A group for communication on the topic of optimization.
A list of implemented optimization algorithms (M - is a modified improved version, joo - is an algorithm of my development):
ANS (across neighbourhood search)
CLA (code lock algorithm, joo)
AMOm (animal migration optimization M)
P_O_ES ((P+O) evolution strategies)
CTA (Comet Tail Algorithm, joo)
TETA (time evolution travel algorithm, joo)
SDSm (stochastic diffusion search M)
AAm (archery algorithm M)
ESG (evolution of social groups, joo)
SIA (simulated isotropic annealing, joo)
ACS (artificial cooperative search)
DA (dialectical algorithm)
BHAm (black hole algorithm M)
ASO (anarchy society optimization)
RFO (royal flush optimization, joo)
AOSm (atomic orbital search M)
TSEA (turtle shell evolution algorithm, joo)
DE (differential evolution)
CRO (chemical reaction optimisation)
BSA (bird swarm algorithm)
BCOm (bacterial chemotaxis optimization M)
ABO (african buffalo optimization)
(PO)ES ((PO) evolution strategies)
TSm (tabu search M)
BSO (brain storm optimization)
WOAm (wale optimization algorithm M)
AEFA (artificial electric field algorithm)
AEO (artificial ecosystem based optimization)
SOA (simple optimization algorithm)
ABHA (artificial bee hive algorithm)
ACMO (atmospheric cloud model optimization)
ADAMm (adaptive moment estimation)
ATAm (artificial tribe algorithm M)
ASHA (artificial showering algorithm)
ASBO (adaptive social behavior optimization)
CSA (circle search algorithm)
COAm (cuckoo optimization algorithm M)
BBBC (big bang big crunch)
CPA (cyclic parthenogenesis algorithm)
AAA (artificial algae algorithm)
Boids (boids algorithm)
GWO (grey wolf optimizer)
AOA (arithmetic optimization algorithm)
BGA (binary genetic algorithm)
RW (random walk)