decorations: Catch UnsatisfiedLinkError when trying to load jawt.dll to avoid an application crash (Java 8 on Windows 10 only).


New features and improvements

  • InternalFrame: Double-click on icon in internal frame title bar now closes the internal frame. (issue #374)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Removed deprecated install() methods.

Fixed bugs

  • Menus: Fixed missing modifiers flags in ActionEvent (e.g. Ctrl key pressed) when running in Java 9+ on Linux, macOS. Occurs also on Windows in large popup menus that do not fit into the window. (issue #371; regression since FlatLaf 1.3)
  • OptionPane: Fixed OptionPane.sameSizeButtons, which did not work as expected when setting to false.
  • OptionPane: Fixed rendering of longer HTML text if it is passed as StringBuilder, StringBuffer, or any other object that returns HTML text in method toString(). (similar to issue #12)
  • ComboBox: Fixed popup border painting on HiDPI screens (e.g. at 150% scaling).
  • ComboBox: Fixed popup location if shown above of combo box (Java 8 only).
  • ComboBox (editable): Fixed wrong border of internal text field under special circumstances.
  • Spinner: Fixed painting of border corners on left side. (issue #382; regression since fixing #330 in FlatLaf 1.4)
  • TableHeader: Do not show resize cursor for last column if resizing last column is not possible because auto resize mode of table is not off. (issue #332)
  • TableHeader: Fixed missing trailing vertical separator line if used in upper left corner of scroll pane. (issue #332)
  • TextField, FormattedTextField, PasswordField and ComboBox: Fixed alignment of placeholder text in right-to-left component orientation.
  • Slider: Fixed calculation of baseline, which was wrong under some circumstances.


New features and improvements

  • SwingX: Added search and clear icons to JXSearchField. (issue #359)

Fixed bugs

  • Button and TextComponent: Do not apply minimum width/height if margins are set. (issue #364)
  • ComboBox and Spinner: Limit arrow button width if component has large preferred height. (issue #361)
  • FileChooser: Fixed missing (localized) texts when FlatLaf is loaded in special classloader (e.g. plugin system in Apache NetBeans).
  • InternalFrame: Limit internal frame bounds to parent bounds on resize. Also honor maximum size of internal frame. (issue #362)
  • Popup: Fixed incorrectly placed drop shadow for medium-weight popups in maximized windows. (issue #358)
  • Native window decorations (Windows 10 only):
    • Fixed occasional application crash in flatlaf-windows.dll. (issue #357)
    • When window is initially shown, fill background with window background color (instead of white), which avoids flickering in dark themes. (issue #339)
    • When resizing a window at the right/bottom edge, then first fill the new space with the window background color (instead of black) before the layout is updated.
    • When resizing a window at the left/top edge, then first fill the new space with the window background color (instead of garbage) before the layout is updated.


New features and improvements

  • TextField, FormattedTextField and PasswordField: Support adding extra padding (set client property JTextField.padding to an Insets).
  • PasswordField: UI delegate FlatPasswordFieldUI now extends FlatTextFieldUI (instead of BasicPasswordFieldUI) to avoid duplicate code and for easier extensibility.
  • Table and PopupFactory: Use StackWalker in Java 9+ for better performance. (issue #334)
  • ToolBar: Paint focus indicator for focused button in toolbar. (issue #346)
  • ToolBar: Support focusable buttons in toolbar (set UI value ToolBar.focusableButtons to true). (issue #346)

Fixed bugs

  • ComboBox (editable) and Spinner: Increased size of internal text field to the component border so that it behaves like plain text field (mouse click to left of text now positions caret to first character instead of opening ComboBox popup; mouse cursor is now of type "text" within the whole component, except for arrow buttons). (issue #330)
  • ComboBox (not editable): Increased size of internal renderer pane to the component border so that it can paint within the whole component. Also increase combo box size if a custom renderer uses a border with insets that are larger than the default combo box padding (2,6,2,6).
  • Fixed component heights at 1.25x, 1.75x and 2.25x scaling factors (Java 8 only) so that Button, ComboBox, Spinner and TextField components (including subclasses) have same heights. This increases heights of Button and TextField components by:
    • 2px at 1.75x in Light and Dark themes
    • 2px at 1.25x and 2.25x in IntelliJ and Darcula themes
  • OptionPane: Do not make child components, which are derived from JPanel, non-opaque. (issue #349)
  • OptionPane: Align wrapped lines to the right if component orientation is right-to-left. (issue #350)
  • PasswordField: Caps lock icon no longer painted over long text. (issue #172)
  • PasswordField: Paint caps lock icon on left side in right-to-left component orientation.
  • Window decorations: Window title bar width is no longer considered when calculating preferred/minimum width of window. (issue #351)


New features and improvements

  • TextComponents, ComboBox and Spinner: Support different background color when component is focused (use UI values TextField.focusedBackground, PasswordField.focusedBackground, FormattedTextField.focusedBackground, TextArea.focusedBackground, TextPane.focusedBackground, EditorPane.focusedBackground, ComboBox.focusedBackground, ComboBox.buttonFocusedBackground, ComboBox.popupBackground and Spinner.focusedBackground). (issue #335)

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed white lines at bottom and right side of window (in dark themes on HiDPI screens with scaling enabled).
  • ScrollBar: Fixed left/top arrow icon location (if visible). (issue #329)
  • Spinner: Fixed up/down arrow icon location.
  • ToolTip: Fixed positioning of huge tooltips. (issue #333)


New features and improvements

  • Renamed Flat*Laf.install() methods to Flat*Laf.setup() to avoid confusion with UIManager.installLookAndFeel(LookAndFeelInfo info). The old Flat*Laf.install() methods are still there, but marked as deprecated. They will be removed in a future version.
  • Button and ToggleButton: Support borderless button style (set client property JButton.buttonType to borderless). (PR #276)
  • ComboBox: Support using as cell renderer (e.g. in JTable).
  • DesktopPane: Improved layout of iconified internal frames in dock:
    • Always placed at bottom-left in desktop pane.
    • Newly iconified frames are added to the right side of the dock.
    • If frame is deiconified, dock is compacted (icons move to the left).
    • If dock is wider than desktop width, additional rows are used.
    • If desktop pane is resized, layout of dock is updated.
  • TableHeader: Moved table header column border painting from FlatTableHeaderUI to new border FlatTableHeaderBorder to improve compatibility with custom table header implementations. (issue #228)
  • Linux: Enable text anti-aliasing if no Gnome or KDE Desktop properties are available. (issue #218)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Added "Material Theme UI Lite / GitHub Dark" theme.
  • JIDE Common Layer: Improved support for JideTabbedPane. (PR #306)
  • Extras: FlatSVGIcon improvements:
    • Each icon can now have its own color filter. (PR #303)
    • Use mapper function in color filter to dynamically map colors. (PR #303)
    • Color filter supports light and dark themes.
    • Getters for icon name, classloader, etc.
  • Extras: UI Inspector: Show class hierarchies when pressing Alt key and prettified class names (dimmed package name).
  • Extras: FlatSVGUtils.createWindowIconImages() now returns a single multi-resolution image that creates requested image sizes on demand from SVG (only on Windows with Java 9+).

Fixed bugs

  • CheckBox and RadioButton: Do not fill background if used as cell renderer, except if cell is selected or has different background color. (issue #311)
  • DesktopPane:
    • Fixed missing preview of iconified internal frames in dock when using a custom desktop manager. (PR #294)
    • Fixed incomplete preview of iconified internal frames in dock when switching LaF.
    • On HiDPI screens, use high-resolution images for preview of iconified internal frames in dock.
  • PopupFactory: Fixed occasional NullPointerException in FlatPopupFactory.fixToolTipLocation(). (issue #305)
  • Tree: Fill cell background if DefaultTreeCellRenderer.setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(Color) was used. (issue #322)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed background colors of DesktopPane and DesktopIcon in all themes.
  • Native window decorations:
    • Fixed slow application startup under particular conditions. (e.g. incomplete custom JRE) (issue #319)
    • Fixed occasional double window title bar when creating many frames or dialogs. (issue #315)
    • Fixed broken maximizing window (under special conditions) when restoring frame state at startup.
    • Title icon: For multi-resolution images now use getResolutionVariant(width, height) (instead of getResolutionVariants()) to allow creation of requested size on demand. This also avoids creation of all resolution variants.
    • Double-click at upper-left corner of maximized frame did not close window. (issue #326)
  • Linux: Fixed/improved detection of user font settings. (issue #309)


New features and improvements

  • Native window decorations: Added API to check whether current platform supports window decorations (FlatLaf.supportsNativeWindowDecorations()) and to toggle window decorations of all windows (FlatLaf.setUseNativeWindowDecorations(boolean)).
  • Native window decorations: Support changing title bar background and foreground colors per window. (set client properties JRootPane.titleBarBackground and JRootPane.titleBarForeground on root pane to a java.awt.Color).

Fixed bugs

  • Native window decorations: Fixed loading of native library when using Java Platform Module System (JPMS) for application. (issue #289)
  • Native window decorations: Removed superfluous pixel-line at top of screen when window is maximized. (issue #296)
  • Window decorations: Fixed random window title bar background in cases were background is not filled by custom window or root pane components and unified background is enabled.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed window title bar background if unified background is enabled.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed system colors.
  • Button and ToggleButton: Do not paint background of disabled (and unselected) toolBar buttons. (issue #292; regression since fixing #112)
  • ComboBox and Spinner: Fixed too wide arrow button if component is higher than preferred. (issue #302)
  • SplitPane: JSplitPane.setContinuousLayout(false) did not work. (issue #301)
  • TabbedPane: Fixed NPE when creating/modifying in another thread. (issue #299)
  • Fixed crash when running in Webswing. (issue #290)


New features and improvements

  • Native window decorations: Support disabling native window decorations per window. (set client property JRootPane.useWindowDecorations on root pane to false).
  • Support running on WinPE. (issue #279)

Fixed bugs

  • Native window decorations: Fixed missing animations when minimizing, maximizing or restoring a window using window title bar buttons. (issue #282)
  • Native window decorations: Fixed broken maximizing window when restoring frame state at startup. (issue #283)
  • Native window decorations: Fixed double window title bar when first disposing a window with frame.dispose() and then showing it again with frame.setVisible(true). (issue #277)
  • Custom window decorations: Fixed NPE in FlatTitlePane.findHorizontalGlue(). (issue #275)
  • Custom window decorations: Fixed right aligned progress bar in embedded menu bar was overlapping window title. (issue #272)
  • Fixed missing focus indicators in heavy-weight popups. (issue #273)
  • InternalFrame: Fixed translucent internal frame menu bar background if TitlePane.unifiedBackground is true. (issue #274)
  • Extras: UI Inspector: Fixed InaccessibleObjectException when running in Java 16.


New features and improvements

  • Windows 10 only:
    • Native window decorations for Windows 10 enables dark frame/dialog title bar and embedded menu bar with all JREs, while still having native Windows 10 border drop shadows, resize behavior, window snapping and system window menu. (PR #267)
    • Custom window decorations: Support right aligned components in JFrame title bar with embedded menu bar (using Box.createHorizontalGlue()). (PR #268)
    • Custom window decorations: Improved centering of window title with embedded menu bar. (PR #268; issue #252)
    • Custom window decorations: Support unified backgrounds for window title bar, menu bar and main content. If enabled with UIManager.put( "TitlePane.unifiedBackground", true ); then window title bar and menu bar use same background color as main content. (PR #268; issue #254)
  • JIDE Common Layer: Support JideButton, JideLabel, JideSplitButton, JideToggleButton and JideToggleSplitButton.
  • JIDE Common Layer: The library on Maven Central no longer depends on com.jidesoft:jide-oss:3.6.18 to avoid problems when another JIDE library should be used. (issue #270)
  • SwingX: The library on Maven Central no longer depends on org.swinglabs.swingx:swingx-all:1.6.5-1 to avoid problems when another SwingX library should be used.
  • Support running in JetBrains Projector.

Fixed bugs

  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed text color of CheckBoxMenuItem and RadioButtonMenuItem in all "Arc" themes. (issue #259)


New features and improvements

  • Extras: UI Inspector: Tooltip is no longer limited to window bounds.

Fixed bugs

  • TabbedPane: Custom TabbedPane.selectedForeground color did not work when TabbedPane.foreground has also custom color. (issue #257)
  • FileChooser: Fixed display of date in details view if current user is selected in "Look in" combobox. (Windows 10 only; issue #249)
  • Table: Fixed wrong grid line thickness in dragged column on HiDPI screens on Java 9+. (issue #236)
  • PopupFactory: Fixed NullPointerException when PopupFactory.getPopup() is invoked with parameter owner set to null.


New features and improvements

  • Extras:
    • UI Inspector: Use HTML in tooltip. Display color value in same format as used in FlatLaf properties files. Added color preview.

Fixed bugs

  • Label and ToolTip: Fixed font sizes for <code>, <kbd>, <big>, <small> and <samp> tags in HTML text.
  • Fixed color of <address> tag in HTML text.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed table header background when dragging column in "Dark Flat" and "Light Flat" themes.
  • CheckBox: Fixed background of check boxes in JIDE CheckBoxTree. (regression in 1.0-rc2)


New features and improvements

  • Button:
    • In "Flat Light" theme, use a slightly thinner border for focused buttons (because they already have light blue background).
    • In "Flat Dark" theme, use slightly wider border for focused buttons.
  • CheckBox and RadioButton: In "Flat Dark" theme, use blueish background for focused components.
  • Tree: Support disabling wide selection per component. (set client property JTree.wideSelection to false). (PR #245)
  • Tree: Support disabling selection painting per component. Then the tree cell renderer is responsible for selection painting. (set client property JTree.paintSelection to false).
  • JIDE Common Layer: Support JidePopupMenu.

Fixed bugs

  • Button: Fixed behavior of Enter key on focused button on Windows and Linux, which now clicks the focused button (instead of the default button).
    • On Windows, this is a regression in 1.0-rc1.
    • On macOS, the Enter key always clicks the default button, which is the platform behavior.
    • On all platforms, the default button can be always clicked with Ctrl+Enter keys, even if another button is focused.
  • CheckBox and RadioButton: Fill component background as soon as background color is different to default background color, even if component is not opaque (which is the default). This paints selection if using the component as cell renderer in Table, Tree or List.
  • TextComponents: Border of focused non-editable text components had wrong color.
  • Custom window decorations: Fixed top window border in dark themes when running in JetBrains Runtime.


New features and improvements

  • Button: Disabled Button.defaultButtonFollowsFocus on Windows (as on other platforms). If you like to keep the old behavior in your application, use: if(SystemInfo.isWindows) UIManager.put("Button.defaultButtonFollowsFocus",true);.
  • ComboBox, Spinner and SplitPaneDivider: Added pressed feedback to arrow buttons.
  • Slider: Support per component custom thumb and track colors via JSlider.setForeground(Color) and JSlider.setBackground(Color).
  • Slider: Improved thumb hover and pressed colors.
  • TextComponent: Clip placeholder text if it does not fit into visible area. (PR #229)
  • macOS: Improved font rendering on macOS when using JetBrains Runtime. (PRs #237, #239 and #241)
  • Extras: UI defaults inspector:
    • Support embedding UI defaults inspector panel into any window. See FlatUIDefaultsInspector.createInspectorPanel().
    • Copy selected keys and values into clipboard via context menu.
    • Support wildcard matching in filter (* matches any number of characters, ? matches a single character, ^ beginning of line, $ end of line).
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Added hover and pressed feedback to Button, CheckBox, RadioButton and ToggleButton. (issue #176)
    • Added "Material Theme UI Lite / Moonlight" theme.
    • Updated "Dracula", "Gradianto" and "Material Theme UI Lite" themes.

Fixed bugs

  • Button and ToggleButton: Threat Unicode surrogate character pair as single character and make button square. (issue #234)
  • Button and ToggleButton: ToolBar buttons now respect explicitly set background color. If no background color is set, then the button background is not painted anymore. (issue #191)
  • ToggleButton: Tab style buttons (client property JButton.buttonType is tab) now respect explicitly set background color.
  • TabbedPane: Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException when using tooltip text on close buttons and closing last/rightmost tab. (issue #235)
  • TabbedPane: Fixed scrolling tabs with touchpads and high-resolution mouse wheels.
  • Extras: Added missing export of package com.formdev.flatlaf.extras.components to Java 9 module descriptor.
  • JIDE Common Layer:
    • Invoke LookAndFeelFactory.installJideExtension() when using FlatLaf UI delegates. (issue #230)
    • RangeSlider: Fixed slider focused colors in IntelliJ themes.
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Fixed menu item check colors.
    • Fixed MenuItem.underlineSelectionColor.
    • Fixed List, Tree and Table selectionInactiveForeground in light Arc themes.
    • Fixed List and Table background colors in Material UI Lite themes.
    • Fixed menu accelerator colors in Monocai theme. (issue #243)


New features and improvements

  • Slider and JIDE RangeSlider: Clicking on track now immediately moves the thumb to mouse location and starts dragging the thumb. Use UIManager.put( "Slider.scrollOnTrackClick", true ) to enable old behavior that scrolls the thumb when clicking on track.
  • Slider: Snap to ticks is now done while dragging the thumb. Use UIManager.put( "Slider.snapToTicksOnReleased", true ) to enable old behavior that snaps to ticks on mouse released.
  • Extras: Added standard component extension classes that provides easy access to FlatLaf specific client properties (see package com.formdev.flatlaf.extras.components).
  • Extras: Renamed tri-state check box class from com.formdev.flatlaf.extras.TriStateCheckBox to com.formdev.flatlaf.extras.components.FlatTriStateCheckBox. Also changed/improved API and added javadoc.
  • Extras: Renamed SVG utility class from com.formdev.flatlaf.extras.SVGUtils to com.formdev.flatlaf.extras.FlatSVGUtils.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Added flag whether a theme is dark to FlatAllIJThemes.INFOS. (issue #221)
  • JIDE Common Layer: Support TristateCheckBox.

Fixed bugs

  • Slider: Fixed painting of colored track if JSlider.inverted is true.
  • Table and TableHeader: Fixed missing right vertical grid line if using table as row header in scroll pane. (issues #152 and #46)
  • TableHeader: Fixed position of column separators in right-to-left component orientation.
  • ToolTip: Fixed drop shadow for wide tooltips on Windows and Java 9+. (issue #224)
  • SwingX: Fixed striping background highlighting color (e.g. alternating table rows) in dark themes.
  • Fixed: If text antialiasing is disabled (in OS system settings or via -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=off), then some components still did use antialiasing to render text (not-editable ComboBox, ProgressBar, Slider, TabbedPane and multiline ToolTip). (issue #227)


New features and improvements

  • Slider: New design, added hover and pressed feedback and improved customizing. (PR #214)
  • JIDE Common Layer: Support RangeSlider. (PR #209)
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Added "Gradianto Nature Green" theme.
    • Updated "Arc Dark", "Cyan", "Dark purple", "Gradianto", "Gray", "Gruvbox" and "One Dark" themes.
  • TabbedPane: Support hiding tab area if it contains only one tab. (set client property JTabbedPane.hideTabAreaWithOneTab to true)
  • MenuBar: Support different underline menu selection style UI defaults for MenuBar and MenuItem. (PR #217; issue #216)

Fixed bugs

  • Table: Do not paint last vertical grid line if auto-resize mode is not off. (issue #46)
  • Table: Fixed unstable grid line thickness when scaled on HiDPI screens. (issue #152)
  • TabbedPane: No longer add (internal) tab close button component as child to JTabbedPane. (issue #219)
  • Custom window decorations: Title bar was not hidden if window is in full-screen mode. (issue #212)


New features and improvements

  • TabbedPane: In scroll tab layout, added "Show Hidden Tabs" button to trailing side of tab area. If pressed, it shows a popup menu that contains (partly) hidden tabs and selecting one activates that tab. (PR #190; issue #40)
  • TabbedPane: Support forward/backward scroll arrow buttons on both sides of tab area. Backward button on left side, forward button on right side. Not applicable scroll buttons are hidden. (PR #211; issue #40)
  • TabbedPane: Support specifying default tab layout policy for all tabbed panes in the application via UI value TabbedPane.tabLayoutPolicy. E.g. invoke UIManager.put( "TabbedPane.tabLayoutPolicy", "scroll" ); to use scroll layout.
  • TabbedPane: Support tab scrolling with mouse wheel (in scroll tab layout). (PR #187; issue #40)
  • TabbedPane: Repeat scrolling as long as scroll arrow buttons are pressed. (PR #187; issue #40)
  • TabbedPane: Support adding custom components to left and right sides of tab area. (set client property JTabbedPane.leadingComponent or JTabbedPane.trailingComponent to a java.awt.Component) (PR #192; issue #40)
  • TabbedPane: Support closable tabs. (PR #193; issues #31 and #40)
  • TabbedPane: Support minimum or maximum tab widths. (set client property JTabbedPane.minimumTabWidth or JTabbedPane.maximumTabWidth to an integer) (PR #199)
  • TabbedPane: Support alignment of tab area. (set client property JTabbedPane.tabAreaAlignment to "leading", "trailing", "center" or "fill") (PR #199)
  • TabbedPane: Support horizontal alignment of tab title and icon. (set client property JTabbedPane.tabAlignment to SwingConstants.LEADING, SwingConstants.TRAILING or SwingConstants.CENTER)
  • TabbedPane: Support equal and compact tab width modes. (set client property JTabbedPane.tabWidthMode to "preferred", "equal" or "compact") (PR #199)
  • TabbedPane: Support left, right, top and bottom tab icon placement. (set client property JTabbedPane.tabIconPlacement to SwingConstants.LEADING, SwingConstants.TRAILING, SwingConstants.TOP or SwingConstants.BOTTOM) (PR #199)
  • Support painting separator line between window title and content (use UI value TitlePane.borderColor). (issue #184)
  • Extras: FlatSVGIcon now allows specifying icon width and height in constructors. (issue #196)
  • SplitPane: Hide not applicable expand/collapse buttons. Added tooltips to expand/collapse buttons. (issue #198)
  • SplitPane: Added grip to divider. Can be disabled with UIManager.put( "", "plain" ). (issue #179)

Fixed bugs

  • Custom window decorations: Not visible menu bar is now ignored in layout.
  • Popups using JToolTip components did not respect their location. (issue #188; regression in 0.42 in fix for #164)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Added suffix "(Material)" to names of all Material UI Lite themes to avoid duplicate theme names. (issue #201)
  • Extras: FlatSVGIcon icons were not painted in disabled labels and disabled tabs. (issue #205)


New features and improvements

  • TabbedPane: Made tabs separator color lighter in dark themes so that it is easier to recognize the tabbed pane.
  • TabbedPane: Added top and bottom tab insets to avoid that large tab icons are painted over active tab underline.
  • TabbedPane: Support hiding separator between tabs and content area (set client property JTabbedPane.showContentSeparator to false).
  • CheckBoxMenuItem and RadioButtonMenuItem: Improved checkmark background colors of selected menu items that have also an icon. This makes it is easier to recognize selected menu items.
  • Windows: Made scaling compatible with Windows OS scaling, which distinguish between "screen scaling" and "text scaling". (issue #175)

Fixed bugs

  • ComboBox: If using own JTextField as editor, default text field border is now removed to avoid duplicate border.
  • ComboBox: Limit popup width to screen width for very long items. (issue #182)
  • FileChooser: Fixed localizing special Windows folders (e.g. "Documents") and enabled hiding known file extensions (if enabled in Windows Explorer). (issue #178)
  • Spinner: Fixed NullPointerException in case that arrow buttons were removed to create button-less spinner. (issue #181)


New features and improvements

  • Demo: Improved "SplitPane & Tabs" and "Data Components" tabs.
  • Demo: Menu items "File > Open" and "File > Save As" now show file choosers.
  • InternalFrame: Support draggable border for resizing frame inside of the visible frame border. (issue #121)
  • FlatUIDefaultsInspector added (see FlatLaf Extras). A simple UI defaults inspector that shows a window with all UI defaults used in current theme (look and feel).
  • Made disabled text color slightly lighter in dark themes for better readability. (issue #174)
  • PasswordField: Support disabling Caps Lock warning icon. (issue #172)

Fixed bugs

  • TextComponents: Fixed text color of disabled text components in dark themes.
  • Custom window decorations: Fixed wrong window placement when moving window to another screen with different scaling factor. (issue #166)
  • Custom window decorations: Fixed wrong window bounds when resizing window to another screen with different scaling factor. (issue #166)
  • Fixed occasional wrong positioning of heavy weight popups when using multiple screens with different scaling factors. (issue #166)
  • ToolTip: Avoid that tooltip hides owner component. (issue #164)


New features and improvements

  • Added API to register packages or folders where FlatLaf searches for application specific properties files with custom UI defaults (see FlatLaf.registerCustomDefaultsSource(...) methods).
  • Demo: Show hint popups to guide users to some features of the FlatLaf Demo application.
  • Extras: FlatSVGIcon now allows specifying ClassLoader that is used to load SVG file. (issue #163)
  • Smoother transition from old to new theme, independent of UI complexity, when using animated theme change (see FlatLaf Extras).

Fixed bugs

  • Button: "selected" state was not shown. (issue #161)
  • TextArea: Update background color property if enabled or editable state changes in the same way as Swing does it for all other text components. (issue #147)
  • Demo: Fixed restoring last used theme on startup. (regression in 0.39)
  • Custom window decorations: Fixed iconify, maximize and close icon colors if window is inactive.
  • Custom window decorations: Fixed title pane background color in IntelliJ themes if window is inactive.
  • Fixed sub-pixel text rendering in animated theme change (see FlatLaf Extras).

Other Changes


New features

  • Table: Detect whether component is used in cell editor and automatically disable round border style and reduce cell editor outer border width (used for focus indicator) to zero. (issue #148)
  • ComboBox, Spinner and TextField: Support disabling round border style per component, if globally enabled (set client property JComponent.roundRect to false). (issue #148)

Fixed bugs

  • Custom window decorations: Embedded menu bar did not always respond to mouse events after adding menus and when running in JetBrains Runtime. (issue #151)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed NPE in Solarized themes on scroll bar hover.


New features

  • Animated theme change (see FlatLaf Extras). Used in Demo.
  • Demo: Added combo box above themes list to show only light or dark themes.
  • IntelliJ Themes:
    • Added "Arc Dark", "Arc Dark - Orange", "Carbon" and "Cobalt 2" themes.
    • Replaced "Solarized" themes with much better ones from 4lex4.
    • Updated "Arc", "One Dark" and "Vuesion" themes.
  • ScrollPane: Enable/disable smooth scrolling per component if client property "JScrollPane.smoothScrolling" is set to a Boolean on JScrollPane.
  • ScrollBar: Increased minimum thumb size on macOS and Linux from 8 to 18 pixels. On Windows, it is now 10 pixels. (issue #131)
  • Button: Support specifying button border width.
  • ComboBox: Changed maximum row count of popup list to 15 (was 20). Set UI value ComboBox.maximumRowCount to any integer to use a different value.

Fixed bugs

  • Custom window decorations: Fixed maximized window bounds when programmatically maximizing window. E.g. restoring window state at startup. (issue #129)
  • InternalFrame: Title pane height was too small when iconify, maximize and close buttons are hidden. (issue #132)
  • ToolTip: Do not show empty tooltip component if tooltip text is an empty string. (issue #134)
  • ToolTip: Fixed truncated text in HTML formatted tooltip on HiDPI displays. (issue #142)
  • ComboBox: Fixed width of popup, which was too small if popup is wider than combo box and vertical scroll bar is visible. (issue #137)
  • MenuItem on macOS: Removed plus characters from accelerator text and made modifier key order conform with macOS standard. (issue #141)
  • FileChooser: Fixed too small text field when renaming a file/directory in Flat IntelliJ/Darcula themes. (issue #143)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed text colors in ProgressBar. (issue #138)


  • Hide focus indicator when window is inactive.
  • Custom window decorations: Improved/fixed window border color in dark themes.
  • Custom window decorations: Hide window border if window is maximized.
  • Custom window decorations: Center title if menu bar is embedded.
  • Custom window decorations: Cursor of components (e.g. TextField) was not changed. (issue #125)
  • CheckBox: Fixed colors in light IntelliJ themes. (issue #126; regression in 0.37)
  • InternalFrame: Use default icon in internal frames. (issue #122)


  • Custom window decorations (Windows 10 only; PR #108; issues #47 and #82) support:
    • dark window title panes
    • embedding menu bar into window title pane
    • native Windows 10 borders and behavior when running in JetBrains Runtime 11 or later (the JRE that IntelliJ IDEA uses)
  • CheckBox and RadioButton: Support changing selected icon style from outline to filled (as in FlatLaf IntelliJ theme) with UIManager.put( "", "filled" );.
  • Button and ToggleButton: Support disabled background color (use UI values Button.disabledBackground and ToggleButton.disabledBackground). (issue #112)
  • Button and ToggleButton: Support making buttons square (set client property JButton.squareSize to true). (issue #118)
  • ScrollBar: Support pressed track, thumb and button colors (use UI values ScrollBar.pressedTrackColor, ScrollBar.pressedThumbColor and ScrollBar.pressedButtonBackground). (issue #115)
  • ComboBox: Support changing arrow button style (set UI value ComboBox.buttonStyle to auto (default), button or none). (issue #114)
  • Spinner: Support changing arrows button style (set UI value Spinner.buttonStyle to button (default) or none).
  • TableHeader: Support top/bottom/left positioned sort arrow when using Glazed Lists. (issue #113)
  • Button, CheckBox, RadioButton and ToggleButton: Do not paint focus indicator if AbstractButton.isFocusPainted() returns false.
  • ComboBox: Increase maximum row count of popup list to 20 (was 8). Set UI value ComboBox.maximumRowCount to any integer to use a different value.
  • Fixed/improved vertical position of text when scaled on HiDPI screens on Windows.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Updated Gradianto Themes.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed menu bar and menu item margins in all Material UI Lite themes.


  • ScrollBar: Made styling more flexible by supporting insets and arc for track and thumb. (issue #103)
  • ScrollBar: Use round thumb on macOS and Linux to make it look similar to native platform scroll bars. (issue #103)
  • ComboBox: Minimum width is now 72 pixels (was ~50 for non-editable and ~130 for editable comboboxes).
  • ComboBox: Support custom borders in combobox editors. (issue #102)
  • Button: Support non-square icon-only buttons. (issue #110)
  • Ubuntu Linux: Fixed poorly rendered font. (issue #105)
  • macOS Catalina: Use Helvetica Neue font.
  • FlatInspector added (see FlatLaf Extras).


  • Added drop shadows to popup menus, combobox popups, tooltips and internal frames. (issue #94)
  • Support different component border colors to indicate errors, warnings or custom state (set client property JComponent.outline to error, warning or any java.awt.Color).
  • Button and ToggleButton: Support round button style (set client property JButton.buttonType to roundRect).
  • ComboBox, Spinner and TextField: Support round border style (set client property JComponent.roundRect to true).
  • Paint nicely rounded buttons, comboboxes, spinners and text fields when setting Button.arc, Component.arc or TextComponent.arc to a large value (e.g. 1000).
  • Added Java 9 module descriptor to flatlaf-extras-<version>.jar and flatlaf-swingx-<version>.jar.
  • CheckBox and RadioButton: Flag opaque is no longer ignored when checkbox or radio button is used as table cell renderer. (issue #77)
  • FileChooser: Use system icons. (issue #100)
  • FileChooser: Fixed missing labels in file chooser when running on Java 9 or later. (issue #98)
  • PasswordField: Do not apply minimum width if columns property is greater than zero.


  • Menus: New menu item renderer brings stable left margins, right aligned accelerators and larger gap between text and accelerator. This makes menus look more modern and more similar to native platform menus.
  • New underline menu selection style that displays selected menu items similar to tabs (to enable use UIManager.put( "MenuItem.selectionType", "underline" );).
  • Menus: Fixed text color of selected menu items that use HTML. (issue #87)
  • Menus: On Windows, pressing F10 now activates the menu bar without showing a menu popup (as usual on Windows platform). On other platforms the first menu popup is shown.
  • Menus: On Windows, releasing Alt key now activates the menu bar (as usual on Windows platform). (issue #43)
  • Menus: Fixed inconsistent left padding in menu items. (issue #3)
  • Menus: Fixed: Setting iconTextGap property on a menu item did increase left and right margins. (issue #54)
  • Hide mnemonics if window is deactivated (e.g. Alt+Tab to another window). (issue #43)
  • macOS: Enabled drop shadows for popup menus and combobox popups. (issue #94)
  • macOS: Fixed NPE if using JMenuBar in JInternalFrame and macOS screen menu bar is enabled (with -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true). (issue #90)


  • Improved creation of disabled grayscale icons used in disabled buttons, labels and tabs. They now have more contrast and are lighter in light themes and darker in dark themes. (issue #70)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed ComboBox size and Spinner border in all Material UI Lite themes and limit tree row height in all Material UI Lite themes and some other themes.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Material UI Lite themes did not work when using IntelliJ Themes Pack addon. (PR #88, issue #89)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Added Java 9 module descriptor to flatlaf-intellij-themes-<version>.jar.


  • New IntelliJ Themes Pack addon bundles many popular open-source 3rd party themes from JetBrains Plugins Repository into a JAR and provides Java classes to use them.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed button and toggle button colors. (issue #86)
  • Updated IntelliJ Themes in demo to the latest versions.
  • ToggleButton: Compute selected background color based on current component background. (issue #32)


  • Focus indication border (or background) no longer hidden when temporary loosing focus (e.g. showing a popup menu).
  • List, Table and Tree: Item selection color of focused components no longer change from blue to gray when temporary loosing focus (e.g. showing a popup menu).


  • Windows: Fixed rendering of Unicode characters. Previously not all Unicode characters were rendered on Windows. (issue #81)


  • Linux: Fixed scaling if GDK_SCALE environment variable is set or if running on JetBrains Runtime. (issue #69)
  • Tree: Fixed repainting wide selection on focus gained/lost.
  • ComboBox: No longer ignore JComboBox.prototypeDisplayValue when computing popup width. (issue #80)
  • Support changing default font used for all components with automatic scaling UI if using larger font. Use UIManager.put( "defaultFont", myFont );
  • No longer use system property sun.java2d.uiScale. (Java 8 only)
  • Support specifying custom scale factor in system property flatlaf.uiScale also for Java 9 and later.
  • Demo: Support using own FlatLaf themes (.properties files) that are located in working directory of Demo application. Shown in the "Themes" list under category "Current Directory".


  • PasswordField: Warn about enabled Caps Lock.
  • TabbedPane: Support Ctrl+TAB / Ctrl+Shift+TAB to switch to next / previous tab.
  • TextField, FormattedTextField and PasswordField: Support round borders (see UI default value TextComponent.arc). (issue #65)
  • IntelliJ Themes: Added Gradianto themes to demo.
  • Button, CheckBox and RadioButton: Fixed NPE when button has children. (PR #68)
  • ScrollBar: Improved colors.
  • Reviewed (and tested) all key bindings on Windows and macOS. Linux key bindings are equal to Windows key bindings. macOS key bindings are slightly different for platform specific behavior.
  • UI default values are no longer based on Metal/Aqua UI defaults.


  • Support JInternalFrame and JDesktopPane. (issues #39 and #11)
  • Table: Support positioning the column sort arrow in header right, left, top or bottom. (issue #34)
  • ProgressBar: Fixed visual artifacts in indeterminate mode, on HiDPI screens at 125%, 150% and 175% scaling, when the progress moves around.
  • TabbedPane: New option to allow tab separators to take full height (to enable use UIManager.put( "TabbedPane.tabSeparatorsFullHeight", true );). (issue #59, PR #62)
  • CheckBox and RadioButton: Do not fill background if contentAreaFilled is false. (issue #58, PR #63)
  • ToggleButton: Make toggle button square if it has an icon but no text or text is "..." or a single character.
  • ToolBar: No longer use special rollover border for buttons in toolbar. (issue #36)
  • ToolBar: Added empty space around buttons in toolbar and toolbar itself (see UI default values Button.toolbar.spacingInsets and ToolBar.borderMargins). (issue #56)
  • Fixed "illegal reflective access operation" warning on macOS when using Java 12 or later. (issue #60, PR #61)


  • Menus:
    • Changed menu bar and popup menu background colors (made brighter in light themes and darker in dark themes).
    • Highlight items in menu bar on mouse hover. (issue #49)
    • Popup menus now have empty space at the top and bottom.
    • Menu items now have larger left and right margins.
    • Made JMenu, JMenuItem, JCheckBoxMenuItem and JRadioButtonMenuItem non-opaque.
  • TextField, FormattedTextField and PasswordField: Select all text when a text field gains focus for the first time and selection was not set explicitly. This can be configured to newer or always select all text on focus gain (see UI default value TextComponent.selectAllOnFocusPolicy).
  • ProgressBar: Made progress bar paint smooth in indeterminate mode.


Re-release of 0.25 because of problems with Maven Central.


  • Hide menu mnemonics by default and show them only when Alt key is pressed. (issue #43)
  • Menu: Fixed vertical alignment of sub-menus. (issue #42)
  • TabbedPane: In scroll-tab-layout, the cropped line is now hidden. (issue #40)
  • Tree: UI default value Tree.textBackground now has a valid color and is no longer null.
  • Tree on macOS: Fixed Left and Right keys to collapse or expand nodes.
  • ComboBox on macOS: Fixed keyboard navigation and show/hide popup.
  • Button and ToggleButton: Support per component minimum height (set client property JComponent.minimumHeight to an integer). (issue #44)
  • Button and ToggleButton: Do not apply minimum width if button border was changed (is no longer an instance of FlatButtonBorder).
  • ToggleButton: Renamed toggle button type "underline" to "tab" (value of client property JButton.buttonType is now tab).
  • ToggleButton: Support per component styling for tab-style toggle buttons with client properties (integer), (Color) and (Color). (issue #45)
  • ToggleButton: No longer use focus width for tab-style toggle buttons to compute component size, which reduces/fixes component size in "Flat IntelliJ" and "Flat Darcula" themes.
  • TabbedPane: Support per component tab height (set client property JTabbedPane.tabHeight to an integer).
  • ProgressBar: Support square painting (set client property JProgressBar.square to true) and larger height even if no string is painted (set client property JProgressBar.largeHeight to true).


  • Support smooth scrolling with touchpads and high precision mouse wheels. (issue #27)
  • Changed .properties file loading order: Now all core .properties files are loaded before loading addon .properties files. This makes it easier to overwrite core values in addons. Also, addon loading order can be specified.
  • TableHeader: Paint column borders if renderer has changed, but delegates to the system default renderer (e.g. done in NetBeans).
  • Label and ToolTip: Fixed font sizes for HTML headings.
  • Button and ToggleButton: Support square button style (set client property JButton.buttonType to square).
  • ToggleButton: Support underline toggle button style (set client property JButton.buttonType to underline).
  • Button and TextComponent: Support per component minimum width (set client property JComponent.minimumWidth to an integer).
  • ScrollPane with Table: The border of buttons that are added to one of the four scroll pane corners are now removed if the center component is a table. Also, these corner buttons are made not focusable.
  • Table: Replaced Table.showGrid with Table.showHorizontalLines and Table.showVerticalLines. (issue #38)
  • ProgressBar: Now uses blueish color for the progress part in "Flat Dark" theme. In the "Flat Darcula" theme, it remains light gray.
  • Improved Swing system colors controlHighlight, controlLtHighlight, controlShadow and controlDkShadow.


  • Tree: Fixed wide selection if scrolled horizontally.
  • ComboBox: Fixed NPE in Oracle SQL Developer settings.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed checkbox colors in Material UI Lite dark themes.


  • Updated colors in "Flat Light" and "Flat IntelliJ" themes with colors from "IntelliJ Light Theme", which provides blue coloring that better matches platform colors.
  • Tree: Support wide selection (enabled by default).
  • Table: Hide grid and changed intercell spacing to zero.
  • List, Table and Tree: Added colors for drag-and-drop. Added "enable drag and drop" checkbox to Demo on "Data Components" tab.
  • List and Tree: Hide cell focus indicator (black rectangle) by default. Can be enabled with List.showCellFocusIndicator=true / Tree.showCellFocusIndicator=true, but then the cell focus indicator is shown only if more than one item is selected.
  • Table: Hide cell focus indicator (black rectangle) by default if none of the selected cells is editable. Can be show always with Table.showCellFocusIndicator=true.
  • Support basic color functions in .properties files: rgb(red,green,blue), rgba(red,green,blue,alpha), hsl(hue,saturation,lightness), hsla(hue,saturation,lightness,alpha), lighten(color,amount[,options]) and darken(color,amount[,options]).
  • Replaced prefix @@ with $ in .properties files.
  • Fixed link color (in HTML text) and separator color in IntelliJ platform themes.
  • Use logging instead of printing errors to System.err.
  • Updated IntelliJ Themes in demo to the latest versions.
  • IntelliJ Themes: Fixed link and separator colors.


  • TextComponent: Support placeholder text that is displayed if text field is empty (set client property "JTextField.placeholderText" to a string).
  • TextComponent: Scale caret width on HiDPI screens when running on Java 8.
  • ProgressBar: If progress text is visible:
    • use smaller font
    • reduced height
    • changed style to rounded rectangle
    • fixed painting issues on low values
  • ProgressBar: Support configure of arc with ProgressBar.arc.
  • ProgressBar: Reduced thickness from 6 to 4.
  • TabbedPane: Support background color for selected tabs (TabbedPane.selectedBackground) and separators between tabs (TabbedPane.showTabSeparators).
  • CheckBox: changed CheckBox.arc from radius to diameter to be consistent with Button.arc and Component.arc
  • Button: Enabled Button.defaultButtonFollowsFocus on Windows, which allows pressing focused button with Enter key (as in Windows LaF).
  • Fixed clipped borders at 125%, 150% and 175% scaling when outer focus width is zero (default in "Flat Light" and "Flat Dark" themes).
  • On Mac show mnemonics only when Ctrl and Alt keys are pressed. (issue #4)


  • ScrollBar: Show decrease/increase arrow buttons if client property "JScrollBar.showButtons" is set to true on JScrollPane or JScrollBar. (issue #25)
  • FlatLaf.isNativeLookAndFeel() now returns false.
  • Button: Optionally support gradient borders, gradient backgrounds and shadows for improved compatibility with IntelliJ platform themes (e.g. for Vuesion, Spacegray and Material Design Dark themes).
  • Button: Fixed help button styling in IntelliJ platform themes.
  • ScrollPane: Paint disabled border if view component (e.g. JTextPane) is disabled.
  • Fixed Swing system colors in dark themes.


  • Support using IntelliJ platform themes (.theme.json files).
  • Support JFileChooser. (issue #5)
  • Look and feel identifier returned by FlatLaf.getID() now always starts with "FlatLaf". Use UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getID().startsWith( "FlatLaf" ) to check whether the current look and feel is FlatLaf.
  • Fixed selection background of checkbox in table cell.
  • Fixed color of links in HTML text.
  • Fixed jittery submenu rendering on Mac. (issue #10)
  • Fixed "cannot find symbol" error in NetBeans editor, when source/binary format is set to JDK 9 (or later) in NetBeans project. (issue #13)
  • Button: Make button square if button text is "..." or a single character.
  • ComboBox: Fixed issues with NetBeans org.openide.awt.ColorComboBox component.
  • Hex color values in .properties files now must start with a # character.
  • SwingX: Support JXTitledPanel. (issue #22)
  • SwingX: Fixed too wide border when using date picker as table cell editor. (issue #24)
  • JIDE Common Layer: Fixed JidePopup border.


  • TextField and TextArea: Do not apply minimum width if columns property is greater than zero.
  • TabbedPane: In scroll-tab-layout, the separator line now spans the whole width and is no longer interrupted by the scroll buttons.
  • TabbedPane: Content pane is no longer opaque. Use antialiasing for painting separator and content border.
  • ToolTip: Use anti-aliasing to render multi-line tooltips.
  • JIDE Common Layer: Support JideTabbedPane.


  • CheckBox: Support painting a third state (set client property "JButton.selectedState" to "indeterminate").
  • TriStateCheckBox component added (see FlatLaf Extras).
  • Made JComboBox, JProgressBar, JSpinner and JXDatePicker non-opaque. JPasswordField, JScrollPane and JTextField are non-opaque if they have an outside focus border (e.g. IntelliJ and Darcula themes). (issues #20 and #17)
  • Button: Hover and pressed background colors are now derived from actual button background color. (issue #21)
  • Table: Fixed missing upper right corner (e.g. in SwingX JXTable with column control visible).


  • Made some fixes for right-to-left support in ComboBox, Slider and ToolTip. (issue #18)
  • Fixed Java 9 module descriptor (broken since 0.14).
  • Made JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JToggleButton and JSlider non-opaque. (issue #20)


  • ToolTip: Improved styling of dark tooltips (darker background, no border).
  • ToolTip: Fixed colors in tooltips of disabled components. (issue #15)
  • ComboBox: Fixed NPE in combobox with custom renderer after switching to FlatLaf. (issue #16; regression in 0.14)


  • ComboBox: Use small border if used as table editor.
  • ToolBar: Disable focusability of buttons in toolbar.
  • OptionPane: Fixed rendering of longer HTML text. (issue #12)
  • EditorPane and TextPane: Fixed font and text color when using HTML content. (issue #9)
  • ComboBox: Fixed StackOverflowError when switching LaF. (issue #14)
  • SwingX: Support JXBusyLabel, JXDatePicker, JXHeader, JXHyperlink, JXMonthView, JXTaskPaneContainer and JXTaskPane. (issue #8)


  • Added developer information to Maven POM for Maven Central publishing.


  • Support Linux. (issue #2)
  • Added Flat*Laf.install() methods.
  • macOS: Use native screen menu bar if system property apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar is true.
  • Windows: Update fonts (and scaling) when user changes Windows text size (Settings > Ease of Access > Display > Make text bigger).


  • Changed Maven groupId to com.formdev and artifactId to flatlaf.


  • Use new chevron arrows in "Flat Light" and "Flat Dark" themes, but keep triangle arrows in "Flat IntelliJ" and "Flat Darcula" themes. (issue #7)
  • Use bold font for default buttons in "Flat IntelliJ" and "Flat Darcula" themes.
  • Hide label, button and tab mnemonics by default and show them only when Alt is pressed. (issue #4)
  • If a JButton has an icon and no text, then it does not get a minimum width (usually 72 pixel) and the left and right insets are same as top/bottom insets so that it becomes square (if the icon is square).
  • Changed styling of default button in "Flat Light" theme (wide blue border instead of blue background).
  • Added Java 9 module descriptor module-info.class to flatlaf.jar (in META-INF/versions/9). But FlatLaf remains Java 8 compatible. (issue #1)
  • Support specifying custom scale factor in system properties flatlaf.uiScale or sun.java2d.uiScale. E.g. -Dflatlaf.uiScale=1.5. (Java 8 only)


  • Initial release