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selene is written in Rust, so knowledge of the ecosystem is expected.

selene uses Full Moon to parse the Lua code losslessly, meaning whitespace and comments are preserved. You can read the full documentation for full-moon on its page.

TODO: Upload selene-lib on and link the page for that as well as throughout the rest of this article.

Writing a lint

In selene, lints are created in isolated modules. To start, create a file in selene-lib/src/lints with the name of your lint. In this example, we're going to call the lint

Let's now understand what a lint consists of. selene takes lints in the form of structs that implement the Lint trait. The Lint trait expects:

  • A Config associated type that defines what the configuration format is expected to be. Whatever you pass must be deserializable.
  • An Error associated type that implements std::error::Error. This is used if configurations can be invalid (such as a parameter only being a number within a range). Most of the time, configurations cannot be invalid (other than deserializing errors, which are handled by selene), and so you can set this to std::convert::Infallible.
  • A SEVERITY constant which is either Severity::Error or Severity::Warning. Use Error if the code is positively impossible to be correct.
  • A LINT_TYPE constant which is either Complexity, Correctness, Performance, or Style. So far not used for anything.
  • A new function with the signature fn new(config: Self::Config) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>. With the selene CLI, this is called once.
  • A pass function with the signature fn pass(&self, ast: &full_moon::ast::Ast, context: &Context, ast_context: &AstContext) -> Vec<Diagnostic>. The ast argument is the full-moon representation of the code. The context argument provides optional additional information, such as the standard library being used. The ast_context argument provides context specific to that AST, such as its scopes. Any Diagnostic structs returned here are displayed to the user.

For our purposes, we're going to write:

use super::*;
use std::convert::Infallible;

struct CoolLint;

impl Lint for CoolLint {
    type Config = ();
    type Error = Infallible;

    const SEVERITY: Severity = Severity::Warning;
    const LINT_TYPE: LintType = LintType::Style;

    fn new(_: Self::Config) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

    fn pass(&self, ast: &Ast, _: &Context, _: &AstContext) -> Vec<Diagnostic> {

The implementation of pass is completely up to you, but there are a few common patterns.

Getting selene to recognize the new lint

Now that we have our lint, we have to make sure selene actually knows to use it. There are two places you need to update.

In selene-lib/src/, search for use_lints!. You will see something such as:

use_lints! {
    almost_swapped: lints::almost_swapped::AlmostSwappedLint,
    divide_by_zero: lints::divide_by_zero::DivideByZeroLint,
    empty_if: lints::empty_if::EmptyIfLint,

Put your lint in this list (alphabetical order) as the following format:

lint_name: lints::module_name::LintObject,

For us, this would be:

cool_lint: lints::cool_lint::CoolLint,

Next, in selene-lib/src/, search for pub mod, and you will see:

pub mod almost_swapped;
pub mod divide_by_zero;
pub mod empty_if;

Put your module name in this list, also in alphabetical order.

pub mod almost_swapped;
pub mod cool_lint;
pub mod divide_by_zero;
pub mod empty_if;

And we're done! You should be able to cargo build --bin selene and be able to use your new lint.

Writing tests

The selene codebase uses tests extensively for lints. It means we never have to actually build the CLI tool in order to test, and we can make sure we don't have any regressions. Testing is required if you want to submit your lint to the selene codebase.

To write a simple test, create a folder in selene-lib/tests with the name of your lint. Then, create as many .lua files as you want to test. These should contain both cases that do and do not lint. For our cases, we're going to assume our test is called cool_lint.lua.

Then, in your lint module, add at the bottom:

mod tests {
    use super::{super::test_util::test_lint, *};

    fn test_cool_lint() {

Let's discuss what this code means, assuming you're familiar with the way tests are written and performed in Rust.

The test_lint function is the easiest way to test that a lint works. It'll search the source code we made before, run selene on it (only your lint), and check its results with the existing [filename].stderr file, or create one if it does not yet exist.

The first argument is the lint object to use. CoolLint::new(()) just means "create CoolLint with a configuration of ()". If your lint specifies a configuration, this will instead be something such as CoolLintConfig::default() or whatever you're specifically testing.

The .unwrap() is just because CoolLint::new returns a Result. If you want to test configuration errors, you can avoid test_lint altogether and just test CoolLint::new(...).is_err() directly.

The first "cool_lint" is the name of the folder we created. The second "cool_lint" is the name of the Lua file we created.

Now, just run cargo test, and a .stderr file will be automatically generated! You can manipulate it however you see fit as well as modifying your lint, and so long as the file is there, selene will make sure that its accurate.

Optionally, you can add a .std.toml with the same name as the test next to the lua file, where you can specify a custom standard library to use. If you do not, the Lua 5.1 standard library will be used.

Documenting it

This step is only if you are contributing to the selene codebase, and not just writing personal lints (though I'm sure your other programmers would love if you did this).

To document a new lint, edit docs/src/, and add your lint to the table of contents along the rest. As with everything else, make sure it's in alphabetical order.

Then, edit the markdown file it creates (if you have mdbook serve on, it'll create it for you), and write it in this format:

# lint_name
## What it does
Explain what your lint does, simply.

## Why this is bad
Explain why a user would want to lint this.

## Configuration
Specify any configuration if it exists.

## Example
-- Bad code here

...should be written as...

-- Good code here

## Remarks
If there's anything else a user should know when using this lint, write it here.

This isn't a strict format, and you can mess with it as appropriate. For example, standard_library does not have a "Why this is bad" section as not only is it a very encompassing lint, but it should be fairly obvious. Many lints don't specify a "...should be written as..." as it is either something with various potential fixes (such as global_usage) or because the "good code" is just removing parts entirely (such as unbalanced_assignments).