A small planner/reminder tui application
Wanted to do this for a long time, but also got inspiration from dear Mister Azozin (https://github.com/rexim/tore)
o - add a new item on the same level
a - add a new item as a child
Enter - submit new item's name
j - move down
k - move up
c - change item's name
Enter - mark item as done
Tab - collapse an item
d - delete selection (deleted tasks get copied)
v - enable multiple line selection
Esc - exit multiple selection mode
p - paste after selected task
P - paste as a child of selected task
q - exit
Q - exit without saving
w - save
- Can't exit visual and insert mode using Escape key on Windows
- General Windows support (shouldn't be too hard [clueless])
- Configuration/customization
- Implement moving tasks up and down (J and K)
- Multiple "workspaces"
- Make config paths work on Windows
- Recurring tasks
- Automatic reminders