This is version 3.0 of the SAP Creation script. The new script, like the old one, is based on Python. However, now we have a GUI that allows us to enter data via copy and past into multi-line text fields. There is export to word and as pdf. And we have an import function for old SAPs text files.
system requirements:
Python 3.10 and higher
for export we need additional phyton-docx and reportlab
new features:
Gui based
Multiline text fields
Export of SAP to Microsoft Word*
Export of SAP to PDF*
Dropdown fields
New fields
Deleting the fields after creating the SAP so you can create the next sap without closing the program.
Import of old SAP files (txt) created with this version. So you can change things, add and create an update.
Empty fields are ignored and omitted when creating. * This only applies to the TEXT file; when exporting to Word or PDF, all fields are also exported to the blank.