diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-build.yml b/.github/workflows/release-build.yml
index 872a14a041d..668183a02a8 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release-build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release-build.yml
@@ -257,16 +257,9 @@ jobs:
uses: kt3k/update-pr-description@v2.0.0
pr_body: |
- **WARNING: Do not merge this PR. This is an automated release PR. It should be released using the "Publish" workflow.**
+ # WARNING: Do not merge this PR. Use the "Publish" workflow.
- Download release artifacts [here](https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }})
- ## Steps for Publish:
- You can update the changelog.md in this branch, run git log to get the latest changes:
- ```bash
- git log --no-merges --oneline --pretty=format:'* %s by @%an' --since="" --until="release/${{ steps.release_version.outputs.version }}"
- ```
+ ## Publish workflow:
When ready to publish, trigger [Publish](https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/workflows/release-publish.yml) workflow with these variables:
- Release version (`version`): `${{ steps.release_version.outputs.version }}`
@@ -276,7 +269,21 @@ jobs:
gh workflow run release-publish.yml -f version=${{ steps.release_version.outputs.version }} --repo ${{ github.repository }}
- Release notes will be generated automatically based on the commit messages during publish. Remove any unwanted notes manually afterwards.
+ > Release notes will be generated automatically based on the commit messages during publish. Remove any unwanted notes manually afterwards.
+ ## Release artifacts:
+ Download release artifacts [here](https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }})
+ Edit Changelog file...
+ You can update the changelog.md in this branch, run git log to get the latest changes:
+ ```bash
+ git log --no-merges --oneline --pretty=format:'* %s by @%an' --since="" --until="release/${{ steps.release_version.outputs.version }}"
+ ```
Conflicts? Merge branch step failed on the publish workflow? Try this...