tidy python packages to only do main, parent packages
tidy python packages to only do main, parent packages
Deleted branch
Bump extractions/setup-just from 2 to 3
Bump extractions/setup-just from 2 to 3
patch version in README
patch version in README
install nlohmann/json from package like ROOT does
install nlohmann/json from package like ROOT does
Force push
the 04 patch release of 6.34 got yanked?
the 04 patch release of 6.34 got yanked?
install nlohmann/json from package like ROOT does
install nlohmann/json from package like ROOT does
fix typo in GENIE Generator version
fix typo in GENIE Generator version
update Catch2 and Acts in README
update Catch2 and Acts in README
deduce tags when building even when they aren't used
deduce tags when building even when they aren't used
another label printing technique that avoids jq
another label printing technique that avoids jq
update PR and issue templates
update PR and issue templates
update badges and their links
update badges and their links
remove some packages that are not needed anymore
remove some packages that are not needed anymore
update package list from new Dockerfile
update package list from new Dockerfile
update runtime configuration, focusing on denv
update runtime configuration, focusing on denv
Force push
update runtime configuration, focusing on denv
update runtime configuration, focusing on denv
build acts AFTER installing boost
build acts AFTER installing boost
manually add intermediate patch release
manually add intermediate patch release
Pull request merge
manually add intermediate patch release
manually add intermediate patch release