Releases: JazysYu/JZNavigationExtension
Releases · JazysYu/JZNavigationExtension
- New property "jz_navigationInteractivePopGestureEnabled" for UIViewController.
- New property "jz_navigationBarHidden" for UIViewController, and mark "jz_wantsNavigationBarVisible" as Deprecated.
- New behavior. Default value for UIViewController's "jz_" prefix properties by setting to UINavigationController. see more!
- Descriptions and minor bug fix.
Bug fix
New File Struct and Implementation
2.0 Fix Readme
Bug fix
New feature & bug fix.
Supply two navigation bar transitions.
Bug fix.
Bug fix.
New Features and bugs fix.
1.4.5 readme&podspec
New Features and bugs fix.
1.Restructure classes.
2.Prefix for each API in category, avoid conflict with other frameworks.
3.Change the default value behavior of property
“jz_navigationBarBackgroundAlpha”, If you have not set this property
then the value will be as same as the property of navigation
controller, so you need not set this property to every view controllers
when your expect value is not 1.0f.
4.New property for navigation controller operation. See demo for usage.
5.New property of navigation controller
“jz_previousVisibleViewController”, could use this to do any logic
during navigation transition in any method you want, like
- 6.1 Change the behavior of “navigationBarTintColor” : “If have not set
this property then the value will be the current navigation bar
barTintColor dynamically. Set it to "nil", when you expect a system
default color.”. - 6.2 Deprecated property “interactivePopedViewController”, use
“jz_previousVisibleViewController” instead. - 6.3 Remove useless param in
“setJz_interactivePopGestureRecognizerCompletion” block.
7.1 Fix pop gesture conflict with other gestures.
7.2 Fix bugs.
7.3. New interface “jz_setInteractivePopGestureRecognizerCompletion:”.
7.4. New block type in navigation transition completion callback.